
NHibernate Audit Interceptor - current and previous values match when auditing a collection

Hi, I'm auditing certain values using a NHibernate Audit Inteceptor - I have inherited from the EmptyInteceptor and overridden the OnFlushDirty public override bool OnFlushDirty(object entity, object id, object[] currentState, object[] previousState, string[] propertyNames, IType[] types) { For the most part the currentState and ...

Spring-WS user interceptors to modify request and response?

Is it possible to use Interceptors to modify a request/response payload? The NETCONF over SSH protocol ( requires the XML payload to terminate with a special string : "]]>]]>". This needs to be stripped from a response before passed to JAXB unmarshaller, as well as inserted to the XML payload on a requ...

Session management in interceptors and action of struts 2 application

I am having problem with session management in struts2. I am setting an attribute in the session in an interceptor which is the default interceptor for my entire application. In my action I am implementing SessionAware interface and grabbing the session as a Map. But the attribute which I set in the interceptor is not present in the sess...

Interceptors vs aspect in spring?

hello all, am trying to use interceptors in spring, i want to implement an interceptor on some methods, to handle specific logic when these methods called, i want also to be apart from using web framework, as am tending to use spring as back end, without any headers, after searching i think spring approach is called Aspects, could you ...

JPA/Hibernate with optimistic locking and EHCache. Dirty checking interceptor not working properly.

Hi, folks. I am working on a JPA setup with optimistic locking (@Version) and EHCache. The underlying provider is Hibernate. I hooked a HibernateDirtyCheckInterceptor (extends EmptyInterceptor) into the Spring config file. This part is working, as my log entries get posted. My entity class clearly defines itself as not dirty, and the fi...

How to pass data from Interceptor to URL and JSP?

Hi all, I have an authen interceptor that check if user is logged in. If not than it will redirect to the login page, with a query string param "url" indicating the referrer URL. I tried using "actionInvocation.getInvocationContext().getParameters()" for passing values to the redirect URL, but have no luck. Can anyone suggest what I do...

JBoss seam: are inherited methods intercepted?

If I extend a standard Java Class and make the subclass a Seam component, are the inherited methods going to have the overhead of interception? In other words, do I have to Override them and annotate them with @BypassInterceptors? ...

Struts2: Own interceptor and valueStack

Hi! Recently I needed to implement an interceptor that got the result of executing an action, and if that result was INPUT then execute a method that fetched some lists from the db. I just need to execute that method if the result is INPUT, because it's the only time when I'll need to populate some lists on the jsp. So I wanted to avoid...

Intercept HTTP requests in server java

Hi, I need to implemented something like a filter or listener, that intercepts HTTP requests and retrieves the HTTP headers for various purposes. I use Java, Jboss application server and web services. I want this filtering system to be performed prior to the Web Services call - was thinking about aspects but they do not hold the HTTP r...

SEAM: Effective use of @BypassInterceptors?

I was wondering what advice the community could give me on the use of the @BypassInterceptors annotation when programming with Seam? I've been reading up on increasing Seam application performance, and without fail every article mentions that adding this annotation can increase performance. My question is, where should it be applied? ...

CDI call interceptor annotated method within same instance

here is my DAO implementation, i will load the whole table and cached in memory for a certain period of time @ApplicationScoped public class DataAccessFacade { @Inject private EntityManager em; @CacheOutput public Map<String, String> loadAllTranslation() { List<Translation> list = em.createQuery("select t from Trans...

Struts2 token interceptor using Ajax or multiple tabs

I'm using the token interceptor on my application, but I have encountered a problem with two case scenarios: 1 - When I submit the form using Ajax, the first time everything works perfectly, but the second time, the server sees that as a repeated token, which is okay, but I would like to know if I can avoid that without refreshing the p...

Spring 3 web request interceptor - how do I get BindingResult?

I realy appreciate Spring 3 anoation driven mapping of Web Controllers I have a lot of Controllers with signatures like: @RequestMapping(value = "solicitation/create",method = RequestMethod.POST) public String handleSubmitForm(Model model, @ModelAttribute("solicitation") Solicitation solicitation, BindingResult result) But my issue...

Intercepting DOM and JS engine calls

Hi All, I want to intercept DOM object read and write queries fired by JS while getting loaded by the browser. After intercepting these calls, i wish to screen them. I have written the logic for screening but am not able to block the calls. Is there any way other than modifying source code of the browser to achieve this? If so pls help...

Inside Interceptor.intercept(), how do I know if the Action has already been executed?

I'm implementing some stuff in my Struts-based application using interceptors, and I'm getting confused about how their lifecycle works. According to the Struts docs ("Interceptors", "Writing interceptors" and "Big picture"), it should work something like this: FirstInterceptor NextInterceptor LastInterceptor Action R...

castle dynamic proxy interceptor for wpf ierrordatainfo

hi! can someone tell me how to do a interceptor implements (behavior) for windsor castle dynamic proxy, the interface the ierrordatainfo? many thanks. ...

Hibernate Interceptors or Events for Audit Trail?

I record a history of all changes to some entities and am about to implement a mechanism similar to Envers to take care of this automatically. My question is whether to use Hibernate interceptors or their event system? It seems like interceptors is a little simpler and does all I need. And Hibernate's own documentation suggests using ...

Setup a Filter that will set the Response Header to only Image File(s)

I am having a caching problem based on the discussion that I have in this link But I am not sure how to go about with the suggestion on setting the response headers on my Spring MVC. Does anybody know how to setup a some sort of a filter that will add add a response header only on image files? I currently am not an expert on J2EE web ...

question on struts2 interceptor stack

I write in my struts.xml this interceptor stack <interceptor-stack name="project-interceptors-stack"> <interceptor-ref name="my1-i" /> <interceptor-ref name="my2-i" /> <interceptor-ref name="paramsPrepareParamsStack" /> <interceptor-ref name="logger" /> ...

Struts Action Invocation Framework for Struts 1.3

Hi ... I'm trying to integration SAIF plugin to intercept my struts action. I learn from I've write configuration like this: struts-config.xml <plug-in className="net.sf.struts.saif.SAIFPlugin"> <set-property property="interceptor-config" value="/WEB-INF/interceptor-config.xml" /> </p...