
Ms-Chart Label Format Question

I created a PieChart with the new Ms Chart Controls. How can I format the Labels (Point Values inside the Pie) like the folllowing: "LabelName AbsoluteValue (Percentage)"? For example: "Usa 856027 (56 %)". Is this possible with the right format information in LabelFormat alone (How?) or do I have to use a custom label format (How?) ? T...

Sample using MSCHART in C#

Anybody know where to find an sample form using MSChart in C# ? I made an example. Tanks. //name program.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace MSChart_Sample { static class Program { /// <summary> /// The main entry point for the application. /// </s...

Stacked Chart using MSChart

I am attempting to create a stacked chart using the relatively new Microsoft Chart Controls. I am sure that I am missing something obvious but a bit of help will go a long way. The below code creates a chart with two columns. I'd like the columns to be stacked on top of each other. Further, I'd like the total of the two to be displayed...

How to hide datapoint label when value is zero in a StackedBar

I have a StackedBar which shows 5 values per bar, with the data value displayed in the middle of each block. So far, so good. However, when the value is zero, the value is still being displayed, which is messy when there are a lot of zeroes. I would like to be able to hide the label for a zero. How can I do that? (I presume I could do ...

Cannot Use Microsoft Chart Control on a 64 bit Operating System

I am having issues running the chart control on our 64 bit machine. I get the following error... Could not load file or assembly 'AspnetChart' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. The machine I am running this on is a Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition SP2 Intel(R) Xeon...

MSChart and ASP.NET MVC Partial View

I'm currently trying to add an MSChart to a partial view in ASP.NET MVC RTM. I have reviewed the following blog entry, and I'm currently investigating Option B. If I take my code an place it inside a View (ASPX) Page and it works fine, but when I copy the exact code into a Partial View (ASCX) I get the following excpetion: "CS1502: The...

Font settings in chart series tooltip

Is it possible to change the font settings for tooltip text in the mschart control? I've tried setting the chart series font, but it doesn't affect the tooltip associated with the series data. ...

Enable Scrolling on the Microsoft Chart Control for Windows Forms

I understand that Scrollbars are only shown when zooming occurs. In other words, even if a scrollbar is enabled, it will only be visible when a view is being displayed. but then, how do I enable zooming on the Chart Control. I am looking to do this in order to avoid having my Axis-Lables break into two columns after a certain numb...

Windows Forms Chart Controls and Automatic Build

I ask about where and how to add those controls to a Windows Forms Project. I want to know if is considerable to create interfaces and static classes for call methods for build these controls and use extenders for data binding. Note the namespace assigned for that class : namespace SResocentroAnalytics.Controls.WinForms.Chart { ///...

MSCharts & .NET 3.5 SP1

i just download MSCharts, it says i need .NET 3.5 SP1 installed. i already have .net 3.5, whats the deal with sp1 ...

ASP.NET Chart: setting the fonts on X and Y axis

Consider an ASP.NET MVC controller method that builds an ASP.NET Chart image. public FileStreamResult MakeImg(IEnumerable<MyObj> stats) { Chart barchart = BarChart(400, 300); Series series1 = new Series("Series1"); series1.ChartArea = "ca1"; series1.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Column; ...

ASP.NET Chart Control errors in Event Viewer

Hi, I have been using the ASP.NET chart controls for a while on win2k3 (32bit) setups without any issue but have noticed that on our new win2k8 (64bit) box I am getting a warning message showing up in the event viewer from the chart control. In my web.config file I have the following tag telling the Chart Control where I can store the ...

MS Chart Control axis formatting

I'm using the MS Chart Control in a Winforms app I'm writing. The X-axis component of the scatter plot I'm displaying is Int64 data, which ultimately represents a UTC time. I'd like to take that Int64 data and essentially do a DataTime.FromFileTimeUTC(theTime).ToString() on it to show the end-user X-axis labels that are meaningful. Cu...

MS Chart Control Zoom MinSize issue

I'm implementing a scatter plot using the MS Chart Control .NET 3.5, WinForms, C#. My x-axis data is DateTime and noticed I couldn't zoom in smaller than a resolution of 1 day, despite setting the ScaleView as follows: chart1.ChartAreas["MyChart"].AxisX.ScaleView.MinSize = 4; chart1.ChartAreas["MyChart"].AxisX.ScaleView.MinSizeType = D...

MSCharts : How to change Border color in series in codebehind

How can i set a custom color as border color for the ASP.NET 3.5 chart control series in code behind(C#) ? I need a codebehind implementation of the following (which is in ASPX) <ChartAreas> <asp:ChartArea Name="ChartArea1" AlignmentOrientation="All"> <AxisX> <MajorGrid LineColor="#EEEEEE" /> <MinorG...

Ms charts : Area chart is not loading sometimes when using div.Load ,method to render a chart

I am trying to load mschart in my aspx page(SalesOverview.aspx) using jQuery.load() method, I am loading another aspx page(ChartHandler.aspx) which accepts the parameters and render the chart . but when trying to execute,the chart is not getting rendered sometimes.Instead i could see an image holder kind of thing in the page (Similar to...

Error while deploying MS chart :Error executing child request for ChartImg.axd.

I am getting this error message when deployed a ASP.NET 3.5 page which renders a chart Error executing child request for ChartImg.axd. Then page works well when i run via the VS 2008 IDE. the below is my web.config <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key="ChartImageHandler" value="storage=file;timeout=20;di...

How to draw text onto an empty MS Chart ChartArea?

I'm using Microsoft's Chart control to plot some series, but if I have no data, I want to display "No Data Series" on the area where the plot would be. Like this: I have a hunch it has something to do with manually drawing some text onto the image, but I don't know where to start. Anyone? ...

MS Chart Scaleview & Threading

Hi I have taken the example from the samples off the microsfot website. The example is the realtime Date&Time for C#. The example works perfectly when using a short distance and basically running it exactly as it is however I need to be able to monitor my graph for atleast 45min-1hour and only then must the values start falling off. What...

Text in MS Charts gets "blocky" when BackColor is transparent

When settings BackColor = Color.Transparent, this is the picture I end up with from Microsofts chart control If I don't set any background(default is white), or set a color this is the result change the image to okchart.bmp Does anyone know if there's any way to get the font/text...