
Which development environment to use for developing JEE and EJB 3?

Hi all, I have to work with a project in which it is mandatory to use JEE and EJB 3. Can anyone suggest the best development environment for development of these technologies? And any useful links with some samples and how-tos to start with? ...

Why JEE is widely used in complicated projects?

Hi. Yesterday me and my friend we've had nice conversation about IT and he asked me WHY JEE is so widely used when it comes to build complicated IT systems? From my point of view advantages are easily visible, but he is IT manager with a lot of Micro$oft experience (and little Java exp.), so I would like to hear your voice. And I'll giv...

How to implement pessimistic locking in JPA with Glassfish 2.1?

When trying to setup a lock (pessimistic), with the following code: em.lock(controlnumbers, LockModeType.WRITE); em.refresh(controlnumbers); I am getting the following exception: [#|2009-09-10T15:42:48.324-0400|INFO|sun-appserver2.1|javax.enterprise.system.container.ejb|_ThreadID=31;_ThreadName=httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-19;| javax.ejb...

Struts2 + jQuery - Sending regular updates to the client

Hi, I am implementing a functionality in my web app such that a client can generate the report by entering some data and clicking on the submit button. The problem is that report generation takes lot of time and the report might not generate if the user entered data is wrong. The complete report generation task has many sub-tasks and ...

JEE deployment patterns resourses

I'm looking book/online resourses about JEE application deployment pattens. Especially I want to know patterns when to use local interfaces when remote ones (how many nodes I need to?). The key question is to use single EAR (EJB and WAR) or separate nodes for EJB and WARs. Resources I've found are bitty outdated, they concentrate on EJB...

JSF button to reset the session

Is there a way to reset (clear) the session for a user, when he clicks on a button? ...

@Cache annotation usage error

I added the following annotation to enable cache to one of my EJB3 entities, to test caching with ehCache, where I use Hibernate as the persistence provider: .... import org.hibernate.annotations.Cache; import org.hibernate.annotations.CacheConcurrencyStrategy; @Entity @Table(name = "F") @Cache(usage=CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_WRITE...

Java EE6 over EE5 ?!

We are at the edge of getting Java EE6 (with Glassfish v3 as reference implementation). Planned release is December 09. While still quite a number of companies are struggling to move their codebase to EE5 (from earlier versions), we are in the luxurious situation to start development of a new product and could choose to do it with EE6 as...

Stateless session bean result caching ?

We're running a Stateless Session Bean to retrieve some data from various locations. What's the best way to achieve caching for this SLSB ? Using interceptors ? Using JBossCache ? We're using JBoss 5.0.1. ...

JEE5 Development Environment

I've got a client who already has some applications in production and therefore has already made some decisions about what their production environment will be for this next project: Sun iPlanet 6.1 SP7 (w/ apache) JDK 1.6 Oracle Weblogic 10 MP3 Oracle 10g 1024-bit SSL They also have some corporate standards for web apps: Tomcat St...

How do you unit test JEE code?

I want to ask for your prefered way to test JEE code? I found only three project, that are trying to help to code unit tests in JEE environment: : Last Published: 2009-01-18 : Last Release: 2004-12-11 : Last Release: 2008-05-17 So I wonder, ...

Code review checklist/guideline for a Java web application?

Anyone have a code review checklist/guidelines for a Java web application? A review checklist for each layer would be great. If there is no such source on the internet, do you know of any good books? I found some useful tips in "Expert One-On-One..." by Rod Johnson. Any other good books you recommend? ...

Architecture guidebook for Java web application?

I'm looking for some good books/internet material that discusses on how to make decision on architecture for a Java web application, discuss on various considerations etc. I found this "J2EE Architecture Book" on TSS : The book is not only dated, but has p...

jspx script element on GlassFish v3

The .war is served from GlassFish v3. I am trying to include a javascript file from my jspx. <script type="text/javascript" src="/base/interface/Service.js"></script> I get the following in my http response <script src="/base/interface/Service.js" type="text/javascript" /> The problem is that it should include the </script> tag. I...

Cron syntax with Java EE 5?

Timer Tasks in Java EE are not very comfortable. Is there any util, to configure timer with cron syntax like "0 20 20 * * "? I wonder, if it would be a good way to use Quartzinside (clustered) JEE application. According to (german page) there limits with Quartz and Java EE cluster...

Enterprise Application

I am thinking about a platform for study application (it is team work). I mean standart JEE 5 (or maybe try raw JEE 6) and Spring. What is your choose? (I don't mean Spring MVC but Spring Beans and EJB3.0) Also i would like to know whar app server you use? (now i use glassfish v2) Thanks, WBR, Den Bardadym. ...

Netbeans + Facelets + Jboss EL

I've got a problem with JBossEL in NetBeans. Jboss EL provides method execution besides java bean binding. So th code : <h:outputText value="#{welcomeController.getWelcome(request)}" /> is correct and works fine. But NetBeans shows me an error: The function getWelcome must be used with a prefix when a default namespace is not spec...

What is the best project setup in this situation?

The presentation tier will contain 2 web modules (serving different purposes and based on different technologies), the middle tier will be Spring beans without EJBs and the persistence tier will be JPA on Hibernate. I am wondering what would be the best project setup in this case. The IDE I am planning to use is MyEclipse 8.5. Thanks. ...

Which are the differences/similarities between hibernate and other frameworks or specifications?

I want to know the differences/similarities between Hibernate and simple persistence in Java EE 5? I'm not clear if Hibernate implements Java EE 5 persistence implementation or if it is a totally different approach to data representation over back-end systems. I'm confused about Hibernate and its relation with the concepts about java p...

Interface between two related JPA entities

The scenario is as below (tables shown) Delivery table ------ id channelId type 10 100 fax 20 200 email Fax table ---- id number 100 1234567 101 1234598 Email table ----- id email 200 [email protected] 201 [email protected] basically a one to one relationship between the delivery and the channel entity but since each concr...