
How to prepare for a interview test in understanding foreign source code?

Hi, recently I had a job interview where I had to present self-written code and explain the programm architecture and design, had to take a look at company source code, explain what I understand of this source code sections presented (it was the domain model of an application) and had to modify the code to let the program work a little...

How to check if potential employer uses rich programming environment

Lately I was thinking about job interviews. Most of time you can see information about how to look for a employer, how much you can earn or what do you look for in new employer and how to show from your best side. My concern is slightly different. You go to job interview to a employer you would like to work for next 1 or 2 years (or mor...

Are threading issues for C/C++ "system level programmers" significantly different from those faced by Java programmers?

I'm looking for a development job and see that many listings specify that the developers must be versed in multithreading. This appears both for Java job listings, and for C++ listings that involve "system programming" on UNIX. In the past few years I have been working with Java and using its various synchronization mechanisms. In the...

What's the Erlang/Haskell job market like in the U.S.?

I've heard that Telecoms are the big source of Erlang jobs but I'm not sure how much of a market there is. How likely is it that someone could find a job in Erlang/Haskell if they decided to learn it? In my case I have a lot of programming experience in Java but am tired of Java and want to try something different. ...

How to find interesting companies

Hello, Im a programmer in India, have been working for 2 years now. While my current job is run of the mill internal software for a large telecom company, its not the kind of work im looking for in my next job. Job boards like have exactly these kinds of jobs listed.(like the one im doing now) How do i find a company wher...

Most Marketable Web Development Skill

I recently quit my job. It felt like it was time to move on, and I had been offered another opportunity anyways. However this opportunity is only for this coming summer and after that I am going to need to find another job. I will possibly be looking for a job in the web development space, however my web dev skills are a bit out of date....

What programming jobs would be best for a mathematician?

I'm a math professor that is losing his job, and I'm trying to gain programming skills, since academic jobs are scarce these days. Are there particular types of programming jobs that I should try to work towards, in order to leverage my math Ph.D? What particular skills should I try to obtain for those jobs? Update, 6 months later: F...

How do you attract programmers in rural areas?

I run a software development group for a very small, but stable and established company in a small town, somewhat outside of the "big city". Unfortunately, the "programmer" labor pool is much smaller due to the size of the city. There are many positives to working in this area, especially in terms of quality of life (particularly for p...

Add a programming quiz to the job advertisement?

At our company, we are looking for good Java programmers, that the one and only requirement and that's written in our job advertisement. Since we need more people to handle all the work that's coming up, within this and the next year, we want to hire people. The problem is, most of the candidates are not as good as we want them to be. Ma...

What open source Ruby OR Rails project would increase your appeal to a potential employer?

Now that I know how to find a Ruby open source project, how do I judge which ones are most likely to help my career prospects. I've never worked in the Ruby world and need something that might show off my potential to be a good hire. Or is any project as good as anything else as long it's something you're interested in? Also, would it ma...

RoR beginner - what are the topics to concentrate on?

I'm a beginner to Ruby and RoR. I went through a book (railsspace) which covers the basics. I understand the basics of how RoR works, REST etc. Beyond this, I'm not sure how to proceed. In short, my questions are What topics should I concentrate on, to grow as a RoR programmer? I checked quite a few books, didn't fully like many of...

What can my company offer to attract junior- to mid-level software engineers?

My company is having difficulty attracting the number of software engineers needed to keep up with business. We are in a very competitive market, with neighboring (geographically) companies all competing for the same pool of people. Realistically, and given the conditions of today's economy, what perks can we offer to attract engineers...

Have you found it harder to hire in a down market?

Several responses to "What can my company offer to attract junior- to mid-level software engineers?" were something like "in this market, all you need to offer is a job." But my experience has been that good people still have a lot of choices. A friend of mine, someone I'd work with again in a heartbeat, was laid off two weeks ago. As o...

What kind of artificial intelligence jobs are out there?

Throughout my academic years in computer science I fell in love with many aspects of artificial intelligence. From expert systems, neural networks, to data mining (classification). I wonder, if I was to transform this academic passion professionally, what kind of AI-related jobs are out there? ...

How to find an entry-level job after you already have a graduate degree?

Note: I asked this question in early 2009. A couple of months later, I found a great job. I've previously updated this question with some tips for whoever ends up in a similar situation, and now cleaned it up a little for the benefit of the fresh batch of graduates. Original post: In my early 20s I abandoned a great C++ development c...

What makes Oracle programming different from normal DB programming?

I'm seeing a lot of job posts that specifically mention Oracle and PL/SQL. What's unique about programming for this database? How different is it from programming for any other database, especially from Java? Isn't it the same normal SQL? Can't one just use JDBC? I've worked in the past with MySQL, DB2, and MSSQL, but haven't seen Or...

Working as a software developer for a non-software vendor, pros/cons?

I'm moving (again), and this time the job is for a non-software vendor, actually a publishing company. As a junior I totally need to work for as many projects as I can in order to gain the experience level I desire. My questions are: 1- Will this job slow my experience improvements? 2- Is it totally bad? 3- Are there any advantages o...

Which is a better concentration Information Systems Management or Software Engineering?

I hope this doesn't get closed, because it relates to the type of questions many developers seeking degrees may be interested in. I'm coming into the home stretch of my quest for a Master's in Information Technology. I've taken 11 courses so far, almost all strictly technical - Distributed Java, C++, Security, Data Communications, Perl,...

Is it typical for programmers to negotiate their salary?

In some industries salary negotiation is almost expected (sales for instance), but I'm not sure how prevalent this is in this IT industry. Is it typical in the software industry for software developers to counter salary offers made to them? Edit: My previous question was closed, so I'm attempting to extract anything too localized fro...

Where are all these entry-level jobs in Computer Science that I keep hearing about?

I'm assuming I'm not the only one with this question: Every week or so I hear about some new Industry honcho talking about how nobody majors in Computer Science any more, and how there are many more positions available than there are grads to fill them, despite the economy. So where are these entry-level jobs that I keep hearing about ...