
What to expect from a SharePoint job position.

What can I expect from a "SharePoint" job? I have an offer from a company which is into SharePoint development. I'm wondering whether it is only about configuring standard SharePoint widgets or whether it is also about real development and programming. What are your experiences with SharePoint? ...

How to do a cron job every 72 minutes

How would I get a cron job to run every 72 minutes? Or some not so pretty number like that? ...

Shortage of programmers?

There is a New York Times article about Google complaining about a lack of qualified US programmers even in this economic downturn: They elaborate on how one of the immigrant programmers there was able to solve problems that local ones couldn't: Enter Mr. Mavinkurve, who float...

freelancer's ready-to-go code.

It's been a time since I've been on the freelance market, now I'd like to dive into that once again and I feel the best way to save private time and effort is to prepare myself some ready-to-go solutions for the most common needs. My list includes (some of them I have already done from past project, some will just write or adapt from var...

What has your experience been breaking into the field of software development?

A friend is contemplating pursuing a career in software development and has asked me, I just wanted to know if there are jobs in this field. I didn't know how easy it would be for me to get into the field once I complete the classes. What do you think? Please describe your experience/perception on breaking into the field at the ea...

Areas of focus for a Java independent study?

I have an independent study next semester and would like it to be something that applies to future job prospects. I've interned at a company for the passed several years that uses Spring, Hibernate, and ServiceMix. I'd like to learn these technologies during my independent study so I can hit the ground running if I get hired there. Does ...

What sort of businesses still hire C programmers?

I'm starting a job search, ideally ending up at a C shop. So far, I'm coming up empty in my local ads, and am starting to think I need to broaden my search, targeting specific types of businesses. So, what type of places typically use this language? ...

As a junior developer, is it better to get a contract job or a full time job to further my education and experience?

As the title says.. ...

Is LinkedIn Useful to Programmers Looking for Work?

How should i create my profile on linkedin? I am in need of a job, have no post secondary education and never worked as a professional programmer before. Although I have been programming outside of school for 5 years. ...

Which job? C or ASP.NET/C#?

Hello, I've got two jobs offerings - C programmer (for middle-sized company) and ASP.NET/C# programmer (for starup company). Salary is the same. Which one would you choose and why? I mean what would be better for future carrer, for future job-hunting, etc. I've been learning java for some months and would like to work as a java develop...

What's an occupation that's similar to programming, but isn't programming?

Or let me rephrase: What's an occupation that's involves very similar skills/abilities to programming, but that isn't IT-related at all? What kind of jobs would someone with the "programmer" mindset be likely to do well in? I've had many different responses to the question, ranging from "architect", to "engineer", to "nothing is the s...

job offer dilemma

Hi, I started a new Java job just over a month ago and it hasn't been going well. The main problems are: Quality of source code is disgraceful No automated build/tests There is resistance to change/improvement and a severe case of "not invented here" All the experienced team members work in a remote office, which makes knowledge trans...

Need job scheduler in

Hello Team, We have a website where we need a scheduler to receive notifications (e-mail) on specific time. eg. a person setting reminder at 5 PM to attend the meeting at 4:45 PM, will receive email at 4:45 PM about same. As this site is hosted on shared server, we don't have any control over the server to run any SQL Job or scheduler...

Preparing to be a computer scientist?

I'm about to graduate with a BS in Comp Sci next fall, and to be honest I feel very apprehensive. Not only about the job market, but I almost feel like I know less than I did when I came in. That's to say: I know a lot of generalities and theory, my coding skills are basic, and I just don't feel like I know any one thing well. Any advi...

Persuade boss dump terrible architecture

I'm close to having a nervous breakdown, so please-please help me out. A bit of background: I'm in Russia, working for a financial company and we're developing an in-house application for our back-office, executives, you name it. The application contains several major areas, and I personally worked on reporting: the whole infrastructur...

What kind of jobs are out there for someone who is interested in language design?

Im currently implementing an interpreter for Scheme, and plan on reading Elements of Programming Languages and design a toy language for learning purpose. What kind of jobs are out there that require language design skills? ...

Standardized Job Descriptions

Here's a question that I'm sure almost every one of you have come across in your careers unless you are still working for the first company you ever worked for. In IT, most job descriptions seem to be made up. A Senior Systems Analyst at company A seems to do something very different from that same Senior Systems Analyst at company B. ...

Do consulting companies focus on code quality?

I've gotten a couple of interviews from companies to fill a junior software developer, half of which are consulting companies. My last and first job didn't really focus on code quality and was very budget oriented. Creating high quality code is something that I want to practice doing from now on. So my question is, do consulting compa...

Summer job for undergraduate?

This fall I will have senior standing in the computer science curriculum at my university. In the past, I have done summer jobs like working in the areas of fast-food, wal-mart, etc. This summer I really want to do something to make money, but using the skills I've acquired during my studies. I believe I am too late to apply to any ...

Jobs for Computer Science Major

I was looking for an answer to this, and can't believe it hasn't already been asked. I'm just beginning to work on my degree in Computer Science, and I'm wondering what kind of jobs Computer Science majors typically take. I assume the vast majority become either systems programmers or application programmers. I really love to code, but m...