
JavaScript data grid for millions of rows

I need to present millions of rows of data to users in a grid using JavaScript. I don't want the user thinking about viewing finite pieces of data (ie. pages); it should appear that all of the data are available. Rather than downloading all the data at once, small chunks are downloaded as the user comes to them (by scrolling, keying in ...

Strange behaviour in jqgrid

Am having some behaviour I cannot understand why in my jqgrid.My Add , Edit and Delete buttons seem to have interchanged there respective urls. $("#list").navGrid("#pager", {add:true,addtext:'Add',edit:true,edittext:'Edit',del:true,deltext:'Delete'}, {top:50,left:"100",width:500,url:'<?php echo $th...

How to add columns dynamically in jqgrid?

Hi, I want add columns dynamically. Means I have got 4 buttons. Add After, Add Before, Edit and Delete. Can someone help me, how to achive this functionaliy. Regards, Arfan Mahmood. ...

How can I change Background colour and Font of any row in JQGrid?

Iam trying to change the background colour of any row in JQGrid, Still I don't have any solution. Can anybody help me? Thanks in advance. ...

How can I perform sorting on any column in ClientSide JQGrid?

I want to sort my records by Column, I am using Clinet Side verson of JQGrid. Can anybnody tell me, how can I sort records in my JQGrid. Thanks in Advance. ...

jqgrid with JSON input rendering empty

I'm trying to generate a jqgrid which populates from a JSON feed, being output from a django backend. The python handling the request is as follows: from django.http import HttpResponse from django.utils import simplejson def json_test(request): results = {'total':'1', 'page':'1', 'records':'2', ...

jqgrid with asp.net webmethod and json working with sorting, paging, searching and LINQ -- but needs dynamic operators

THIS WORKS! .. but still needs one more thing... Okay, so this is both a "comment" and question. First, is the working example that may help others in search of a asp.net webmethod / jqGrid approach. The code below completely works for sending/receiving JSON parameters from and to jqGrid in order to have correct paging, sorting, filteri...

JQGrid and .NET MVC - Load Search Results

Ok, I am new at jQuery, but the JQGrid has peaked my interest. While implementing the grid, I have come across two problems that I am not sure how to solve. Both involve loading the grid with results. How do you load the grid when you have parameters in your route. For instance, http://domain.com/search/results/2010/KY...I am wantin...

jqgrid date picker problem

For a couple of days now I have been playing around with the jqgrid.I have been trying to accomplish what is found on this example http://www.the-di-lab.com/demo/apples that is placing a date picker on the modal form. So far I have tried to follow what I found on this link but I get a target.getAttribute is not a function error in my ui...

auto-fit columns to their contents with jqGrid

Hello, With jqGrid if width of columns are not specified, they share the width of the grid equally. (ie. if the width of grid is 400px and there are 4 columns, they all occupy 100px width). Is there an option to handle this in a smart way so width of the columns can be upon their content? For example let's say there are two columns: na...

jqgrid uidatepicker

I'm having a problem with the DatePicker implementção with jqGrid. I got it using editoptions:{dataInit:functiondate} for the DatePicker is instantiated. User clicks on the field and called datepicker and perfectly. When the datepicker is appearing and click directly on the close button of the form. The form closes and the datepicker w...

ASP .net MVC Jqgrid data binding

Hi, I am using a jqgrid with a column named 'Comments'. My controller code returns data as follows: var jsonData = new { rows= .... .... select new { col1.... col2.... Comments = _Model.GetComments(id), }) ....... ..... return Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.Al...

changing JQgrid column name dynamically

I just need to rename JQgrid column dynamically as per user selection from a list of options. How can I do that? ...

jqGrid Filter Toolbar initial default value

I'm using jqGrid with the filter toolbar, i need to set an initial default filter value to one of the fields so that only rows with status 'Open' are displayed by default, but the user can display Closed rows if desired. At the moment i have a workaround like this setTimeout(function() {$('#gs_Status').val('Open');$("#eventsGrid")[0].t...

JQGrid datatype as function got failed

Hi, i have created a simple HTML with XML as response. That was worked perfect in simple condition. but while i tried to use the Ajax function to retrieve the response, it returns nothing (no alerts get called). I pasted my code down. please look into that and please help me out this. thanks. Code : jQuery("#list").jqGrid({ ...

JQGrid datatype as Ajax function not getting called

Hi, JQGrid datatype as Ajax function not getting called. once i tried to debug using firebug, found out that those lines are not exectuced. please let me know the issue with my code. Thanks in advance. jQuery("#list").jqGrid({ //url:'example.xml', datatype: function() { $.ajax({ ...

jqgrid won't sort

hi, i have a jqgrid to display data, however it won't sort, i followed the examples provided by jqgrid, did i miss anything? jQuery("#list-table").jqGrid({ url:'data/getJSONFile.php?set='+setName+'&list='+listName, datatype: "json", colNames:['id', 'title','author','publisher'], colModel:[ {name:'id',index:'id',width...

jqgrid sample using array data, what am I missing

Hello. I'm new in jqgrid, I'm just trying thes example to work. I have a html file only, nothing more. When I ran this file, array data is not showing. What am I missing here? Thanks in advance. <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>jqGrid Demos</title> <link rel="stylesheet" ty...

Issues using jqGrid 3.6.4 and jQuery 1.4?

Given the wide array of features jqGrid offers, has anyone run into issues using the latest jqGrid 3.6.4 with jQuery 1.4? ...

update data in jqgrid

Hi! I uses jqgrid in this scenario: Grid gets JSON data from first url. If url returns correct JSON - grid displays that data. If url returns incorrect url, thet fires 'loadError' event of grid. In this event i want to change url of grid to url2 fnd get JSON data from thus new url. Here is my code. loadError: function(xhr, st, err)...