
Installer needs to distinguish Vista and XP

I need to install a USB driver for a device so that it is recognised by ActiveSync (under XP) or Mobile Device Center (under Vista). However the .INF file which needs to be installed for ActiveSync (XP) is different from the .INF file for MDC (Vista). So I need an installer which can determine if the target is XP or Vista and install th...

Windows Games Explorer Play/Support Tasks

I'm trying to get a game I'm working on to integrate with the Windows Games Explorer. So far I have embedded a Game Definition Format XML file as a resource in my binary (my actual executable) and I've been able to register the game inside the Games Explorer. However, In Vista, the play tasks and support tasks that I have defined in my...

.NET simple app update mechanism

Environment: .NET c# VS2005 and some 3rd party components .vdproj files (setup projects inside VS 2005) for .msi building - not "one click deployment" Problem I am in a project phase where there are several updates to the project during a day. Since every change is small (two assemblies at most), it would be convenient for the u...

Differences between OSX's .pkg and .pkg.mpkg installers

I'm fighting with OSX's packageMaker as it doesn't allow me to create a '.pkg'. Instead it's forcing me to make a '.pkg.mpkg'. This seems like a stupid question I should be able to respond with a couple of google searches, but I'm not being able to find much info about this. Could anyone explain the main differences between them and if...

Settings from a configuration file for InstallShield

I am new to InstallShield and i am trying to create my first installer. I have (i think) a couple of basic requirements that i am finding hard to obtain information one: Is there a way i can create a configuration file from which the installer reads information at the time of installation? These settings are unknown at the time of crea...

How to create installers with Maven

I'm migrating a medium sized Java application's build from Ant to Maven. I could easily migrate the basic building stuff, but I would also like to create the installer packages from the Maven build. The easiest way would be to call the original Ant scripts through the Ant plugin, but I thought maybe I should look around first for some Ma...

Is PackageMaker considered the standard for Mac OS X software installation? Or is there something else out there?

I've put together my very first package with PackageMaker (for a system service), but I am not happy about several faults: Frequent crashes while applying target permissions to my source files Package source files are not automatically or easily refreshed File filter does not work Is there something else out there more capable of thi...

ClickOnce: How do I pass a querystring value to my app *through the installer*?

My company currently builds separate MSI's for all of our clients, even though the app is 100% the same across the board (with a single exception, an ID in the app.config). I would like to show them that we can publish in once place with ClickOnce, and simply add a query string parameter for each client's installer. Example: http://mys...

installer software for macintosh?

Hi, What installer software for macintosh would you recommend? It has to support leopard & snow leopard. Be easily scriptable and not expensive. Thank you, Nava ...

Installer class apparently not being called

I'm following this tutorial for customizing a web setup project. However, I'm working with a web application I already have in visual studio. So part of their solution is to create an installer class in my own web project. When i choose "add new item" I actually don't see ...

How to create my installer which will be cross platform in java

Hi I want to create a cross platform installer in java. How to create. Thanks Sunil Kumar Sahoo ...

How do I create a manifest for a windows installer?

We have an installer for our application that must be downloaded and run with administrator privileges, like many other installers. However, the installer isn't named "setup.exe", so Windows doesn't automatically detect it as requiring elevation to run. Changing the installer name to make things elevate properly sounds pretty messy, fra...

Running an application after Visual Studio (vsproj) installer completes

I'm trying to create an installer in VisualStudio 2008 that will prompt the user with a "Run application when finished" checkbox. I was able to create the dialog with no problem: User Interface, select End, right-click, add dialog, CheckBoxes (A). I then tried adding a custom action to run my app. Again, no biggie: Custom Action...

How to add TOC to Clickonce installer?

I publish my ClickOnce from Visual Studio, but see no option to add licensing and terms and conditions to it. I refuse to believe that Microsoft left this crucial part of installation out, so could someone tell me how to do it? Edit: Possible duplicate : ...

Erlang: is version checking strict in release files?

After reading 10.2 Release Resource File, I get the impression that each application release is very much tied down to a specific release of Erlang OTP. Is this true? Can the version information in the .rel file be written along the following lines? {release, {"ch_rel", "A"}, {erts, "5.3"}, [{kernel, ">=2.9"}, ...

Installing a windows application through web page

How can I install a windows application through web paged "Like installing yahoo messenger"? ...

Using undocumented native code APIs to install items into the GAC

I'm working on a project whose setup uses the APIs documented in Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB317540 to install and uninstall assemblies into the GAC. The KB article states: SUMMARY The native code application programming interfaces (APIs) that allow you to interact with the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) are not documen...

Application to generate installers for Linux, Windows and MacOSX from a single configuration

Here's what I want: Given a set of definitions (preferably in Python) on what files to install where and what post-install script to run, etc.. I would like this program to generate installers for the three major platforms: MSI on Windows dmg on MacOSX Tarball w/ (and rpm/deb, if possible) on Linux For example, installco...

Vista Certification, Test Case 23: Rollback Fails Even Without Custom Actions in Installer.

I am having difficulties getting my application to be Vista Certified. The installer of my application has NO custom actions, as such I'm running the test using the FailInstallFromCommitCustomAction merge module. I expected the forced rollback operation to clean up all traces of the file from the system, however this is not the case. E...

wix product id should be autogenerated for patch number changes?

I use wix for building a setup for a product. The product has version of the format major.minor.patchnumber Example: 4.5.1313 in each build the last patchnumber keeps changing like 1314, 1315 and so on. I would like to know whether I should keep the id attribute in the product element as autogenerated between just the patch number...