
How to know if 3.5 sp1 and mvc are installed in the server?

When I use: System.Environment.Version The result is "2.0.50727.3053" I know that 3.5 is compatible and in IIS is identified as 2.0, blah blah... I would like to know the exact .net version installed and if another resources are installed, like ASP.NET MVC, etc. The problem is that the website is installed in a shared hosting, so I...

How do I install a c++ library so I can use it (Windows MinGW)?

I'm extremely new to c/c++ so I need a push in the right direction. I have this library called BASS which is an audio library which I'm going to use to record with the microphone. I have all the files needed to use it, but I don't know how to install the library. I tried taking the example files and putting them in the same directory as ...

The executable was signed with invalid entitlements.

hi all I am having a problem with ad-hoc distribution in iPhone. I have developed an application in sdk 3.0. I have developer's license. I have added certificates and provisioning profiles in my project. So, no problem with that.. But when I try to install the app on my iPhone, it compiles the project and then displays error "The execu...

Capturing all changes during an application install on Windows

Hi, I need to monitor and report on all changes (folders and directories added, permissions changed, registry entries added) that are made during the installation of a software program. Can anyone suggest a tool that is capable of doing this? Thanks, MagicAndi. ...

Trouble installing PHP 5.3.0 with intl-support

Currently I'm trying to install PHP 5.3.0 on some Linux testing server. As we've urgently waited for ext/intl we want to check out the features it provides. I'm running configure successfully with the following arguments ./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --prefix=/usr/local/php --with-zlib-dir=/usr/local/z...

What issues if any have people had with TFS 2008?

We are just about to implement full blown TFS 2008 across our development team and I'd like to find out if there are any gotchas to b e aware fo or any installation issues I am likley to face. I have Googled all the obvious places and read the anti-panic blurb on the MS sites. Currently we have ClearQuest, SourceSafe and Final Builder. ...

How to convert a string version value to a numerical value in Inno Setup Scripts?

I want to develop a setup package for conditionally upgrading an existing package. I want to check the existing software version against to-be-installed version. In order to do that, I have to compare the version strings. How can I convert the string value to a numerical value in a Inno setup script? RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACH...

Automating driver installation on Windows XP

I have a sound card driver and I need to automate the installation of it on windows. Is there any way to achieve this. ...

Installing .NET 3.5 SP1 on server broke WCF

I installed .NET 3.5 SP1 on server which previously had .NET 3.0 SP2. Before install site was working perfectly. After install and subsequeny server restart, site displays but anything that makes use of the WCF service has stopped working. The exception log reports exceptions like the following when any calls are made to the client pro...

Getting "No Repository Found" error in Eclipse (Ganymede) while trying to install google plugins (GWT)

I'm trying to install the Google Web Toolkit for Eclipse (Ganymede), and I'm getting the following error. An error occurred while collecting items to be installed No repository found containing: org.eclipse.emf.common/osgi.bundle/2.4.0.v200808251517 No repository found containing: org.eclipse.emf.ecore/osgi.bundle/2.4.1.v2008082515...

WiX: Installing Service as LocalService

Hey there, I am trying to get my application an installer via WiX 3.0. The exact code is: <File Id="ServiceComponentMain" Name="$(var.myProgramService.TargetFileName)" Source="$(var.myProgramService.TargetPath)" DiskId="1" Vital="yes"/> <!-- service will need to be installed under Local Service --> <ServiceInstall Id="MyProgra...

Description of folder structure of Qt SDK

Do you know any resource describing Qt SDK folder structure? I'm wondering why some of dll files are in c:\qt\2009.03\bin and in c:\qt\2009.03\qt\bin at the same time? Having the same name they have different sizes (for example QtCore4.dll - 2 016 256 bytes in the first folder and 2 730 496 bytes in the second folder). What's the differ...

installing c++ boost on mac osx leopard -- port fails

I'm not much of a c++ programmer, just an end-user trying to install an existing project from source. One of the project dependencies is the boost library. When I tried to install boost on my osx 10.5.7 using "sudo port install boost", I got the following error message: ---> Building boost with target all Error: Target org.macports.bui...

Hardcoded QMAKESPEC in Qt Creator?

I installed Qt SDK (Qt framework + Qt Creator) but didn't like the layout of folders so I deleted it (without uninstalling), moved framework in one place and Qt Creator in another and installed Qt framework and Qt Creator separately placing each over the respective old one. The problem is Qt Creator in Projects/Build Settings/Build Step...

What is the proper way to determine an application's location?

I'm writing a windows service in C# that spawns multiple instances of another application I am writing. There is a chance that the application can be installed anywhere on a machine. What is the best way to let the service know where the application is located? ...

Can't install a single plugin on Eclipse 3.5

I'm trying to install the Subversion team provider on Eclipse 3.5, and it fails with the following message: An error occurred while collecting items to be installed session context was:(profile=SDKProfile,phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=). Result of processing steps. Unpack faci...

One MinGW, many GCC versions - how to do it?

Is it possible to have different GCC installations working with one MinGW installation? By MinGW I mean the common base which is always needed regardless which version of GCC compiler we're going to install and use; MinGW runtime binutils make MinGW API for MS-Windows and many other components which are part of MinGW but are not ...

Installing mysql on leopard: "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket"

I migrated to a new machine and used migration assistant to copy across my files (which seemed to copy across the DBs) but I had to use macports to install Mysql (whereas last time I compiled from source via Dan Benjamin's guide). For some reason, mysql is intermittently throwing the following error; Can't connect to local MySQL server ...

Make installation package of C# project

I have done a software in C#. How can I make a Installation Package for the software? ...

install iPhone application in iPhone.

i developed an application for iPhone. i want to install my iPhone. how it is possible.. what is the procedure . tnx and regards .. ...