
MS Chart with ASP.NET chart type "column" not showing axis x label if there are more than 9 bar in the chart

Hi, I'm having problem with MS Chart chart type column. If there are only 9 bar in the chart like the following picture, then the axis-x label show up properly. However, there are more than 9 bars bar the chart, the axis-x label wont show up properly, some of them just dissappear. Here's my mark-up for the chart: <asp:Chart I...

MsChart : Partial view error

Hi I have a problem when i using Mschart on my MVC project, when i use the first index page of project to render for the partial view name index2 the code is <% Html.RenderPartial("Index2"); %> But when i run it the error is occur which the message is CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'ASP.views_home_index2_ascx' to 'System.Web...

MSChart column chart positioning

Hi there, I'm building some charts showing hourly aggregate totals with an overlay of live data over the same time period: By default, MSChart positions the vertical bar in the centre of the datapoint, so you can see that the left-half of the first entry at midnight is missing, and there's a gap on the right-hand side at 23:00. Is ...

How to insert a new row between two existing rows of MsChart?

Hi..Is there any provision to insert a new row between two existing rows of a rangebar chart? If so,please suggest me.Example:Adding a new row at the position where xaxis label equals 2 so that we will get a new row with the axis label as 3(normally in range bar chart type,xaxis representations are taken as yaxis,so here "xaxis label" de...

BackGround Color for Chart Control

I am having trouble setting the background colour using the MS Chart Controls. As the saying goes a picture says a 1000 words. I have tried setting the Charts Background colour to that of the page but then I lose the rounded corners. Can anyone help? ...

Improving the Performance of MSChart Toolip in ASP.NET

We are using MSChart on an 3.5 web application and noticing significant slowness from enabling tooltips. the performance of drawing a chart is increased by 1,000-2,000ms. The chart output is PNG, and contains in total 108 data points. ...

How to improve WinForms MSChart performance?

Hi all, I have created some simple charts (of type FastLine) with MSChart and update them with live data, like below: . To do so, I bind an observable collection of a custom type to the chart like so: // set chart data source this._Chart.DataSource = value; //is of type ObservableCollection<SpectrumLevels>...

Microsoft Chart control converts \n in file names to newline characters.

I am using a Microsoft Chart control ( in a Windows forms application, 2008. I use folder paths for the x values in a pie chart. Chart control converts a name like c:\newfolder into c:[newline]ewfolder. I tried adding a slash, making it c:\\newfolder, but this only changes it t...

Microsoft chart images are not loaded from MOSS server

hi, i have webpage in which a webpart contains a Chart control. the problem is chart control is rendered perfectly when i login as central admin. but when i login as another user with contribute permisson following problems occur. when i change webconfig as --- add key="ChartImageHandler" value="storage=file;timeout=20;dir=c:\TempImag...

MS Charting controls

Beginning to use MS Charting controls in our website. Are they good to work with? Are there any pitfalls to watch out for? Any other better charting controls you guys have some across ...

How do I generate a line chart from an WebService?

My web service needs to do generate some line charts which will then be added to a PDF report that is streamed to the client. How do I generate the line chart in the web service? Thanks! ...

Can I use Microsoft Chart Control in Mono?

Did some googling and couldn't find a clear answer on this. My assumption is no if they are distributed in a binary form. I currently use Dundas and would like to move away from a library that has a cost component, especially since the MS version has everything I need. ...

MSChart on ASP.NET MVC 2

I upgraded my MVC Application using MSChart to MVC 2 and have ended up with broken image links for the charts. I get no build errors anymore, and have completed the following steps. First, I setup the following web.config lines. add tagPrefix="asp" namespace="System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting" assembly="System.Web.DataVisualiz...

MVC2 MSchart with detail grid

Hello, I need the capability to display a chart, click on a region and display the details in a jqgrid on the same page. I tried using a pie Chart and I can't seem to capture or create a click event for the chart. The data points contain a .url property which I can redirect to a different page but I need to display details on the same...

Label on the Chart using Microsoft Chart controls

I am creating a 3d chart using Microsoft Chart controls. Here is the image: I want to show the point on the top of each bar graph. Like for Exam 1 on top of bar chart it should show 2 (as in 2 points) etc. Here is the code: private void BindData() { var exams = new List<Exam>() { new Exam(...

Using Microsoft Chart Control in ASP.NET MVC Returns a Blank Image

Using the answer Generating the Image from a Controller from this post, I created a controller action to return a chart image as seen below (the X and Y values are just there as test data): public FileContentResult HistoryChart() { Chart chart = new Chart(); string[] currencies = { "ZAR", "USD", "GBP", "JPY" }; ...

ms pie chatrs with hyperlink

i have a pie chart but i am not able to put a hyperlink on that chart. i have put an on-click event to navigate to a new page but that also does not work.. please suggest.. thanks.. my code: HTML <asp:Chart ID="Chart1" runat="server" Height="252px" onclick="Chart1_Click"> <Series> <asp:Series ChartType="Pie" Name...

MS Chart control highlight pie segment

Hi I am building a pie chart using MS Chart controls for ASP.Net. I need to figure out how i can highlight the segments of the pie chart when the mouse hovers over them. Any ideas on how i can achieve this? ...

How to change font color in .net 4 Chart

I want to change font of labels for this chart: How to do it in C#? ...

how to change mschart label arrow color

Simple question. But I can't find an answer yet. How to change label line color in mschart: ...