
Using CSS @font-face with the iPad/iPhone

I'm trying to use the font-face attribute of CSS with a custom font: @font-face { font-family: "Handvetica"; src: url("Handvetica.eot"); src: url("Handvetica.ttf") format("truetype"), url("Handvetica.otf") format("opentype"), url("Handvetica.woff") format("woff"), url("Handvetica.svg#Handvetica") format("svg");...

Incorrect Positioning in Interface Builder-IPad?

Hii friends, i had a incorrect positioning of images in the Header Section of IB for IPad app where after orientation it becomes normal and as i using 3 tableviews ,right-left-Bottom. i had make changes to ViewDidLoad() but no change Is there any procedures for fixed positioning of UI Elements in IB for IPad? ...

Find a point, a given distance, along a simple cubic bezier curve. (On an iPhone!)

Imagine you have a completely normal four-point bezier curve (two points and two control points) created using curveToPoint:controlPoint1:controlPoint2: in your cocoa application. Here it is: How do you find points, along the curve? So, starting at the StartPoint, what are the x,y coords for a point that is distance D along the curve?...

how do I know when UIKeyboard Join button is tapped?

How do I know when a user taps on the Join button on the UIKeyboard? Also can this text be changed? I know there are several built options but I nee done that says 'Login' if I can. ...

Localizing iPad Software - What is the convention for saying "HD" in different languages?

I have an iPhone program which I have localized into several different languages. I am now in the process of converting it over to an iPad application. The program, "MemoVault" is appropriately called "MemoVault HD" for the iPad. My question is, what is the convention for using the term "HD" in other languages? I.E. How do I "HD-ify" ...

UIImage Partially HIdden by Status Bar in IPad App?

Hii friends, my IPad application has 3 tableviews and while running the header image partially hidden in status bar and in after orientation it becomes normal, I cant come out of the Box? Any ideas Plz? ...

Webkit animations performance on IPad

Do webkit based transformations/animations affect JS performance on the IPad? Is there a separate graphics processor to handle the webkit stuff? Basically I am developing a program with some simple webkit animations, but a bunch of them, and I think I have to pull out the animations because its making the Ipad slow. ...

Korean Language Support Missing from iPad Simulator

I am running iPad simulator version 4.0 - and it appears as though it has no Korean language support. Does anyone know why, or if there is a way to enable this? I had Korean support in my iPhone app, and the simulator for that had the proper language support. ...

store (x, y) positions in some output file using Xcode for iPhone?

Hello, I want to program an application on iPhone and I want to know if the idea of this application is doable. So in the Application I want to have an image that appears to the users (this is easy. When the user touches the image, the application records the (x,y) position of where the user touches exactly in the image and stores it in ...

Math notation font

Is there a font that can be used for math notation? I'm thinking there isn't. If that is the case, does anyone know what the simplest route is to having nice math notation in my iPad app? Update: Thank you for all the great responses. Looking at the current replies, would people generally recommend that if what I want to do is essenti...

How to make Cocod2d 0.99.4 game universal(iOS4+iOS3.2+iOS<3.2) in iPhone SDK 4.1. I am stucked.

when i create a cocos2d projecyt, XCode menu item "Project\Upgrade Current Target for iPad" becomes disable. Any solution please? EDITED: I am using SDK 4.1 and cocos2d 0.99.4 for iPhone. When I create iOS native application i get options to select target device (iPhone/iPad). But with cocos2d, there is no option. Though iphone apps ...

UISplitViewController Barstyle changes when orientation changes

In my iPad app, I have the barStyle property set to UIBarStyleBlack by this code: // in viewDidLoad self.navigationController.toolbar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlack; Strangely, when I rotate my iPad, the barStyle will sometimes reset to the gray / grey color. Any ideas on why this might be happening? ...

What's the correct code to save a CGLayer as a PNG file?

Please note that this question is about CGLayer (which you typically use to draw offscreen), it is not about CALayer. In iOS, what's the correct code to save a CGLayer as a PNG file? Thanks! Again, that's CGLayer, not CALayer. Note that you CAN NOT use UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext. (From the documentation, "You can call ...

How to build a framework or library for other developers, the secure way?

We have an idea for an framework or library that will be very helpful for any iOS developer. So we're seriously thinking about switching from app development to framework/library development. But when we want to charge for the library/framework, we must protect the code somehow. How can we build a framework in such a way that the user o...