I am using jqGrid. One of the columns has the possible values:
Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, Excellent, Ideal
But when you sort by this column they are ordered alphabetically like:
Excellent, Fair, Good, Ideal, Poor, Very Good
Instead of the intuitive order you would expect.
Is there a way to correct this?
Here is a snippe...
I am using ASP.MVC and jqgrid 3.7.2. The data loads OK into the grid and subgrid. Updating the master part of the table works great. I can update or remove a row from the subgrid since one of the fields in the subgrid is the primary key of the parent row. But when trying to add a row when the row is posted back to the server I am having ...
I have a grid with multiselect option true...so when I multiselected the rows and click on the button say "Release"
it should send those rows to server ...Can any one point me towards right direction?
jqgrid edit inline button
I need to edit a cell with a button to open a new div for select a data.
I need a example. Someone could help me?
I have a JQGrid with loadonce:true(so it's all client side) and paging enabled(with, say 20 pages).
I would like to specify a row(programatically, without user input) and have my grid navigate to the corresponding page to select the specified row.
Is this possible with the current JQGrid?
I've looked into search and filter, but that j...
I had started another post wanting to know how to use jqgrid when you are converting a html table to grid. I've got that working. However the data is not paged. It converts table to grid, displays the pager controls and all; however it shows page 1 of 0. The data is paged only when I select a different page size from the drop-down.
I have a master grid and want to display the results on row click from master grid in detail grid..
I am not able to fetch the data on my detail grid ....
{ $("#navmenu-v li").hover(
function() {
$(this).addClass("iehover"); },
I have a jqGrid where I want all the rows to be in edit mode. Under certain conditions, however, I want a cell in that row to be readonly based on some condition of the row data, but I can't seem to get the grid to bend to my will (yet).
This is what I currently have.
$(grid).addRowData(...); // omitted for clarity
Guys, how can I select all rows in a sub grid by selecting master grid row?
I mean not by clicking the multi select check box on the grid, instead, clicking check box of each master grid row.
I have the following jqGrid script:
url: "editing.php?q=1",
datatype: "xml",
// ...
Where should the url point to if I am using Java instead PHP for creating the crud?
How to reset the selected rows and select all rows on external button click? i am trying to resetSelection() but not working ...
var grid = $("#list10");
var id...
I need to persist the sort, filter and pagination state of a jqGrid that is loading the full data set from the server initially via JSON and then running locally from then on. I've tried jQGridState but was unable to get it to save anything but nulls (apparently I'm not alone). I've also tried the solution from http://stackoverflow.com...
I need to pre-load some values from a php script, I'm using a $.post call (jquery) as follows:
var grade, section,from,until,user;
function loadData(){
$.post('procstring.php', {data: window.location.hash},
grade = result.grade;
How can I send multiple row first column values to server in jqGrid?
Update 1:
my approach
jQuery("#wics").click( function(){
var ids =jQuery("#list10").jqGrid('getGridParam','selarrrow');
type: "POST",
url: "/cpsb/unprocessedOrders.do?method=releaseTowics&orderNum="+ids,
data: JSON.stringify(ids)...
I want to use Multiple File Upload With JQGrid builtin Inline/popup Editing. User will supply some meta info and file. Meta info will go to DB and file will be saved on web server. I need to do this on Submit button. Any Suggestion/reference ?
I can I select all rows on button click ...lets say I have a button call Select All ..When I click on that button it needs to select all rows ....I did n't find any relevant documentation on JqGrid API ....
Any help will be appreciated.
How can I use the Jquery modal confirmation with jqGrid? Say when I will submit my entries it will pop up a modal dialog and display the names with the message for sending to server..
My approach
First, i have to declare myself that, i dont know PHP & AJAX. I know something in DWR, javaScript & java, like i am able to create a Web based CRUD by using them. I want to integrate DWR & JAVA with the jQGrid. I did a lot of research for that. I am not able to find anything that uses JAVA & DWR in jqGrid.
Any conceptual idea or soluti...
I am using jQuery 1.4 and jqGrid 3.8 beta ,
here i have used jqgrid table in which i wanted to create interface like excel sheet / spread sheet,
where number of blank rows will already be displayed and the user can enter record into table cells the why they used to enter in spread sheet.
well i have created empty editable rows by ...
I am using jqgrid with Ruby on Rails using the 2dc_jqgrid plugin -- 2dc_jqgrid details).
By default, the plugin seems to take information directly from the fields in your model and display them in the resulting table. For instance:
books = Book.find(:all) do
if params[:_search] == "true"
id =~ "%#{params[:id]}%" if params[:id].p...