
jQuery - Edit a table row inline

Hi, I have a table with arbitrary columns and rows. This fact is irrelevant though really, all I want to do is develop a function that will turn a row (or multiple rows) into a series of text inputs containing the data in the table (or empty if no data in cell). I can't find any examples of people explicitly doing this, so I wondered w...

Inline editing with AJAX - how do I create multiple editable areas on the same page?

I found a tutorial on how to create editable regions on a page using AJAX. This is great, except it was written for a single element with a unique ID. I'd like to be able to click on multiple elements on the same page and have them also be editable (e.g., I'd like to alter the script below so it works not with a single element, but with...

How can I remove text at beginning of a file using a regex?

I have a bunch of files that contain a semi-standard header. That is, the look of it is very similar but the text changes somewhat. I want to remove this header from all of the files. From looking at the files, I know that what I want to remove is encapsulated between similar words. So, for instance, I have: Foo bar...some text here...

Javascript inline edit, how to cancel edit to have original data??

Hi I have data <tr id="row_1"> <td id="td_1_1">Text 1</td> <td id="td_2_1">Text 2</td> <td><a href="#" onclick="editRow(1)">Edit row</a></td> </tr> then in javascript function editRow(row_id) { //some ajax to retrieve html in the format //<td><input type="text" name="td_1" value="Text 1"></td> //<td><input type="text...

What's the closest jQuery approximation to YUI's DataTable?

My two highest priorities are progressive enhancement and inline editing. I've found progressive enhancement (DataTables) and inline editing (jqGrid), but not both. Support for jQuery UI themes would be nice, but is a lower priority. Thanks. UPDATE: Here's an example of what I'm imagining the solution would resemble: <table summary="A...

Best jquery inline editor

I have been looking for a really good, well documented jquery plug-in that will let me edit values on click of another button. This plugin is the closest yet, However I am not sure how to get it to save, even in testing. Something really quick that returns the value. I am using this for my php script: function editprofile() { ...

Save All and Cancel All with jeditable?

How do you, if at all, place a save all button, and a cancel button, that turns off all editing with one click, and a save button that saves all the fields at one shot? ...

Dojo InlineTextBox without autosave but save on enter

How can I have a dojo InlineTextBox that has autoSave="false" but saves changed text if the user hits the enter key? Is it possible to have the 'save' and 'cancel' buttons and the save on enter behavior of autoSave='true'? ...

Browser Word Document Editor

I've been looking at Adobe Buzzword and Zoho Writer and the functionality their editor controls provide is something that I need to incorporate into an application I'm working on. To be clear, I'm not looking for a WYSIWYG HTML editor like FCKEditor or the Telerik R.A.D controls editor. What I'm looking for is an editor that can creat...

Parent Div's mouse out function is called on mouseover of child element

I have the below HTML in my page <div id='divContainer1' onmouseover=ShowEditDiv(1) onmouseout=HideEditDiv(1) class='divClcContainer'> <div id='divSlNo1'>1</div> <div id='divItem1'>This is content</div> <div id='divEditLink1'></div> </div> <div id='divContainer2' onmouseover=ShowEditDiv(2) onmouseo...

Inline form editing on client side

I see some web sites use dynamic forms(I am not sure about how to call them!) to edit a group of data. For example: there is a group of data such as name, last name, city, country.etc. when user clicks on EDIT button, instead of doing postback, a form, consisisting of 2 textboxes + 2 comboboxes, dynamically opens to edit,And then when yo...

Inline editing of ManyToMany relation in Django

After working through the Django tutorial I'm now trying to build a very simple invoicing application. I want to add several Products to an Invoice, and to specify the quantity of each product in the Invoice form in the Django admin. Now I've to create a new Product object if I've got different quantites of the same Product. Right now ...

RadGrid In-Line Editing with Hierarchical DropDownLists

Hi Everyone, Has anybody seen a demo or forum post that might help me out with this issue? What I'm looking to do is to have a RadGrid with in-line editing. I have three columns, "Category", "Question", and "Answer", which I'd like to use drop down lists for. However, what I'm looking to do is when a "Category" is selected, to repopu...

Can't jqeditable after appent an element for it.

Hi! I wrote a script, to make a new element to my SQL db and my website. If the post is good, i will get back the ID of the post, so i can make a DIV box like the other DIVs. The problem is, I can inline edit the texts in all of the DIVs but NOT in the created one. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(ajaxRequest.readyS...

Why is my jQuery jEditable, edit-in-place callback not working?

I am using a jQuery jEditable edit-in-place field but when the JSON function returns and I try to return a value from my edit-in-place callback all I get is a flash of You can see this here... Hit Ctrl+L to login... Username: stackoverflow Password: jquery Although you can see the script in...

jeditable dynamic target value

I'm using jeditable and it works really great! I'm just having some trouble figuring out how to dynamically change the target URL. jeditable is bound to a table of values that I want to edit inline. So I have: <td id="<%= %>_<%= %>" class="edit"> The id is a mashup of two values I need to know to edit this item on the se...

deactivate datatable celleditor

Hi, I want to deactivate cell editor on this datatable column when an event is fired {key:"QComUv", label:"Qte com (UV)", formatter:QComUvFormatter, editor:"textbox",className:"textInput", sortable:true} I tried mydatatable.destroyCellEditor(); but I dont got what I want Any idea please Thanks, ...

jqGrid inline editing event on "Esc" cancel

Does anyone know if jqGrid inline editing throws events that can be handled? The following code is a simple example of what I'm trying to accomplish: jQuery('#list').jqGrid('editRow', 0, true, false, false, false, {onClose: function(){alert('onClose')}}, reloadGrid); I'd like to be able to handle an "Esc" cancel event. The onClose e...

How can I use edit_in_place in the show of a different model in Rails?

I have a model Campaign and the campaign/show goes through a loop of the Emails. Campaign has_many Emails. <h2>Emails to Send Today</h2> <% for email in @campaign.emails %> <p><strong>Email: </strong><%= link_to email.title, email_path(email) %> sent after <%= distance_of_time_in_words(email.days.days) %></p> <% end %> ...

Gridview inline editing in nested usercontrols...rowediting event not fired

Hi I have a gridview which is placed in an Usercontrol. the gridview was created dynamically. when I place this usercontrol directly in an ASP - Webpage, every events (rowediting, rowupdating, etc.) works perfectly. when I place this usercontrol in another usercontrol, then the rowediting doesn't fire. I use a "asp:commandfield" with ...