
InputStreamReader buffering issue

Hi all, I am reading data from a file that has, unfortunately, two types of character encoding. There is a header and a body. The header is always in ASCII and defines the character set that the body is encoded in. The header is not fixed length and must be run through a parser to determine its content/length. The file may also be q...

problem using base64 encoder and InputStreamReader

I have some CLOB columns in a database that I need to put Base64 encoded binary files in. These files can be large, so I need to stream them, I can't read the whole thing in at once. I'm using org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64InputStream to do the encoding, and I'm running into a problem. My code is essentially this FileInputStre...

How can I read a UTF-8 text file from a jar using the Java method Class.getResourceAsStream()?

I have a UTF-8 file stored inside a java jar file. I am trying to read it using the method getResourceAsStream(), but the input stream reader that is returned by the function uses the default encoding, which is the ANSI one under Windows. How can I read a UTF-8 text file from inside a jar? ...