I have been doing a lot of work on UIViewControlers and Nibs and notice there are two ways of doing it.
@class AController : UIViewController
[[AController alloc] initWithNibName:<name of nib> bundle:nil];
and the other way is that you make the File Owner the the UIViewController and link the View. All you have then do is
I'm trying to show a Facebook post to wall window when the user dismisses a UIAlertView, I.E., it is showing the window inside the clickedButtonAtIndex delegate method called when the person taps on OK. WHat appears to happen is the UIAlertView dismisses itself and puts the original view (the main application view) to the front, ...
I need to create a new target in project SDKTest.xcodeproj (say target is named lib_SDK.a) which contains all of the files in SDKTest.xcodeproj. I would then like to be able to import the lib_SDK.a file in my third party application called Client.xcodeproj and instanciate objects from that library, say an object called ScanMe.h
I am cur...
Hola tengo este problema declare esto
IBOutlet UILabel *h1;
IBOutlet UILabel *h2;
IBOutlet UILabel *h3;
IBOutlet UILabel *h4;
y quiero llenar los label con numeros random asi:
for (int i=1; i<=4; i++) {
int numerosr = random()%12;
h[i].text = [[NSString alloc]initWithFormat:@"%2.1f", numerosr];
pero marca error en h[1] qu...
Hi, this question is for iOS Members ($99 a year plan),
I was just wanting to look up the documentation on "Prepare for App Submission"
in the following link: (after you login)
but it gives me an 'access denied' message.
does it do the same for you or is it just me?
I've tried passing in the Facebook object which I named facebook as an argument into classes that rely on it. However, is there a way to use it in a sort of global way so that way I don't have to keep on passing it around between objects?
I am watching Apple's overall intro to Game Center. It says that to be a game center game you have to:
1) Register your bundle ID through the developer portal.
2) When your game is launched, you have to authenticate a game center player.
Is it OK if I make the authentication part optional, and if it happens later than launch?
So m...
HI all! I am using message deleteCharactersInRange from NSMutableString. And there is a problem that this finction deletes range in a wrong way.
Here is a sample of code that works wrong:
-(void) btnClick
NSRange deleteRange = NSMakeRange(0, 1);
[valueStr deleteCharactersInRange:deleteRange];
[self ShowNumber];
I have a mutable str...
Loading a custom input view into a UITextField, I can arbitrarily change the keyboard type of the standard keyboard between UIKeyboardTypeAlphabet and UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad. Just call something like:
[editingField setKeyboardType:UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad];
[editingField reloadInputViews];
And viola! There is your number pad.
I have a project which includes aprox 100 images and 101 files. which creates the application size 85MB on itunes. users can't download that much huge application.
Is there any way to download the sound files in resources of xcode project instead of adding all the files in project and then upload it to itunes?
Thanks guys.
Best Re...
I'm currently trying to write an iPhone companion to a website that I'm developing. I'm trying to get JSON data from my website by making a controller a delegate of the NSURLConnection. Here's the problem though, I have an NSMutableData object named responseData initialized like so:
responseData = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:0];
I have an UIViewController class with two labels and a UIImageView set as IBOutlets, and I have this outlets connected in my xib, I have double checked they are connected properly, however when I check the their value in the debugger they are 0x0 so I cant change them programatically. Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong.
Heres the ...
We have an existing web page which lets users upload images to the server. We would like to stretch it out so that iphone users can also upload images in this web form. Any ideas or third party tools?
I also found http://www.cliqcliq.com/support/quickpic/ but there no sample in coldfusion.
Kindly send me a code sample of how to run the music file when the application goes in the background. [iphone 4.1].
I don't want the music to stop when my application goes in the background just like the itunes music.
Best Regards,
Naveed Butt
I would like to reload a table view conditionally based on the value of a segmented control, when a button is tapped.
So in my buttonTapped method, i have this code which randomly selects an array item. In the else block i would like to remove the selected item from the array to prevent the same item being selected again, currently I re...
I'm using a UIDatePicker in UIDatePickerModeCountDownTimer mode which lets the user select hours and minutes, but it won't let the user select zero hours and zero minutes.
If the hours are set to zero and the user tries to pick zero minutes, it automatically jumps to 01.
I've researched the docs and nothing seems to allow me to do that,...
I'm trying to add some sort of a superglobal in my app. It will only store a small integer, but I need it to be accessible from anywhere in my app.
I know you can use the delegate for this, but wouldn't it be easier if you could just set a superglobal in your application (of course it has to be alterable)?
So, what is the best wa...
Starting off with a default "View based" application I create a new view (ViewToDisplay, class that inherits from UIView) and inside this view I create a layer (LayerToDisplay). The view draws something around the perimeter of the frame, and so does the layer but this time with dotted lines. This is to show / prove that the layer covers ...
How can I make it so that when a text field changes, a function is called on a script?
Christian Stewart
P.S. iPhone Programming
Being a noob in Iphone dev, just trying to understand.
In the code below, what is happening exaclty?
City *newCity = [[City alloc] init];
newCity.name = @"name";
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[array addObject:newCity];
City *getCity = [array objectAtIndex:0];
[city release];
[array release];
when you add ...