
Interesting Master's degree programs?

I'm applying for a masters in fall of next year and was wondering if anyone had suggestions for interesting/challenging master's degrees in CS. I think that even though picking the right university is important, it is even more important to pick a master's degree where you'll find talented/creative people to interact and learn from. bac...

How do you find interesting problems to solve?

How do you find interesting problems to solve? I often want to learn new programming languages. However, I feel that to really understand it, I must write something which is: Real—it should solve some real-world problem. That problem doesn't have to be new (in fact, having a reference solution might be a good idea), but it has to be...

Most interesting library you have seen lately

What is the most interesting library you have seen lately? In April i was watching a video online where the intel guys explained a little about Thread Building Blocks (which is also open source!) and i thought it was cool ...

Write a C program to find the smallest of three integers, without using any of the comparison operators.

I found this question online and have been struggling to come up with an answer to it on my own. Bonus question I found. Write hello world in C without using a semicolon. ...

What are some real world uses for function.toString() in javascript?

I've noticed in javascript that if you define a function, say myfunction(), and then call myfunction.toString() you get the text of the source for that function. Are there any interesting/real world uses of this? ...

What is the most interesting obscure programming language you know of?

I ask cause I'm designing a programming language and would like some new material. By interesting, I don't mean languages like LOLCODE and brainf*ck - I mean real languages. The newer the better really, since chances are I've heard of all the really old ones. Oh and it'd be nice if you include why you think its interesting. That'd help...

What are some of the less-known and interesting public APIs and frameworks that I can use for iPhone?

What are some of the less-known and interesting public APIs and frameworks that I can use for iPhone? In OS 3.0 they're supposed to be 1000 new APIs more than in 2.2, so which one of these are the most interesting and not so well-known? ...

Practical tasks for students who learn design patterns

I need to compose some tasks (problems) for students who learn design patterns. Please suggest me some practical short-term tasks that would help students understand the theory. I need some interesting ideas for creational design patterns. Thanks! Will be great if you share your experience: when a particular design pattern perfectly f...

Interesting custom action written using DTF in Wix

There was a challenging situation happened when i was working with install to provide product key validation. I had to use C++ unmanaged code to validate the key. Actually we had the main validation logic written in C# and I had to create a mixed project. Problem was not stopped only with these, it continued. Since I used VC++ code, it e...

I need an interesting computer science topic

I'm competing in a public speaking competition. It is about communicating scientific ideas to non-scientific audience in only three minutes. What computer science topic might make an interesting 3-minute presentation? The competition is famelab ...

Graphics/Vision Interesting Topics

Hello: I would like to do an interesting project for a computer graphics course. I know that there is a lot of literature out there (i.e. SIGGRAPH conference papers). I have a very large range of interest with regard to computer graphics (i.e. image processing, 3D modeling, rendering, animation). However, I've only taken computer vision...

What to use instead of LIMIT x, y if BETWEEN is not capable? Pagination.

I have 10k forum topics. I run this query: SELECT * FROM `topics` WHERE category_id = '2' ORDER BY `last_message` DESC LIMIT 2990, 10 This checks all rows! All rows! Even after adding index to last_message. last_message is a time() and I want to order all messages by that descending. So, what do you suggest me? Without...

Allow members of my website upload videos to YOUTUBE through my account

1) I register account in Youtube. 2) People, who is logged in in my website can upload their videos on my site. 3) Videos is uploaded to my Youtube account. 4) So, one account of youtube holds all uploaded videos by my website's members Is it possible to do that? If you didn't understand, feel free to ask. Thank you very much. +I w...

n coins. Which is fake?

Possible Duplicate: Algorithm to find minimum number of weighings required to find defective ball from a set of n balls We have n coins. One of them is fake, which is heavier or lighter (we don't know). We have scales with 2 plates. How can we get the fake coin in p moves? Can you give me a hand for writing such a program? No...

Implementing a random chat among people

My idea is to make a website, where people could registry and search for a people to talk. They can choose people from certain country, genre, with certain age and so on. Yeah, I know there is a lot of websites like this, but I want to implement this, because it looks really challenging. Can you give me ideas how could I implement thi...

Searching for subsets (interesting complex task)

I've just been doing Greplin programming challenge and went to the final level, where the task sounds like this: For the final task, you must find all subsets of an array where the largest number is the sum of the remaining numbers. For example, for an input of: (1, 2, 3, 4, 6) the subsets would be 1 + 2 = 3 1 + 3 = 4 2 + 4 = 6 1 + 2...

How to detect certain face on the photo

I was just having a nap and then that crazy idea came into my head. Here it is. We have 2 different photos with face in each. How can we detect if there is the same person on that two photos? Is it possible to do that? If yes, can I do it with Java or PHP? What the way to do it? Any ideas? Maybe each face has a "algorithm" or something...