
How to implement search in jqgrid in php controller

I have been playing around recently with jqgrid and am at loss on how to implement search in my controller using PHP (Zend). I came across a post that is quite similar to the answer am looking for but what I need is the PHP version not ASP.NET. ...

How to load only selected column values via jqGrid?

When I try to pass less values from a server than there are columns on a client side, I get an alert saying it must be equal. How can I pass less values from a server? Other columns I'm planning to fill programmatically on a client side. ...

jqGrid without header

I have tried to figure out how to disable the header for a jqGrid, so that the row containing the column names does not show. So far, I have come up with no solution. Is there any way to do this? ...

Resize the JQGrid column at runtime

I need to resize the JQGrid column at runtime. For eg: the column width for the column was 100px when it is loaded. I need to change it to 200 afterwards. Please help. ...

jQuery jqGrid TreeGrid not functionining properly

Hello. I am having trouble constructing a jqGrid TreeGrid using local data. This method works just fine as a regular grid if you comment out the treeGrid and ExpandColumn attributes, but once you add those to try to make it a tree grid, it doesn't create a tree grid (it just creates a "normal" grid), and it no longer sorts properly. I ...

jqGrid Additional POST datas when deleting

I want to delete a row in the grid, but the grid always post's only the id and oper, I also want to post additional data. My jqgrid is something like : jQuery("#editgrid").jqGrid({ url:'autoJSON.php', datatype: "xml", colNames:['RowID','Asigurator','Cilindree','Persoana', 'Perioada', 'Pret'], colModel:[ {name:'rowID'...

parametrized query jqgrid

Hey, I have this mysql tables I want to display with jqgrid. The problem appears when I want to display a parametrized query. For example lets say I want to display all students older than 21. I have this variable named age which I want to pass to server.php file where I can construct the XML or JSON. On server I see some variables l...

Access data returned from server

I am looking to access the actual value returned from the server.getRowData returns the value after unformat applied to the value. This results in loss of information. For instance, if a double value is rounded to two decimal places and if I want to populate the form for edit with the original value returned from the server with 6 decim...

Help with css and jquery grid

Im trying to add jquery grid to my site. (codeigniter php) It loads the data just fine but the grid ends up looking awful.. I dont know much about css.... heres an image of what Im getting ...

jqGrid's setSelect does not work after reloadGrid

Hi, setSelection does not select the row, whose id is 2, right after a reloadGrid. $("#training").setGridParam({url: 'index.php?func=trainingmgr&aAction=refreshData'}); $("#training").trigger("reloadGrid"); $("#training").jqGrid('setSelection', "2″); However, setSelection can select the row, whose id is 2, when you take t...

jqGrid dynamic event

Suppose I have the following (shortened for simplicity): jQuery("#grid").jqGrid({ ... ondblClickRow: function() { // I want to define this function dynamically at run time } ... }); How to I bind ondblClickRow event outside of the grid Deceleration. For example in jQuery I would normally do $('#grid').bind('ondblClickRow', funct...

Edit rows based on condition in JQGRID

Using FORM EDIT IN JQGRID. I am display the rows in different color; Red: Row cannot be edited. Black: Row can be edited 1 Option When the user click edit button and if the selected row is in red color; Message should be displayed record cannot be edited. 2 Option: If the user selected a editable row marked in black; User can edit...

JqGrid setCell method, inserts blank row in the grid

I have a portion of code to update a cell value like this: jQuery("#myGridDiv").jqGrid('setCell', myRowToEdit, myColToEdit, myNewValue); that's about it, and sometimes it happens that a blank 'dummy' row is inserted at the end of the grid, this behavior is somewhat random but occurs often, any help will be really appreciated ...

Is there a way to make jqGrid scroll to the bottom when a new row is added?

I have a jqGrid on a page and users can click a button to add a new row. If there are already enough rows on the page to fill the visible portion of the grid the new row is added and a scroll bar appears but the user needs to scroll to see the new row. Is there a way to do this programmatically? ...

jqGrid - Problems opening in jquery tabs (on Firefox and Google Chrome)

I have developed a very simple MVC app to test out trirand's jqGrid for MVC. The app opens a jqgrid in a jquery tab group and everything is ok with IE. However when I use Firefox jqgrid only opens occasionaly in the first tab (but not under any other tab), and in Chrome my jqgrids dont appear to open under any tab of the group. I'm a ...

How to avoid form closing when click outside modal window when editing or adding a new row in JQgrid?

Hi, is there a way to avoid form closing when adding or editing a row. Jqgrid is working perfectly in our application, but there is a little problem, when the user is editing or creating a row via form editing and the user clicks outside the form's modal, the modal closes and the changes are lost. Is it posible to avoid this behavior? ...

jqGrid apply colspan to column header

Hello experts, Does jqGrid supports colspan on column header? I find this grid control useful because it has a lot of features and importantly plenty of documentation. And how about the stylesheet? how to change the look and feel of the grid? Thanks so much ...

Populate a column as a result of performing math on two columns in a jqGrid.

Background: Our company selected a workflow tool that has some "interersting" UI restrictions. jqGrid has been identified as one of best ways to overcome these restrictions. Consequently, the answers to this question need to be restricted to functionlity available within the jqGrid space. It pains me to pose this question and I know y...

jqgrid problem:Where is the "filter" param?

Am curently looking at the jqgrid documentation on advanced search and specifically search_adv.php file that comes with it. I have noted the following line of code $searchstr = Strip($_REQUEST['filters']); However when I look at the output on firebug of my jqgrid post I see _search true nd 1270148130165 page ...

JQGRID- Display Inline message on form edit window

When a record being edited using form edit. Please advise how to display a message inline "Record cannot be deleted. ...