
iphone Core Data - Filtering NSFetchedResultController?

I was given a framework written by other programmers to access the core data. In this situation i receive a pre-loaded NSFetchedResultController which I need to filter, to display a part of it's data. Here is what I tried: NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"category==%@", @"current"]; [NSFetchedResultsControlle...

Good way to calculate 'brightness' of UIImage?

I'm writing an app that will offer OCR of an image captured by the iPhone camera. I want to test the image before I perform the OCR analysis to see if there is sufficient lighting. Anyone have any ideas? ...

Passing argument within action selection in UIButton

Given that you have a method -(void)aSelector:(id)anyArgument; And have set up a UIButton programmatically UIButton *myButton = [[UIButton alloc] init] Alright, I get the idea that when you create a UIButton, you have to use the method [myButton addTarget:nil action@selector(aSelector:) for ControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpIn...

How do I get the interested_in value from the Facebook SDK wrapper for the iPhone?

I'm coding using the Facebook SDK for iPhone. According to the documentation, a User has a property called interested_in. However the JSON request which I make doesn't seem to include this property. {"id":"635332621","name":"Joe Schmoe","first_name":"Joe","last_name":"Schmoe","link":"http:\/\/www.facebook.com\/profile.php?id=635332621",...

didReceiveMemoryWarning - manually unload views?

There are times when didReceiveMemoryWarning gets called, but viewDidUnload does not. In my situation I would like to force viewDidUnload when didReceiveMemoryWarning gets called. I can say this: [self viewDidUnload]; But will that really unload the views? There is no self "unloadView". ...

iPhone -- rejected for keyword

I make an app which is a clone of a well-known game. I had the name of that game as a keyword in the first two versions of my app. Many competing apps also use the keyword. I just updated my app. Apple said I couldn't have that keyword and took it out. Meanwhile, a search on the name of the game brings up over 40 apps, most of them ...

MPMoviePlayerController controls - remove fullscreen and aspect buttons?

The documentation shows 3 control styles: MPMovieControlStyleNone, MPMovieControlStyleEmbedded, MPMovieControlStyleFullscreen, MPMovieControlStyleDefault = MPMovieControlStyleFullscreen I want the controls to mimic the kind found in Apple's "Videos" app, which do not have a fullscreen button or an aspect ratio button. None of the ab...

How to dump NSHomeDirectory file listing to NSLog

Is there a quick way to spit out a directory listing for a specific folder in NSHomeDirectory? I'm playing with an example in ASIHTTPRequest that downloads an image via: [request setDownloadDestinationPath:[[NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Documents"] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"totallyhotmilf.jpg"]]; I'd like...

Great iPhone questions... for exercise and learning, not interview

In a small team where everyone is coding away on a project for a little while I want to encourage some different thinking to keep people increasing their iOS knowledge as well as to get a bit more variety in their daily activities. I'm not looking for interview questions involving manhole covers, nor very specific questions about whether...

Is there a way to re-provision an iPhone IPA file without re-compiling or using XCode?

We've created an iPhone application and provisioned the application for deployment. In XCode we've used the build & archive tool to create an IPA file that can be used for installation. When new devices are added to the profile we would like to re-provision the IPA without recompiling or re-exporting the app from XCode. Is there any w...

UI Freezing when NSPredicate changes with Core Data

I've problem regarding to UI freezing when I pressed a button that try to change NSPredicate for Core Data fetch object it will hang for a while before it shows all of the data. This is especially when loading a tons of retrieve data. As other app that load a lot of processing by pressing a button. How do I should make the button tha...

How can I update a UILabel as I slide my UISlider

I have a UILabel and a UISlider in my app and I have it hooked up in a way that when the user changes the value of the slider and then let's go, the UILabel gets updated with the new double value. I need to know how to update the label as the user slides the slider and not only when they let go. ...

UITableViewCell incorrect width on iPad

We have a modal view that contains a Table view that contains UITableViewCells used to edit an item. On the iPhone everything works fine, but on the iPad we're unable to get the UITableViewCell to register as anything besides 320 px wide. It will basically display correctly, but the items inside of the cell align as if it were only 320 p...

PhoneGap.exec() passing objects between JS and Obj-C

The only way I found to passing objects between the JS and Obj-C it's by encoding the JS object by using JSON.stringify() and pass the json string to PhoneGap.exec PhoneGap.exec('Alarm.update',JSON.stringify(list)); ... and rebuild the object in Obj-C: NSString *jsonStr = [arguments objectAtIndex:0]; jsonStr = [jsonStr stringByRe...

CGPDFDocumentCreateWithProvider() and CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL() used on a local file

Most, if not all, tutorials use CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL(). What is the difference if using CGPDFDocumentCreateWithProvider() instead? Let's say the pdf is being taken from a local file on the device, not downloaded from some website. Will there be a performance difference? Which is better? ...

setting text in tableView

I want to programatically set a text in my UITableView. I do not want to do it from - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { I tried something like [self.tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:1 inSection:0]].textField.text = @"test"; This doesn...

iPhone notify_post notifications

How can I found out what notifications the iphone has registered? for instance: notify_post("com.apple.springboard/Prefs"); ...

Does NSKeyedArchiver overwrite the entire file every time you archive?

I need to store various types of data and update it from different parts of my application at different times. I was under the impression I could use NSKeyedArchiver to do this and just update parts of the data using the appropriate key when necessary...much like a database. It seems that NSKeyedArchiver overwrites the entire file ever...

NSFetchedResultsController and UITableViewCell

I have a UITableViewController fetching a collection of objects A with a NSFetchedResultsController. This works well and if these objet A's properties are updated, the UITableViewCell for A reflects the change. The problem: this object has a relationship A->[B1, B2, B3...]. The cell is using some of the B's properties in its display. ...

Possible to transfer PDF from iPad to Computer

Hi, I am working on a enterprise level application for the iPad which has a number of functions that have already been implemented into it. Currently the application is able to generate a PDF using Quartz 2d and send that PDF to a given email without problem. I have come to a part of the application (feature request) that I am currently...