
Save All and Cancel All with jeditable?

How do you, if at all, place a save all button, and a cancel button, that turns off all editing with one click, and a save button that saves all the fields at one shot? ...

Submit to a function rather than a whole php file in JEDITABLE

How would I submit the value and id not to a php file like save.php (which contains codes that would save immediately the new value) but to a function? Because I can get the whole page when I edit a certain element. Maybe because I post the value and id into a function.... ...


THIS IS THE CODE SNIPPET: To call the translation edit: $directEditClass = WGet::classes('output.directedit'); $text = $directEditClass->editTrans( $text,'library.'.$this->you.'view', 'name', 'yid', $this->yid ); The function itself: /** * Use to create an editable field for the translation to be edited * @param string $...

JQuery JEditable Plugin On Focus Notify Callback Function

I want to attach and event to the Jeditable Input box as soon as it gets created. There is an "onblur" but no onfocus as far as I can tell. Does anyone know a fast approach to do this? ...

turn back to original form ONMOUSEOUT JEDITABLE

This is my problem: I am using jeditable's feature that when I mouseover on a text, it will be editable. But I have a problem because when I mouseover on a text and mouseover again to another text, the first text that I mouseovered on is not back to its original form, I mean it is an input field still... What I wanted is that after I mo...

Jeditable not working with Jquery Dialog content

Hello, I am dynamically loading content from another page onto a div(jquery dialog div) by $.ajax Now the content on the this dialog has to editable by jeditable.. however its not working at all.. I tried putting scripts on both the pages but it is simply not working.. however the script works on normal content but not on dynamic conte...

Jeditable not working with Jquery sortable

I was using Jeditable(with type autogrow) for editing text within a div which has similar siblings. Then I used Sortable for all the siblings and then jeditable wont cancel edit when click outside. Really in a pickle as I need sortable functionality and dont want to lose the editing. Edit: Also, once I click to edit a text, It will not...

JEditable jQuery plugin with ASP.NET WebService or Handler

I am investigating the use of the JEditable jQuery plugin for my site. In my test, I setup a webservice to receive the callback from JEditable, but the webservice always returns XML, so the whole XML string gets thrown back into the page. It appears that I have a few options, none of which I am thrilled about, so I wanted to po...

jeditable textbox width

is there anyway to make the textbox bigger than the text when using inline replace with jeditable. I want to give the user room to add new text on top of the existing text. ...

Working example of jeditable and autocomplete working together

I see a lot of google posts on this but all seems to be talking about how this is in progress. Does anyone know of a working version of jeditable and autocomplete functionality working together so i can click on text and get a textbox and have autocomplete functionality working against that textbox EDIT: I am opening a bounty, as it s...

jeditable - highlight all text after double click

is there any options on jeditble so when i double click my text and the textbox pops up that it highlights all of the text ...

jeditable "save.php" page

i downloaded jeditable and i cannot get the new text data to save to my "save.php" file as seen in the demo here to i have to change the settings to "777" via ftp program or something, kinda noob so be easi on me. ...

jquery jeditable pass multiple values...

Alright totally new to jeditable, Say I have some <div>'s and <input type='hidden' /> items that are generated dynamically with PHP like this: <?php while($row = $db->fetch_assoc($query)) : ?> <input name="hiddenID" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $row['id'] ?>" <div class="items"><?php echo $row['item']; ?></div> <?php endwhil...

Using Jeditable and activating on click

I found this to be almost exactly what I'm trying to do. I'm using Jeditable I can get the default setup to work. I've also been able to get the code in the forum above to work. I believe my problem is that because I'm using a table I need to so something else to select the previous element. Here is my HTML <table> <tr> <t...

Is there a jQuery jEditable Multi-select plugin?

I'm using the excellent jEditable plugin for some in-place editing on my page. There is one spot I need a multiple select element. Is there a jEditable plugin that allows me to do this? I've been trying to use the jEditable author's plugin API to create my own multiselect plugin, but no dice so far. There just doesn't seem to be quite e... mvc and jquery trying to pass in list

i have a strongly typed view and the Model has a .Links property. Links is an array of link, which has a URL, a Description and an ID. i have a bunch of links. Every links has a list of tags and those tags are layed out like this: <a id="98" href=">IBM</a><b class='dblclick'>Tags: Software</b> <a id="99" href="...

how do you pass in a selector into jquery editable plugin

i am trying to pass in a selector into the ID variable but this doesn't seem to work as it blows up at runtime. what is wrong with the below syntax ? <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $(".dblclick").editable('<%=Url.Action("UpdateSettings","Photos", new { id = $(this).attr("id") }) %>', { ...

jeditable performance in IE

I am seeing very poor page set-up time in IE using jeditable. The page has a table in which each row has 13 span elements to which jeditable is applied as follows: $(document).ready(function() { $('#entry_pl span.ples').editable('my_xhr.php', { placeholder: '<span class="placeholder">unset</span>', indicator: '<img src...

jquery + jeditable, input field won't blur when double clicking on another editable area

Hi, I'm creating a small page where users can modify the name of categories and items with the help of jeditable/jquery. The script works but acts a little strangely in Firefox. If I double click on my editable span it will be replaced with the input field. It will then disappear if I focus on some other element EXCEPT another editable...

Jeditable to edit a link. Help.

Hi, I have been playing around with jeditable for 2 days now, and it's great! But I got a little problem, I have a link which should be editable, but whenever the field become editable, I can't edit that field, when I click, it jumps right to that link. Any solution? Here is my code <a href="$homeurl/$hashkey" class="editsubject" id=...