
How to automate installer testing

I'm wondering if anyone has any best practices for automating the testing of installers on various machines with potentially different hardware / software profiles and by specifying various options to the installer. The idea would be that I could write "unit test like" code to set up a machine, run the installer, then test that certain ...

Is there any way to specify a service name in the app.config file?

I want to specify my service name in the app.config without needing to recomple and install/uninstall my service repeatedly. But just retrieving service name from app.config, the service seems ignoring it. Are there any special tricks how to obtain this? Thanks in advance. I mean classic windows service. I don't think any code is neede...

Add commandline arguments to service installer c#

I am working on an application which starts as a service but only if a commandline switch tells it to (otherwise a standard form is opened). So when the service is started by Windows at bootup, it must pass this commandline option or the service fails to start. I would like to have the installer (ServiceProcessInstaller) add a commandl...

WISE Windows Installer Editor Launch Condition Problem - Version Checking

I am working on a WISE Installer that needs to run on Java Version 1.5 or greater. So I have it read the registry for the Java Runtime Environment and get the "CurrentVersion" variable - for example 1.6, and place it in a WISE property. I am attempting to build a Launch Condition that prevents the Installer from continuing if it is run ...

PHP Installer Script

I'm looking to create a fully functional installer for a slightly complicated web application using PHP. Basically, you go to URL/setup.php and you are asked a series of questions, and during the process a database is set up and a config file is populated according to the answers given. A good example of this is how Wordpress handles i...

How to extract .inf/.sys install files?

Hello, I have a .inf file that install a .sys file from the windows xp system folder when the user plugs an USB hardware. I would like to trace the files that the windows auto-install on the system, so I can develop an automated installer that doesnt bother the user. Any ideas? Thanks ...

Creating a windows installer for a Visual Studio project

I want to create an installer for my project, primarily to handle the external dependencies which are starting to grow in number. The problem is most of these components seem to be distributed in different manners, so I need an installer that can cope with all the following. Ive looked at various things around, however many dont seem to...

How do I make a WiX installer with a completely self-contained .NET 3.5 sp1 installer?

I need to include the full .NET 3.5 sp1 installer into my installer, which is in WiX. I need that boostrapper to be entirely self contained, with no web access at all. It is just not allowed for this installer to require the web; we have customers in outer Mongolia (I'm serious, not just using the place name because it's remote) to who...

Deployment and automating update

Hi I have WCF client server application, and create msi setup projects for both projects. Server is a windows service that hosts WCF service, client is a WPF application. Now I have a requirement to automate client update mechanism. That is on client's open it should check is there updates in the server, if yes downloads and install and ...

associate a custom file extension with my java program on windows

is there a way to associate a custom file extension with my java program on windows? I have installAnywhere to create an installer. But I'm not sure how this can be done if it's possible. Every installer on window does this, but what if it's in Java. I imagine it would require registry modification by the installer... ...

Silverlight 3 Offline Mode

Has anyone found that the userbase is more reluctant to install Silverlight 3 Apps in offline mode because they have no control over "where" the app is installed to? I've had a few issues of a similar nature in the past, with 'power users' getting upset that they can't specify install directories. Are there any workarounds? Any way to...

Force GAC installation before running .NET custom action?

Hi, I'm using a VS 2008 Setup and Deployment project to deploy a mixed managed / unmanaged application. I've had trouble registering mixed-mode DLL's using the built-in registration property ("vsdraCOM" enumerated value of the "Register" property.) As a workaround, I've added a .NET custom install assembly (with a class that derives f...

Looking for a flexible windows installer product with a powerful scripting language.

The company I work for has been using a certain installer for the past few years (its name is very similar to another installer product from which we switched). I was recently tasked with reworking the installer and fleshing out all the little bugs and edge cases that were causing all kinds of problems. I found the product so inflexible...

Folder created by MSM not being removed on uninstall.

Hi I have an .MSI file created using VS2008. This .MSI is composed of a collection of merge modules, each of which basically installs one component of our application to its own folder. When I try and uninstall the .MSI one of the subfolders created by a particular merge module is not removed, even if the application has not been run. ...

Apply upgrades (application related) to database.

Guys, Since I've not done this before I am not sure if the way I am planning to do this is okay or is there a better way. Like using Windows Installer or Install Shield or Windows Installer XML (WiX) toolset. Any help would be great, as I have no clue. We have a product and we ship new version every few months. So far we've only been r...

python distutils win32 version question

So you can use distutils to create a file, such as PIL-1.1.6.win32-py2.5.exe which you can run and use to easily install something. However, the installation requires user input to proceed (you have to click 'OK' three times). I want to create an easily installable windows version that you can just run as a cmd line program, that does...

How can I get the Visual Studio 2008 built-in installer to overwrite an install?

I want to blow away the already installed version of my app without bothering the user to uninstall before installing a new version. Here are the Deployment Project Properties that I have set: AddRemovePrograms Icon(Icon) Author Justin Tanner Description DetectNewerInstalledVersion False InstallA...

Visual Studio Installer Package not Building

hi, i am trying to build an installer for a windows service i have created and when i go to build the module i am getting the following message.. ========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ========== but there is no information about what actually failed. For some reason the installer is not building right. does anyone k...

How to keep application shortcuts current/in sync ?

I have an application auto updater which checks for new updates, moves the existing files including the app.exe into a new folder and copies the new version .exe + .dll's into the app folder everything has been working perfectly without issues but there's one small glitch - the shortcuts created at the time of the original install becom...

How do I get the location of a file in a WiX Script

How do I make a custom action that references a file on the command line? I have the custom action accessing the MYSQL properties correctly, but I haven't figured out the incantation to access the path to the installed sql script. Below are the relevant sections of the WiX script. I am trying to get the custom action to reference the ...