
How to approach implementing a layout editor using Cocoa

I want to build an OS X application, in which one of the requirements is for the user to be able to generate PDF output according to a layout that they, the user, will create. Typical items on the page would be things like a corporate logo (a JPEG or PNG), an address (a block of text) and a narrative (another block of text). I'd like t...

How do I get a view in Interface Builder to load a custom view in another nib?

I am making a custom widget that I would like to use in multiple nibs. So I make a new view nib Screen3, add some buttons, and now want my UIAwesomeSauce widget. If I just add a view and then change the Class Identity, it doesn't get the subelements from the UIAwesomeSauce nib. Same thing if I go to the Library and switch to Classes...

What is the Interface Builder keyboard shortcut to rotate a window?

In IB, I can rotate a window by pressing the "arrow button" at the top right of a window to see a view in landscape/portrait modes. What's the keyboard shortcut to toggle this action? ...

Two Empty NSPopUpButtonCell Options On Load

Hi everyone, I have an NSTableView which represents a list of objects. One of the variables in the represented object is selected from a drop-down NSPopUpButtonCell (it's a cell because it's in the table view) - an NSArrayController which holds some NSManagedObjects. The "Selected Object" for the column (in IB) is bound to the array co...

IB builder or programmaticaly draw?

quick question to the gurus of coding! What do you advise? should i programmatically draw my textfields, labels, images or should i use IB? would it make any difference? i have scrolling issues (bit jerky) but not something i cannot live without! thanks EDIT: Please, Please gentleman.... get in line for your answers.... NOT all toge...

What is "Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool"

I got a code from a client to fix the bug (code was written by some other programmer), So when I open the xib file it simply hang my computer, i restarted my computer 3 times because of that and finally decided to see what's happening by opening the Activity Monitor and it turn out it is opening something with name "Interface Builder Coc...

How to access Object ID Identity attribute

HI guys. Part 1. In the IB under Identity tab you can find an attribute called "Object ID". I can not find a way to get hold of this ID from code. Oh, and I know about the tag attribute but it's not what I need. Part 2. I essentially would like to get the unique object ID for a UIComponent that was touched on the sceen. I already have ...

Setting the value of an UIView subclass custom parameter in IB

Hi guys. I created a subclass of an UIView called smartView. Then I created a NSInteger parameter viewID. Now in the IB I change the class of a standard UIView to my smartView. My question is how can I supply a value for my viewID parameter in IB? Is it possible? If not, is there another way besides "Tag" parameter to give a UIView...

Change NSTableView alternate row colors

I'm using the "Alternating Rows" option in Interface Builder to get alternating row colors on an NSTableView. Is there any way to change the colors of the alternating rows? ...

How to make UITextView "Done" button resignFirstResponder?

I am trying to make my editable UITextView resign the keyboard (resignFirstResponder) when the user taps "Done." Using a UITextField, I have been able to do this with the following code: - (IBAction)doneEditing:(id)sender { [sender resignFirstResponder]; } ... and then to attach it to the relevant UITextField in Interface Builder ...

User Defined Runtime Attributes in IB for iPhone not working

Hi guys. I have a weird problem. I am trying to setup User Defined Runtime Attribute in the IB. As shown below I setup a NSString statID attribute in my viewController and wanted to give it a test value 00000 in IB When I compile that I get this error when building: "User defined runtime attributes on Mac OS X versions prior to 10....

NSTableView Issues...

I'm trying to follow this tutorial on binding: but the app keeps crashing at run time. In IB I have a NSBUtton, NSTableView, NSArrayController and a NSOBject (named AppController) The tableview has 3 cols. Ad Name, Col and Height. In AppContro...

How can I increase the font size in Interface Builder

Is it possible to increase the font size in Interface Builder? The ridiculously small side of those fonts, specially on the Inspector, are giving me headaches. ...

Interface Builder shows old Received Actions

When I open my xib file in Interface Builder and click on File's Owner in the Document window, the Connections Inspector is showing far more actions below Received Actions than I have defined in the class as specified by the File's Owner Class Identity. I have only two IBAction items defined in the class, and both of these actions are s...

Problem setting autosizing in interface builder

I have two viewControllers, one is a subclass of UIViewController (autoresizes correctly), the other one is a subclass of a subclass of UIViewController. I did a layout in Interface Builder, I tested my code in the Simulator and everything works as expected. But if I rotate the device my views don't resize. So I went back to Interface Bu...

How to register UIControlEventTouchUpInside on UISegementedControl?

I want to register a function on a UISegmentedControl for the event UIControlEventTouchUpInside -- not UIControlEventValueChanged. I specifically want to ensure that it fires only when the user touches within the item, not when its value is set programmatically. Any suggestions? ...

Multiple XIB/NIB files: IBOutlets not connecting

I have two UIViewController subclasses, A and B. In A.xib I have embedded a "B" UIViewController, set its NIB Name as "B", and attached its delegate and IBActions to the File's Owner, which is an A. In B.xib I have defined a view and attached its various IBOutlets to the File's Owner, which is a B. In the graphic you can see the two X...

A Difference on ViewControllers and Nibs

I have been doing a lot of work on UIViewControlers and Nibs and notice there are two ways of doing it. @class AController : UIViewController [[AController alloc] initWithNibName:<name of nib> bundle:nil]; and the other way is that you make the File Owner the the UIViewController and link the View. All you have then do is [[AControl...

Custom string properties in interface builder

Is there a simple way to expose, say, NSString or UIColor properties of a class such that they can be modified in interface builder? This would be useful e.g. for adding color properties to a custom view (which are then used programmatically) so that they can be manipulated in Interface Builder as is appropriate. ...

Sharing UINavigationBars among xibs

Here's my situation: I have a UITabBarController that presents several UINavigationControllers when it's buttons are pressed (done through Interface Builder) the UINavigationControllers have UINavigationBars (their 'Shows navigation bar' is ticked in IB) on the navigation controllers I programmatically push UIViewControlleres with cust...