
Generic Database Code Table Editor

Where can I find a generic editor (JSP using Oracle's ADF) for create, read, update, and delete on any table? Example usage: User selects the name of a table. User then adds a new row, or updates/deletes an existing row. User saves the changes. Foreign keys would appear as drop-down lists, and all others as af:inputText. (The user-f...

How to automate building and deploying a BPEL application

I need to automate the building and deployment of (several) BPEL applications to a weblogic server. I now do it using jDeveloper 11g, but I guess there should be some command line tools to do it. (I come from a Microsoft /.NET / Visual Studio background, and I can automate the deployment of my .NET applications using the command line an...

How do I install org.apache.commons.code.binary.Base64?

Hello..I am taking a class on Android and I am a newbie with JDeveloper. I am working on a Web Services application. I downloaded some code that has a "Import org.apache.commons.binary.Base64". JDeveloper is barking "not found" for this import. I found on the apache website the org.apache.commons.binary.Base64 module and downloaded i...

Can somebody tell me how to include external javadocs to Oracle JDeveloper (11g).

I am using some external libraries, and i also want to include their javadocs. I've searched on the internet, but few documentation exists for JDeveloper. The overall IDE is actually a little noon-intuitive, even though very powerful. ...

Jdeveloper vs java/j2ee/js+extjs ?

Hi All, i am new to the web development environment, having came from a unix/c environment. i've been recently asked to create a web app, which i thought would require postgresql, java/j2ee, and javascript for the client interface. as i had wanted a nicer gui, i've been reading up on extjs, which looks really nice to me. a colleague m...

Can I use a *.tag from another *.tag file in the same /WEB-INF/tags folder?

Hello, I am trying to refactor my JSP code so that a small conditional test condition gets reused through a *.tag file. There are some big parts of my UI that depend on the value of a two-state property of an object present in the request. Let's say the property is 'gender' and the object is of type Person. Like I said, I would like t...

"Parameter type conflict" when calling Java Stored Procedure within another Java Stored Procedure

Here's the problem (sorry for the bad english): i'm working with JDeveloper and Oracle10g, and i have a Java Stored Procedure that is calling another JSP like the code: int sd = 0; try { CallableStatement clstAddRel = conn.prepareCall(" {call FC_RJS_INCLUIR_RELACAO_PRODCAT(?,?)} "); clstAddRel.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER...

How to bind an ADF Table on button click

Coming from ASP.NET I'm having a hard time with basic ADF concepts. I need to bind a table on a button click, and for some reason I don't understand (I'm leaning towards page life cycle, which I guess is different from ASP.NET) it's not working. This is my ADF code: <af:commandButton text="#{viewcontrollerBundle.CMD_SEARCH}" id="c...

Track active item in Application Explorer in jDeveloper

Is there a setting in jDeveloper 11g where the file of the code I'm seeing is automatically focused on the application explorer? I'm specifically looking for the VS.NET setting "track active item in solution explorer" ...

JDeveloper 11g and Spring

I new to Jdeveloper. I want to build a sample Spring web app. In making a new application, I chose "Java EE Web Application" and JDev made the application and two projects. I did not see how to add Spring. Should Spring show up as one of the "Project Technologies" from which to choose? ...

Dynamicly select datasource for entities runtime

I have an entity bean that will represent an expected result over multiple databases/datasources and can also be different queries executed, but same result always comming back. So the bean is re-used over different datasources that should be able to be dynamicly selected. Is it possible with JPA to select during runtime the data source...

Is there an option for code completion in JSP scriptlets in JDeveloper?

I have a little problem with JDeveloper. It has excellent code completion abilities in java files, and it also works fine for tags in JSP files, but it doesn't work inside scriptlets. For example, if I have code like this: <x:sometag attribute=<%=MyClass.A I want it to automatically complete it, when I press Ctrl+space, with the avail...

Jdeveloper 11g dislikes

Firstly, in my opinion, this question is relative to programming, as much as the answers (and the question itself) is subjective, I would like to see some of these subjective opinions, and other ideas that come from it. My company is deep in bed with oracle. They are making a strong move towards java, and well forcing JDeveloper down on...

oracle JDeveloper 10g - Creating "Application Server" issue

i am quite new to oracle and its tools. i'm trying to connect our company server with jdeveloper i just clicked "application server" from the connection navigation panel, and i am having problems with these steps, although i read some documents about connection, i couldn't find the exact solution. the problem is in the connection tab(...

oracle application directory problem - jdeveloper

Hi, i'm working on a project in jdeveloper. when i try to test a db connection file, an error occurs below: C:\OA_HTML\TestDbcConn.jsp:0: error #704: cannot access directory oracle\apps\fnd\common; verify that directory is reachable from classpath and/or sourcepath i searched this file in my computer, there are some directories like t...

How can I show a name using the ID as the foreign key?

Here's what I have: I have a table called Area that is self referential. If the column ParentAreaID is null it means it's a parent area. If it has a value, it means that it has a parents. How can I show a table with ID, Name and NAME (of the parents using the self referential ID)? ...

How can I let me users download a file from my jDeveloper 10g website?

I want to easily allow my users to fetch a PDF file located on my hard disk. How could I "push" the file to them so the download/open file prompt opens for them? ...

How to show Oracle DB Tables on my JDeveloper Swing projects frame?

I want to show my Oracle DB tables on my application. I create a new database connection DBConnection1. But I don't bind DBConnection1 in my class. How to do it? ...

Using an EAR file to create new project in JDeveloper

I'm not even sure if I worded the question correctly. I've tried googling, but can't find anything relevant. Basically I need to create a working project folder in JDeveloper from an ear file. The ear file is all I have, and I need to be able to modify code. The ear has a war and the war has numerous jar files. I have no experience ...

Java.lang.OutOfMemory Java Heap Space JDeveloper

I am writing an application on Java and it is throwing this error Java.lang.OutOfMemory Java Heap Space JDeveloper. I know that I can add java -Xmx512m to the command line to solve the problem. However, I need to run this application on JDeveloper. So, my Question is: How to increase the size of the Heap on JDveloper? Thank you, Sami ...