I have a jqgrid sitting on my screen that displays about 3500 records as a result of a search. I am using paging and user only sees about max 45 records at a time. I want to create a functionality to print grid data (all 3500 records). To do so I am creating another view that I can go to via a controller and it would generate the same re...
using jqGrid and using Advanced Searching... but I want to snag the "query" that is being sent over before it is sent (so the user builds it once, I can "save it off" somewhere and then resend it later).
but I can't figure out how to grab it... can anyone help??
hello all,
i am bindind the jqgrid
my controller class consists of the following code ,this code I had got from code,now it is giving error for RowNumber please tell why& how can I solve the problem.
public ActionResult GetGridData(string sidx, string sord, int page, int rows) {
return Content(JsonHelper.JsonForJqgrid(GetDat...
hello all,
i want to use jqgrid in my simple Asp.net application
now the problem when i am writing this code.
public void GetGridData(string sidx, string sord, int page, int rows)
return Content(JsonHelper.JsonForJqgrid(GetDataTable(sidx, sord, page, rows), rows, GetTotalCount(), page), "application/json");
I have used jqgrids to display static values. But I have a scenario where I need to have checkboxes and dropdown values to be displayed in JQGrid columns. Depending upon whether I check or uncheck the checkbox. Any thoughts or comments on how to build jqgrids with Dropdowns and Checkboxes?
I ma using a jqgrid and it gets populated fine. From the UI perspective one of the columns in the jqgrid is editable. May I know how can I make one of the columns as editable (say like a text box). The reason is in my case when the grid successfully loads the UI is going to look as if one of the columns values is editable.
How to bind jqGrid dynamically?. The columns are not available at design time but will only be available only at runtime.
In the current jqGrid design the colmodels and other properties needs to be pre-populated for the grid to work correctly.
Any input in this direction is greatly appreciated.
So I'm using jQuery Scrollable script , but it works only for IE and FF engines and it's not so good...
I can't find any other solution :(
But I can find jQuery Grid plugin for PHP
and ... jqGrid for ASP (what I want)
the very big trouble is 300$ :(
here is very confusing for me php/mysql example , I need asp/mssql
how to use free jQ...
Is it possible to add tooltip to the expand/collapse button oJQGrid so that it can change when expanded and vice versa ...
Hi All
I have a jq grid, and I have to check for a particular value in a column and change the row corresponding to the column (say red).
I can get the row index, but I can't work out how to access that row and change its background.
Hello All,
I want a image column in my jQGrid,I have used a formatter,but doesnot work,please give me the solution for this.
my code is as follows:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var TheGrid ;
var resp;
url: 'EventsList.aspx',
datatype: "js...
First off I have read the pertinent posts here on Stackoverflow but I am still stuck.
I have a page that loads data using a custom grid plugin. That data needs to have a link in it that will launch a modal window (using the jqModal plugin). The window is present in the html, not retrieved by some ajax call. So if I attach the event hand...
Is there a way for the JQGrid to return an array of column Data for using multiSelect as opposed to just an array of rowIds ?
At the moment I can only return the last column data that was selected.
jQuery("#buttonSelected").click(function() {
var ids = jQuery("#relatedSearchGrid").getGridParam('selarrrow');
var c...
I am just wondering how can we set a JQGrid column width to auto?
colModel: [
{ name: 'MyDescription', index: 'description', align: 'left', width: 150, sortable: false },.....
for the above statement how can I specify an auto width for the column so that it fits to the size of the maximum content in it.
Hello all,
I am trying to get this awesome JQuery plugin working with SQL Server. I have setup PDO as I use it elsewhere (with MS Access) - I think I have it setup with sql server (2008) now. Here is how I connect:
define('DB_DSN',"odbc:Driver={SQL Server};Server=MyInstance;Database=table1;");
define('DB_USER', '');
I want to hide/show the form field base on selection from select form field, I used the following code but it didn't hide the #Job_Name. How to acheive this?
{ name: 'Job_Number',
index: '`Job #`',
editable: true,
edittype: 'text',
editoptions: { size: 10, readonly: 'readonly'},
editrules: {required: true },
Hey guys,
I have a jqgrid and I can reorder my columns with this option in my JQGrid
sortable: true,
This functionality let me reorder ALL my columns. But I want that some columns must be on fixed places. Is there a way to solve this?
Thanks in advance!
I have developed an ASP.NET MVC (version 2 RC) application with a ton of jqGrids. It's working like a champ in Firefox, but I've discovered a problem in IE8.
The "Main View" grids can be filtered by a search box or one of a few dropdowns above the grid. I use some javascript to reset the url for the grid, then trigger a reload, thusly...
I have a asp.net webforms page in which I'm using the jqGrid component. The problem is that thickbox is not working on the links inside jqGrid (ajax).
I got this peace of code on Gupta's blog but I don't know how to add it as I'm using the jqGrid component for ASP.NET. Can anyone help ? Thanks.
gridComplete: function(){
// ThickBox - t...
jqGrid and IE8 are not making friends... ( the jqgrid is invisible in the IE, sometime when the mouse is over it, it appears, but still after sec it disappears.
in FF, Chrome, Opera it works fine.
is there a good explanation for this??