
JEDI Code Library line number for exception

I have a codegear C++ builder project and added the JCL library to get a stackdump when an exception occurs. I get the stackdump, but the most important thing is missing, the line number where the exception actually happened. I get the function name, but if the function is 30 lines long it's not easy to guess where the problem is. Am I ...

Need a way to periodically log the call stack/stack trace for EVERY method/procedure/function called

I'm working on a very large application where periodically I'd like to log the ENTIRE call stack up until the current execution point (not on an exception). The idea here is that I want a map of the exact code path that led me to the point that I am. I have been working with madExcept, tooled around with jclDebug and while I can get so...

invoking JCL from java

I have been working in java for the past 4 years. I would like to inform that my knowledge in mainframes system is a BIG 0 and am looking for a way to invoke a JCL scrip from a java class. Can someone please let me know a way of doing this. What are all the pre-requisites to accomplish the same? thanks in advance, raj. ...

JCL file to create PDS and member

How can I write a JCL file that will create a PDS and a member within that same PDS? ...

Loading jar file using JCL(JarClassLoader ) : classpath in manifest is ignored ..

I am trying to load jar file using JCL using following code FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File( "C:\\Users\\sunils\\glassfish-tests\\working\\test.jar") ); JarClassLoader jc = new JarClassLoader( ); jc.add(fis); Class main = jc.loadClass( "highmark.test.Main" ); String[] str={}; ...

What're the advantages/disadvantages of RECFM=FB over RECFM=F?

While defining a dataset to be created, one of the JCL parameters, DCB has a positional sub-parameter RECFM, has possible values of F,FB,V,VB etc.. What're the advantages/disadvantages of RECFM=FB over RECFM=F or RECFM=VB over RECFM=V? And which case prefers to use what RECFM format? ...

What does 'MGMTCLASS' of a dataset describe?

While allocating a dataset, What does MGMTCLASS of a dataset describe? To my knowledge it gives the retention and expiration period that it is gonna reside on disk and the possible values I have observed are BKUP35, NOBKNLIM etc. What are these stand for and what else are the possible value for this parameter? Hope I put my question exac...

What's the difference between SYSOUT and SYSPRINT of a job?

While coding a JCL, we give SYSOUT and SYSPRINT DDs. Which type of output goes to SYSOUT and what else to SYSPRINT? ...

Reading records from a file

hi all I have a file having some number of records and I want to copy only first and last 10 records into another file. Can anybody tell how to write jcl, using sort, icetool, ect. ...

How to abend job intentionally

Hi, Is it possible to abend your job intentionally through COBOL program. suppose I have an Input file having Header,Detail and Trailer records. I will write a COBOL pgm which reads this file.If no Detail records are found in this file then I want to abend my job by giving some Abend Message and some Abend Code.Is it Possible? ...

Why is commons-logging believed to be unpopular?

Dave Syer (SpringSource) writes in his blog: Unfortunately, the worst thing about commons-logging, and what has made it unpopular with new tools, is also the runtime discovery algorithm. Why? What is the issue with its runtime discovery algorithm? Performance? ...

syncsort to get unmatch records

Hi, i have two files File 1: 1234ADDRESSBOOK245 : 4567RECORDBEGIN123 FILE 2: 1234BOOKADDRESS245 : 4567RECORDBEGIN123 suppose key is (1:4), i want the non matching fields. say, in file 1 first record having chnage value in non key fields. and second record is matching in both files. please help me to get the non matching f...

append records to an existing file

Hi, If I want to append records to an existing file what DISP parameters do I need to use? ...

Commons logging output ignores jboss logging config in jboss 6

On both M3 and M4 releases of JBoss 6, all redirected commons-logging outputs seem to ignore logger level configuration in jboss-logging.xml. For example, I get TRACE and DEBUG output from org.apache.commons.httpclient and com.ocpsoft.pretty, even if I set up logger levels in jboss-logging.xml to put those packages to ERROR. jboss-logg...

How to port Scala 2.7.7 code that uses scala.collection.jcl to Scala 2.8?

I've got some code that references scala.collection.jcl written against Scala 2.7.7. I'm now trying to compile it against Scala 2.8 for the first time, and I'm getting this error: "value jcl is not a member of package collection". Is there a substitute/replacement for jcl in 2.8? ...

Are there localized resource strings available for the JCL (JEDI Code Library)?

Is there a translation/localization sub-project for the JEDI Code Library? I'm especially looking for German, French and Italian versions of JclResources.pas and JclVclResources.pas (and might be able to contribute to a German translation myself). Is anything like that already in the works or did I even just fail to find it in the origi...

C++ Builder XE and JEDI JCL

Has anybody successfully compiled the JCL for C++ Builder XE? I have tried on XP and Win7 with no luck. I have filed a bug but this is a show stopper for me right now, so though I would ask here. I am using the latest release from sourceforge. ...

JCL for copying certain members from one PDS to another

Hi, I am trying to copy some members from one PDS to another.e.g. Suppose I have 500 members in one PDS.I am trying to move first 100 to 2nd PDS ,next 100 to 3rd PDS and so on.And the members that are copied to another PDS should get deleted from the source PDS.Is it possible to do so using JCL? I am looking at IEBGENER but there I foun...

can we compare time fields in SORT card of JCL

Suppose I have 12 position of a record holding time field of 8 bytes. Can I compare it with current timestamp? Can I do arithmetic operations on that filed like adding an hour or subtracting few minutes etc. Your responses will be highly appreciated. Thanks! Addendum.. for better understanding: I need your help in getting time fields c...

How can I use SYNCSORT to format a Packed Decimal field with a specifc sign value?

I want to use SYNCSORT to force all Packed Decimal fields to a negative sign value. The critical requirement is the 2nd nibble must be Hex 'D'. I have a method that works but it seems much too complex. In keeping with the KISS principle, I'm hoping someone has a better method. Perhaps using a bit mask on the last 4 bits? Here is the ...