
How do I alter a .NET application/user settings on installation?

In a Windows Service project, with a Project Installer I tried the following: [RunInstaller(true)] public partial class ProjectInstaller : Installer { public ProjectInstaller() { InitializeComponent(); } protected override void OnBeforeInstall(System.Collections.IDictionary savedState) { base.OnBefor...

setup file for window application

I created a setup file. It is working fine, but I want an image for my setup. When I installed the setup in any system I want some images on my setup. Help me, thank u. ...

How can I use standard WIX to create a streamline installer experience.

Hi guys, I have a question about WIX. Background: Currently, we have created a wizard by WIX UI. User should click next, next and next... But suddenly, we found that there's nothing should be interacted with user, user just need keep clicking next. So.. Here is the Desired Behavior: We automatically switch to next dialog page after all...

Securing a server application

We have two backend applications, one that is reponsible for acquiring data from the internet and storing it in a database, and the other that is effectively a COMET server, accepting connections from the internet, hooked into the http pipeline via the HttpListener API. In development, both these items have been created as console appl...

How to publish a ClickOnce application from an installer

Hi, I want to create an installer to put a Deployed ClickOnce application on an IIS Virtual Directory in order to have the application available for download. (In other words I want an installer that publishes my application on IIS.) What I'm planing to do is: Deploy (manually) the app on a local folder; A web installer project gets t...

How do I add/update a property inside an MSI from the command-line?

I have an MSI installer in which I need to add or modify a short text property from the command-line. This has to be done after the installer is built; I cannot modify the process that produces the installer in the first place. It also has to be executed headless from a script. When I say "property," it could be an MSI property, a val...

Does the RPM Epoch header have any limitations?

RPM supports an Epoch header to provide version ordering in cases where its version comparison isn't sufficient, for example with 2.0a3 > 2.0. A package without Epoch specified is considered to have an Epoch of either 0 or -1, depending on some obscure factors. The documentation suggests that Epoch start at 1 and be incremented with ea...

Do the new ATL CComModule replacements implement RegOverridePredefKey correctly?

I have a project that stated in an old version of Visual C++, so it uses CComModule. The only problem is that I set up RegOverridePredefKey to install in HKCU if HKCR fails. This works fine in XP, but on Vista, the implementation is broken! I found some posts on the internet corroborating that it is indeed broken. I was wondering: 1) ...

Using Web Setup Project for multiple types of projects

Hi, I am trying to a create an installer for my web application. My solution contains several projects. They include: Class library project (referenced by the web application) Web Application Windows Service Web Services project Database project (execute update script) I also have an unmanaged dll (crystal reports) in my web applica...

C# MSI Installer file/folder permissions

Hi, I'm trying to install a set of files within the programdata folder using basic MSI installer. As the content of the files are dynamic and generated during the installation process, I'm creating the files in C# code during installation. The files are created in the appropriate folders, and everything is good, except the files permi...

How does Install Shield "COM Extract at Build" work?

Our product contains a VC++ ATL in-proc COM server with two COM-exposed classes - ClassA and ClassB. This COM server is added into an Install Shield 2008 installer package and "COM Extract at Build" property is set for the component. ClassA and ClassB are exposed in exactly identical manner by the component - there's an .rgs file for ea...

Installer automatic repair feature

Applications I install with a VS 2k8 Installer Project MSI file check to make sure that no installed files have been deleted before the app launches and run the installer to fix this if they do. How can I turn this off so? eg so that I can include sample files with my app. EDIT: to clarify the behavior happens when starting the app v...

Can Windows installer msi make the user full trust

Hello, our applicaton is installing with windows installer. The things working fine but the application itself is full trusted and not allowing to run on the employee's computer with less level (not full trusted). My question is that, is there any way to make the user full trusted for this application during the installation? Can we make...

Modify existinig WIX 2 script to add 64-bit components

I have an installer script written in Wix 2 several years ago. Now I need to add two 64-bit components. One 64-bit DLL to be copied to system32 folder and another b4-bit EXE to ProgramFiles. The installer needs to create registry key. Currently it uses a element to write a key, and a custom action (in 32-bit MSI dll) to write the seri...

How to add a licensing functionality to a java program?

I have made an application in java. Now I want to deliver it to several clients. I want that each client must purchase a serial key to use that software. Without that key, the software shouldn't be run just like other softwares in the market. How can I do that? I know that I can't protect it fully. I just want a simple serial key func...

Is it possible to 'Pin to start menu' using Innosetup?

I'm using the excellent Innosetup installer and I notice that some Applications (often from Microsoft) get installed with their launch icon already highly visible ('pinned?' ) in the start menu (in Windows 7). Am I totally reliant on the most-recently-used algorithm for my icon to be 'large' in the start menu, or is there a way of promot...

Building Inno Setup installer for MSI files

Hi, I'm building a deployment for a work environment, and doing it with Inno Setup. I wrap the other installers in one Inno-exe-File. It's working fine with other exe installers, but fails when it comes to MSI installers. I don't know if there is any general problem, but it completely ignores my file association with the MSI exe (it w...

Inno Setup uninstall executable location and name

Can I configure it to be placed in the same location (C:\windows\something) that .msi files produced by windows installer are hidden in, instead of in C:\Porgram Files\MyAppFolder\? Also can I change the name to something more obvious in intent than unins000.exe? ...

How to find out defaults when executing MSI with /qn (silent mode)?

When I run an MSI (without parameters) I usually have to click my way through dialog boxes and choose if I want to install to current user/all users, the target directory, etc etc. What happens when I run the MSI with /qn (silent mode). How do I find what answers where automatically chosen for all those dialog boxes? ...

"Please wait while Windows configures Microsoft Visual Studio 2008"

I get the message "Please wait while Windows configures Microsoft Visual Studio 2008..." whenever I build the install project for my application. It configures VS for a while, then builds the project. This does not happen when I build the application itself, only the installation project in the same solution. This occurs on applic...