
Seeing all classes that extent current viewed class in javadocs?

At the risk of sounding incredibly stupid and receiving a rather patronising answer, how do I view all other classes that extend the current 'viewed class' in javadocS? i.e. Object a {} Object b extends a {} Viewing a, is there a way to see 'all classes that have extended this class A'... therefore showing 'Class B'. EDIT: Thanks ...

google calendar

I have doubt regarding Google calendar API.I had created calendar using google calendar developer guide.I want to retrieve the calendar Id through program.How is it possible? ...

Wanted: Eclipse plugin for Javadoc highlighting unused parameters.

Is there a way to make Eclipse/Javadoc give me warning for unused parameters? It can happen that my comments contain something like @param foo while I no longer use a parameter of the name foo in my method signature. I wish Eclipse would give me a warning when I compile that the parameter is not used, f.e. as a strike through. Xcode do...

Javadoc with Equations?

I'm only familiar with the no-frills javadoc generator, however I'd like to include some mathematical equations in my javadoc (rather than constantly referencing another document). Is there a convenient option to do something like include/properly render LaTeX (most preferred - then I could just cut-n-paste) or MathML tags? ...

Javadoc warning eclipse

Is it possible in Eclipse to have the warnings displayed in the editor about Javadoc issues. for example, I often reanme / change parameters of methods and forget to update the javadoc accordingly. this would be great to notice that before the next Javadoc compilation. Thanks in advance, Raph ...

Generating javadoc for a java project

Hi, Recently we planned to use checkstyle plug-in in our project. As a part of this exercise existing code has to be cleaned up to comply with checkstyle rules. We have found that close to 18K violations correspond to absence of javadoc comments in class files. My question is, is there any plugin or tool which i can use to generate java...

Javadoc giving me problems

I'm trying compile LuaJava and I'm getting this error: Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 9.00.30729.01 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin\javadoc" -classpath "src/java/" - public -d "doc\us\API" src/java/org/keplerproject/luajava/ s...

Is there a tool which will import javadoc into a SQL DB?

I'm making the leap that if it's pretty straightforward to generate XML for Javadoc, then it's pretty straightforward to extract records with xpath etc... and then import those into a database in order to create your own searchable and linkable structures... I've done the straightforward Google searches (or at least I thought I had) -- ...

What is java service manager

Hi I am unable to run a simple java application using normal "java myapp" command. When i hit enter it enters a new window. On further investigation i found that in the bin folder which contains javac etc utilities it contains a java utility which is a "service manager" as shown by my window xp OS. Please help. I am using jdk1.6.0_21 fo...

Generating JavaDoc from String/Stream etc.

Is it possible to generate JavaDoc not from a .java file on disk but from a String or InputStream that contains Java source? As I can see, deals with disk files only. Is there another option rather than "hacking" rt.jar? ...

How to do parallel programming in Java?

Hi I am developing an algorithm to find out a fraud-detecting system using a math formula. I need to work the program in different computer. How can I do that in Java? How can I do parallel programing in java? using RMI? or any other method? can u guys give me a code sample? ...

scaladoc Ant task writing for multiple source directories?

I wish to compile scaladoc and javadoc in a project with both scala and java in it. The project has more than one source directory (each of which may have scala or javadoc). I tried: <scaladoc destdir="doc"> <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/> <src> <fileset dir="src"/> <fileset dir="tweetstream4j/src"/> ...

Javadoc on Android (Eclipse)

I am trying to generate Javadoc html pages for my Android project in Eclipse. I have tried using the -linkoffline argument, as suggested here, as well as using the -classpath argument pointing to my android.jar file. Neither of these worked, as I still get package does not exist (and other) warnings. I have also tried running...

Publishing javadoc automatically when building a maven project with hudson

Hi, I'm using Hudson to build Maven-projects with the dedicated Maven 2 job. unfortunately, I can't find any way to publish the generated javadoc like it can be done using a "Free Style" job and the "Publish javadoc" option. Running the javadoc goal didn't link the generated javadocs. Any ideas? ...

The import com.sun.javadoc cannot be resolved in Eclipse

Hello. I'm having problem compiling a project in Eclipse. The import com.sun.javadoc cannot be resolved I added tools.jar as an external jar, changed default compiler to use jdk instead of jre, did Project -> Clean afterwards. But nothing of this helped. What am I missing here? UPD: this is how it looks like (packages exist on the le...

How to provide the javadoc in other languages?

We frequently integrate with services developed and maintained in other countries like Spain, Chile, India etc. I see consitently that the services/API calls from Spain and Chile are in Spanish. But we want our code to be English and Javadoc to be both in English and Spanish. I am seeking the best way to achieve this. Is there a common...

Android&Javadoc: @inheritDoc is not working

Every time i used the @inheritDoc tag in javadoc, I see the following warning (example): @inheritDoc used but getCount() does not override or implement any method. Does anybody know how to avoid that? I'm sure that the methods implement/override another method, because I also set the @override tag, and Eclipse doesn't complain about t...

Javadoc Generation Problem in Eclipse

Hi all, I'm having a problem with the javadoc generation in eclipse. In advance, thanks for taking the time. Here's what happens: I go to Project>Generate Javadoc..., select all of the files in the project, then press finish. Eclipse then goes and seemingly does its' thing. The output in the console looks more or less like this: Loadin...

How do I make javadoc inheritance work for external APIs? (with Maven2)

When a class overrides a concrete method or implements and abstract method, the Javadoc is automatically inherited unless explicitly overwritten. Or, at least the tool tries to do this. It seems it does not work for linked external APIs. For instance, when I in my code implement java.util.Map, or something else from the JRE, the javadoc...

How to use javadoc:aggregate properly in multi-module maven project?

This is my parent pom.xml file (part of it) in a multi-module project: ... <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId> </plugin> </plugins> </build> ... This plugin is inherited in all sub-modules and I don't think ...