
echo nested quotation marks in tcsh

I have a tcsh script that generates a text file. One of the lines in the text file is: bla bla bla 'foo foo foo "bar bar bar"': etc etc; Note the nested ' and " and also the : and ; that must be there. The : and ; require the whole string to be surrounded by quotation marks. However, if I do that, I have trouble escaping the quotat...

OpenGL GLSL interpolation

Hi I try to implement point lights in OpenGL with GLSL. I send all the required data to the shaders. For simplicity I only use the diffuse light here. My example shows a huge triangle which I want to illuminate with a single light source. The light source is shown as a small blue triangle. For diffuse light I need to know the angle be...

spline for non differentiable function?

Hi community, I have a function that sometimes is non-differentiable at a point. When I now use a spline (Bezierspline in degrafa) for interpolation the interpolation at this point does not work as expected (at this point my function has a kink). Now when interpolating with a spline it draws some kind of loop around this point. I think ...

Interpolation in SciPy: Finding X that produces Y

Is there a better way to find which X gives me the Y I am looking for in SciPy? I just began using SciPy and I am not too familiar with each function. import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import interpolate x = [70, 80, 90, 100, 110] y = [49.7, 80.6, 122.5, 153.8, 163.0] tck = interpolate.splrep(x,y,s=0) xnew =...

Drawing hermite curves in OpenGL

Hi, I am a beginner, started learning openGL from the Red book since last week. i have a question regarding Hermite curves, how can I draw Hermite curves using OpenGL, are there any built in functions? I saw some examples on line that show how to use evaluators to draw bezier curves but could not find any information for Hermite curves....

I would like to know what the following FORTRAN 77 code does.

In a .f file there is code that does this: real Bob, avar ... avar = Bob( 8.3 ) ... Bob appears to be a function but it is declared at the beginning of the file as a real. Then there is a .d file that has a reference to Bob. Also I know avar holds a value that appears is interpolated, The problem is the interpolation is not always r...

Interpolating data points in Excel

Hi, I'm sure this is the kind of problem other have solved many times before. A group of people are going to do measurements (Home energy usage to be exact). All of them will do that at different times and in different intervals. So what I'll get from each person is a set of {date, value} pairs where there are dates missing in the set...

Does anyone know how to do an "inverse" trilinear interpolation?

Trilinear interpolation approximates the value of a point (x, y, z) inside a cube using the values at the cube vertices. I´m trying to do an "inverse" trilinear interpolation. Knowing the values at the cube vertices and the value attached to a point how can I find (x, y, z)? Any help would be highly appreciated. Thank you! ...

How do you do bicubic (or other non-linear) interpolation of re-sampled audio data?

I'm writing some code that plays back WAV files at different speeds, so that the wave is either slower and lower-pitched, or faster and higher-pitched. I'm currently using simple linear interpolation, like so: int newlength = (int)Math.Round(rawdata.Length * lengthMultiplier); float[] output = new float[newlengt...

Cubic/Curve Smooth Interpolation in C#

Below is a cubic interpolation function: public float Smooth(float start, float end, float amount) { // Clamp to 0-1; amount = (amount > 1f) ? 1f : amount; amount = (amount < 0f) ? 0f : amount; // Cubicly adjust the amount value. amount = (amount * amount) * (3f - (2f * amount)); return (start + ((end - start) ...

Sine Table Interpolation

I want to put together a SDR system that tunes initially AM, later FM etc. The system I am planning to use to do this will have a sine lookup table for Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS). In order to tune properly I expect to need to be able to precisely control the frequency of the sine wave fed to the Mixer (multiplier in this case). I ex...

How to calculate a grid based on 4 curved edges?

How can I calculate the points on a 2D grid where the the edges are 4 curved beziers? (see picture): ...

UIImageView scaling/interpolation

I have a small IPhone app that I am working on and I am displaying an image with a UIImageView. I am scaling it up using the Aspect Fit mode. I would like to have the image scale up with no interpolation/smoothing (I want it to look pixellated). Is there any way I can change this behavior? A little more general question would be ca...

Interpolation over an array (or two)

I'm looking for a java library or some help to write my own interpolation function. That is I have two arrays of doubles which are potentially different sizes, but are ordered. I need to be able to make an estimate of intermediate values, and insert so that both arrays become the same size. In fact the total number of points appearing...

Color Interpolation Between 3 Colors in .NET

I would like to smoothly interpolate color from Color A (let's call it red) to Color C (let's call it green) going through color B (let's call it yellow), based on the value of a certain variable. If the variable = 100, I want pure green. If the variable = 50, I want pure yellow. If the variable = 0, I want pure red. I understand you c...

Python string interpolation using dictionary and strings

Given: dict = {"path": "/var/blah"} curr = "1.1" prev = "1.0" What's the best/shortest way to interpolate the string to generate the following: path: /var/blah curr: 1.1 prev: 1.0 I know this works: str = "path: %(path)s curr: %(curr)s prev: %(prev)s" % {"path": dict["path"],"curr": curr, "prev": prev} But I was hoping there ...

How do I escape #{ from string interpolation

I have a heredoc where I am using #{} to interpolate some other strings, but there is an instance where I also want to write the actual text #{some_ruby_stuff} in my heredoc, WITHOUT it being interpolated. Is there a way to escape the #{. I've tried "\", but no luck. Although it escapes the #{}, it also includes the "\": >> <<-END #{R...

What is the safest way to initialize bash arrays with quoted values from function output?

I prefer to program my bash scripts to be as procedural as possible. One difficulty I've encountered in trying to do so happens when passing array data between functions, a task that's not well supported in bash. As an example, it's trivial to initial an array in bash with multiple hard-coded, quoted values, each of which may contain m...

Lerp between two CGPoints to get values of ALL pixels in between?

I'm trying to lerp between two CGPoints to get the values of all the pixels in between. I'm trying to find a simpler solution since right now I have a confusing recursive mess. The problem is that lerping between two points produces a point in between the two. Now I have two groups of points to lerp through... There has to be an easier...

Interpolation of data points at the end points of a data set

Hi! From scipy I am using the interpolate.splrep and interpolate.splev functions to get interpolate my data set. Unsurprisingly, this does not work very well if I try to get an interpolated value near the edges of the data set. I came up with a workaround (extending the data set by two additional entries which have the same value as th...