
Silverlight crashes FireFox 3.5, IE7, & IE8

One of my users has an HP Pavilion DV4-1430us laptop running Windows Vista Professional 64-bit. She is using the latest version of the Silverlight Plug-In, downloaded on 24 July from While typing in a text box in a silverlight web application my company developed, all three browsers will occasionally crash. Ni...

register mouseout handler on disabled html-element (IE8)

I have a problem with my tooltip library in IE8. For some elements, especially elements with the 'disabled' property set, the mouseout-handler (hiding a tooltip by setting it's display property to 'none') just doesn't get registered, so the tooltip stays visible when the mouse leaves the element (mouseover does work). The handler is regi...

Open an html page on an install CD with the default browser

I am trying to build an install CD with a custom MFC application set to autorun when the CD is inserted. The instructions are included as a simple html page with images and links to PDF documents, all of which are located on the CD. In the past I'd used the following to open the html page with the default browser: ShellExecute(NULL, "...

Is there still a bug in IE8 with jQuery droppables?

I have a page which has a tabbed view which contains 3 sortable columns below it. Currently, the tabs don't have any jQuery code associated. I gave them all the droppable class, however, and now in IE if a piece of content is dragged between columns and then moved again, jQuery blows up while trying (i think) to access the parentNode i...

JPEG Shows in Firefox but Not IE8

Hi, I'm working on a Sidebar Gadget and cannot get my JPEGs to show up (PNGs work). When I try to open the file by itself in IE8 it doesn't work. Firefox, of course, can open it fine. JPEG Details: Dimensions: 1080X900 180 dpi Bit depth 24 Color representation: uncalibrated I've found some things talking about the images being compr...

How can I detect if IE8 is running in compatibility view?

Is there anyway to determine if an IE8 browser has compatibility view switched on? I can't seem to find anything on Google, and so I'm wondering if this is a piece of information that is available... Why you ask!? I'm trying to track down a bug in our application. I'm piecing through the Elmah logs and there seems to be a trend; thi...

ASP.NET Ignores IE7 Compatibility Mode Tag in Web.config

I have the following section in my Web.config file <system.webServer> <!-- For now..... lets be safe and put IE8 in IE7 compatibility mode--> <httpProtocol> <customHeaders> <clear /> <add name="X-UA-Compatible" value="IE=EmulateIE7" /> </customHeaders> </httpProtocol> </system.webServer> but ...

How to disable default scroll bar for textareas in IE8?

I am going through some of my older sites where I have a contact form and in IE8 there always is a vertical scroll bar displayed for my textareas, even when there is no content. In Firefox, it doesn't seem to make the vertical scroll bar exist until the content in the textarea reaches a height that deems them necessary. I have styled m...

CSS generated content in IE8 in .NET

I'm using the WebBrowser control in a C# application to render an XML document (initially loaded from a file, but then modified programmatically) styled with CSS. I've upgraded to IE8 and confirmed that the WebBrowser control is using IE8, but my user:before and user:after rules with content are not having any effect. The plain user rule...

Internet Explorer just does not like this jQuery code. (Livequery plugin)

This is code for a costume contest application I'm presently building. There will be a row of radio buttons 1-10 wrapped in labels that will all be individually clickable. Upon the click event, the form will submit, I do some post-processing and return a json object from which I will inject the post data into the page. This process will ...

sifr and IE8 - the three X's - please help - is there a reason why this happens?

Hi, I have been using sifr on a production website, unfortunately it renders incorrectly in IE8. I have removed sifr from the live version, but it is still visible on the staging version. Here is the staging version: Interestingly sifr is used in a couple of places on the page. At the top it replaces the ...

View print CSS in IE7 or IE8

I'm debugging a site that has problems with element positioning when printing (I have a separate print.css file linked by a link element with the media="print" attribute). This problem only occurs in IE7 and IE8. What I'm looking for is a way to view the page using the print media type, but while still having IE8's developer tools avail...

IE8 Rendering Bug: after javascript visibility-toggle, div content stays white

The page here ( contains a footer that slides up when you click on contact us. It then shows a contact form. However in IE8 it slides up and the div containing the form stays white until it is hovered by the mouse. I also tried the approach that the footer-div has overflow:hidden but since there are ot...

Frustrating: Can't force IE 8 into "Compatibility view"!

I've got two very different websites. Both of them have different errors when displayed in the "Internet explorer 8" browser mode! When clicking the "Compatibility view" button next to the address bar both of the sites look great. When I afterwards look at the "Browser mode" and "Document node" by using the built-in "Developer tools", I...

JQuery IE8 Variable Undefined Error

I am trying to read the value of the FlashVars parameter off of a Flash .swf file that's being embedded onto a page using swfobject. I can't change anything about how the Flash is being put on the page so I'm trying to manipulate it with JQuery. In Firefox the following selector works: $flashvars1 = $(".homepagecolumn1 embed").attr("fla...

IE 8 Developer Tools not working In Windows?

Hello all, I am using Internet Explorer 8, not by choice. I need to debug a script in it. However, no matter how many times I click the Developer Tools Icon, under Tools or click F12 it will not show up. Sometimes, I can see that it is minimized in the taskbar but when I actually go to click it. It will not show up... Does anyone know h...

IE8 and quirks mode

Does IE8 run in quirks mode like IE6/7? I have a webpage that has some truly bizarre code. The content is centered with padding and negative margins. It works correctly in IE6/7 and other browsers but in IE8 the content area is half as wide and not centered (flag for quirks mode). The source code has three blank lines before the DOCT...

jquery Ui-dialog and ie8.

hi, i'm using a jquery dialog to open a sign in form. it works fine on ff,chrome and even Ie6,7 but it's not working on ie8. this is my function: function showSignInDialog() { var email = GetEmailFromCookie(); if (!IsNullOrUndefined(email)) { $("input[name$='LoginEmail']").val(email); $("#chkRememberMe").attr("checked", "c...

Why doesn't my <select> work in IE8?

So I have a <select> element on my page, and it worked fine in all browsers until IE8 came along. I've seen all the literature about the IE7 compatibility view and how to use <meta> to force the browser into that mode. But the question still remains: why the heck does IE8 fail to display a simple <select> properly? Has anyone figured thi...

Need help resolving Fancybox display issue in IE8

Need help resolving a display problem on Fancybox content in IE8. It works fine in IE7, but when you click on the link in IE8 the content displays but without any of the styling. Link: - click on sub navigation in the box to the right - where it says advantage overview. I inherited this from another develop...