
How to get a cell value in JQGrid?

How to get a cell value in JQGrid? If I use the following syntax – var ret = jQuery("#MyGrid").jqGrid('getRowData', id); ret = ret.ProductId; it returns the following HTML. 'input class="editable" name=" ProductId " id="0_ ProductId " style="width: 98%;" type="text"' I actually need the value of the cell. Thanks. Dev ...

Can we have diff fields for form edit and inline edit in jqgrid?

I am able to edit a record with inline form as well as edit form but unable to use diff fields for the inline edit and form edit for the same jqgrid. ...

jqGrid dynamic select option - beforeEditCell not firing

I'm creating a jqgrid with one drop down column. I need the options of the drop down columns to change dynamically so I thought I can catch the beforeCellEdit event. however it does not seem to be firing. any idea on what i am doing wrong? there is no error, and i did check that i have included the jqgrid edit js files. var lastsel2; j...

How to get select's value in jqGrid when using <select> editoptions on a column

I have a couple of columns in jqGrid with edittype="select". How can I read the option value of the value currently selected in a particular row? e.g.: When I provide the following option, how do I get "FE" for FedEx, etc. editoption: { value: “FE:FedEx; IN:InTime; TN:TNT” } getRowData() for the rowId/cellname returns only the text...

jqGrid - how to search when using datatype:local Or loadonce: true

Hi guys, I have a problem with jqGrid when I'm using the options specified. Seems that nothing happens when I click 'Find'. From jqGrid documentation I understand that sorting and searching is done locally when using loadonce option. Sorting is fine but search not, should it work locally or just server side, if so how to do that? Thank...

How to get row count for jqGrid?

Hi, I would like to know how to get row count for jqGrid. I'm using rowNum: -1 so it displays all the rows. I tried using parseInt($("#grid").getGridParam("records"), 10) But it always returns 0. Thanks for the help. ...

Is it possible to hide or manipulate the jqGrid "sort" icons?

I have a custom, multi-column sort attached to my jqGrid instance by means of the onSortCol event: onSortCol: function(index, iCol, sortorder) { //Manipulate the sort order via custom code, and store it in postData. return 'stop'; } The problem I'm running into is that the sort icons in the column headers are falling out of s...

How do I manipulate a jqGrid's search/filters?

I have a jqGrid with a navBar that has search: true and multipleSearch: true. I would like to add a button to my UI that automatically adds an additional rule to the search. I've tried manipulating the postData for the filter directly, but values added this way don't show up in the search UI. I've also tried accessing the search box di...

JqGrid - AfterInsertRow, setCell. programmatically change the content of the cell

Hello there, I am new to JqGrid, so please bare with me. I am having some problems with styling the cells when I use a showlink formatter. In my configuration I set up the AfterInsertRow and it works fine if I just display simple text: afterInsertRow: function(rowid, aData) { if (aData.Security == `C`) { jQuery('#list').setCel...

jqGrid display default "loading" message when updating a table / on custom update

I have a case where I need to update a jqgrid based on some search criteria which the user selects. I can get the data to update , but I would want the loading message to show while the new data is being fetched. Can someone please let me know how to get that working ? Current code follows var ob_gridContents = $.ajax( { url : '/Dis...

JqGrid doesn't work in ASP.NET MVC2

I have a project in ASP.NET MVC1 using VB.NET controlers and JqGrid. it works fine under MVC1. After migrating the project to ASP.NET MVC2, the grid is no longer populated. It seems that there is some new restrictions on returned Jsonresult in MVC2. How to solve this in VB.NET. Controler function populating the jqgrid is something like t...

How to use relative URL in jqGrid url parameter in ASP MVC?

I've setup a jqGrid like this $('#gridTable').jqGrid({ url: '/GridData/', ... Now if I navigate to a url such as "/Controller/id/" then the grid will send a GET to "/GridData/" instead of "/Controller/id/GridData/". Can I make the GET relative so that I can pick the id up on the server side or do I have to manually pass the id as...

jqGrid editForm problem

Hi, I have simply jqgrid definitions like this: jQuery("#C2").jqGrid({ url: '/Customers.mvc/GetGridData/', datatype: 'json', autowidth: 'true', mtype: 'GET', colNames: ['Nazwa', 'Symbol', 'Status', 'Miasto', 'Ulica', 'Budynek', 'Mieszkanie', 'Koda pocz...

Client (sorting/paging) grid for asp.net mvc

Anyone know about a client side grid for asp.net mvc? I read this post but I didn't find it. ...

jqgrid:cancel deleting row(s)

hi, I use jqgrid for my data, and enable user to delete rows from the grid. but when user click 'delete' button, jqgrid will popup a 'Delete' dialog to ask user if they wanna delete or cancel, how can i check if user choose 'cancel" before i really submit data deletion to the server? Thanks. ...

selectLimit in JQgrid

Hallo, I have a problem. I'am trying to get some data from my database. But with a limit. So i use the selectLimit command. But when i load the grid my firebug gives the following error: "parsererror"?e:null},parse:function(d...d(a.fn.jqGrid,d);this.no_legacy_api|| When I go to the selectLimit in the jqgrid.php and print out what the ...

can jqgrid support keyboard arrow keys to move up and down selected rows

I have been looking through this jqgrid documentation and see the example: i wanted to see how close you can get to data entry that is close to excel like moving arrows keys changes selection supporting Copy and paste from one cell to another column fills for a particular value. Is this asking to much for the web? If its not possib...

How to Edit or Add a New Row in jqGrid

My jqGrid that does a great job of pulling data from my database, but I'm having trouble understanding how the Add New Row functionality works. Right now, I'm able to edit inline data, but I'm not able to create a new row using the Modal Box. I'm missing that extra logic that says, "If this is a new row, post this to the server side UR...

MVC2 MSchart with detail grid

Hello, I need the capability to display a chart, click on a region and display the details in a jqgrid on the same page. I tried using a pie Chart and I can't seem to capture or create a click event for the chart. The data points contain a .url property which I can redirect to a different page but I need to display details on the same...

Why won't jqGrid populate initially in Chrome

Hi, I've got a web page with a jqGrid that uses am xmlreader to populate itself with data that is spat out by a RoR service. The page loads fine in firefox and safari. In Chrome however I get a blank grid. Only when I change the sort order by clicking on the columns does it populate. <html> <head> <title>LocalFx</title> <l...