
Can `apt-get install` be used for JDK?

I've been using a linux machine for less than two weeks, so I am extremely new to Linux. I'd also like to install the Java Developers Kit. How should this be done? Is there an apt-get command, or should I just click on the download button at Sun's website? I'm sure there is more than one way to do this, and it probably doesn't matte...

Why is php5isapi.dll missing after installing PHP for Windows?

It's been a while since I've installed PHP for Windows, but every guide I've seen online tells me to set IIS to recognize .PHP files with php5isapi.dll. However, I can't seem to find php5isapi.dll anywhere after installing PHP 5.3.0 and PHP 5.2.10. If I recall correctly it should be in C:\InstallDir Am I missing something important? ...

How to make msysgit installation a remote repository

In my development environment at home I want to install msysgit im my local machine and in a server that I have. The goal is to develop in my local machine and then pushing it to the server (remote repository), for the nightly builds. Unfortunately, I can't seem to config the server's msysgit installation to be a remote repository. How...

put application version in shortcut

Hi all, I'm trying to put the application version number in my shorcut (when you got to start -> all programs you see myapp 1.0.1). I tried to add [version] and [Productversion] to the shortcut name in the setup project but that doesn't work. Regards, Stijn ...

How to build qt out of source

hello the question goes as the title. I was searching a lot through qt forums and google the last couple of days. There is no obvious answer to this question , and maybe not at all. I found the -prefix (not even documented on windows) option that can be supplied to configure to specify different install directory , but this is not clea...

Installshield Development Error durring the Installation process

Hey guys, I've been stuck by a problem for the past couple days that makes no sense to me. My installer builds fine in the Installshiled IDE but when it is about to finish the installation, int gets two errors then rollbacks: installation failure. Right when the install bar is at about 100%, an error box pops up that states this: "Erro...

How to write to .InstallLog during Windows Service installation

I'm using C# with .NET 3.5 SP1 in Visual Studio 2008 SP1. I have a .NET Windows service that I install using the technique described by Marc Gravell here. This solution simply bypasses the need to use the InstallUtil executable directly, meaning that I do not have to include it in my InstallShield project. When the service is first in...

Install driver and copying files before Installation runs

I have created installation package for my project, but before or after installation is complete i need to install some drivers and copy some files to target machine, before my software can run. Is it possible for me to do all this action in the MSI installer setup project of visual studio 2005. One option i have explored is using autoI...

How do I install Windows Service on remote server

How do I install Windows Service (msi package) on a remote windows server and configure its Logon options. Thanks and Regards, Selwyn ...

How do I give all users permissions to a SQL Server 2008 instance?

I have created an ini file that installs/creates a SQL Server instance. I am able to connect and modify the databases attached to this instance fine. However, if anyone else logs onto the machine, they can start the service fine but then get errors when trying to open connections. What I need is for all users that log into the machine...

Automated script for Rails application creation

I'm noob with Rails. I would like to create a Rails powered website which can install automatically a Rails application (Redmine) when a user creates an account (create the application, setup user's preferences, configure the database, etc.) Each Rails application will use its own subdomain. Any idea how to do that? ...

Installing Erlang on Windows XP

I have tried installing Erlang 13B through to 12B to follow the tutorials. Everytime I get to c(tut), I get an error instead of (ok, tut), so it seems like there are no modules installed, can anyone point me in the right direction? I've tried e-macs but I don't really know how to use it and haven't even got close to getting the erlang...

How can I tell Module::Build not to add the lib/perl5 subdirectories to the installation path?

I am trying to setup a directory that contains Perl modules that should be set aside to not interfere with a production system. This works OK, with modules that use Module::Install. I just specify a "lib" option and all is well. Now I tried and tried and I simply cannot make this happen with Module::Build. For instance, this command: ...

How should I install more than one version of Perl?

I want to install, from source, Perl versions 5.005, v5.6, v5.8, v5.10 Right now I have 'v5.10.0' installed. /opt/perl/bin /opt/perl/html /opt/perl/lib /opt/perl/man /opt/perl/lib/5.10.0 /opt/perl/lib/site_perl /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0 Will I have any problems if I install them all in /opt/perl? Or should I split them up in...

How would one modify the Upgrade Code of an application after it is installed?

I have a .Net application (VS2008) that is already installed, and I would like to change its Upgrade Code on the machine on which it is installed. So - no recompile, just change the Upgrade Code. Is it possible? If so, how? (I realize this is not exactly a standard practice.) ...

Automate an OS check, three installers, and two registry appends

I need to create a single installer that I can distribute to machines running one of Windows XP or Vista. The installer needs to do the following: 1) Check if the OS is XP SP3 or Vista. If it's vanilla XP or SP1, run an MSI. This will install Remote Desktop 6.1. 2) Run an executable. This is the installation file for a VPN client a...

--home or --prefix in python package install ?

When you build and install a python package, you have two choices: --home and --prefix. I never really got the difference between the two (I always use --home) but if I understood correctly one is deprecated and the other is "the way to go"™. Am I wrong ? ...

How to find if app has been installed before?

Is it possible for a .NET application to leave a trace so that it can be found if the application is re-installed? Of course, a trace that is difficult to be removed. ...

Determine 3rd Party Application Installation Directory

I have an application that is used on several hundred computers across the company that I must modify an INI file in the installation directory of the application. Users can install the application where ever they wish, and can have multiple versions of the application installed at any given time. I need to be able to find that installat...

Install .cab file outside of IE

Our company’s computers are locked down so users cannot install anything. Now, we have just bought a service that requires the download and install of a cab file. When I go to the web page with this control installed under my admin account, everything works fine because I have rights to install it. But if I go to that web page under my...