
How can I create my own UITabBar?

Hi all, Further to this question here, I'm really interested in creating my own UITabBar, and 'rolling my own'. Im really curious as to how this is done, especially in an app such as the Twitter app. How can I do this? Can anyone point to any good resources on how to subclass this? Should I do it programmatically, or in a XIB? Edit: I...

iPhone simulator keeps app running on Build and Run

I have a problem with my iPhone simulator. Since yesterday when I press Build and run. Xcode builds the project Simulator closes the running app Simulator opens the running app in same state as it closed (multitasking?) The old build keeps running, I have to quit the simulator before i can run the new build. I tried cleaning the p...

Test app on iPhone without paying $99 to Apple

I developed an app for iPhone with Xcode 3.2.4 and iOS 4.1. Now I want to test my app on my iPhone, but I don't want to enroll for a developer program. I searched in google and found a lot of tutorials, but they are not working. Then I asked me if it is because I use iOS 4.1. Is there a way to test the app? I've a jailbroken iPhone 4 wit...

iPhone sdk 4.1: Application CRASHES when i try to access a .plist file third time.

I have a menu scene, help scene, settings scene and game scene. When i enter into game scene, it loads some data string from a .plist file into a NSMutableArray. I am doing this reading and loading procedure as follows- + (void) addObjectsToArray:(NSMutableArray*) mutableArray fromFile:(NSString*) filePath { NSString *bundle = [[NSB...

Remove UITabBarItem

Hi everyone, How can I remove a UITabBarItem from a UITabBar? I haven't tried anything, because I haven't found anything from Google searches or the documentation for UITabBar, UITabBarController, or UITabBarItem. Thanks in advance! :) ...

Adding a UIView subclass with xib to UIViewController

What am I doing wrong here? Created: CustomTab.h #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface CustomTab : UIView { IBOutlet UIView *view; } @property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIView *view; @end CustomTab.m #import "CustomTab.h" @implementation CustomTab @synthesize view; - (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame { if ((self = [supe...

How to align the autocokpletion list og the UITextField in xcode programmatically

I m using 3 uitextfields and a table under the 3rd textfield, when i select the 3rd textfield , the autocompletion list overlaps the textfield. How could i change or align the autocomplete list accordingly. Plz help..... ...