
Reading proxy details in a application using Rad Studio 2007

How to read the proxy details (address and port) from a application (Rad Studio 2007) ?. Heard about InternetGetProxyInfo. But didnt find the details any where. Thank you. ...

Master Details using jQuery Tabs

Hello, I am trying to implement a master details solution using the jQuery Tabs. Two tabs, first tab contains Northwind Customers, selecting customer command should display tab2 with the orders for the customer. So far, I have come to the conclusion that it cannot be done without using some sort of Ajax. Am I correct? I got some point...

Javascript: Optimizing details for Critical/Highly Processed Javascript code

Hi, I've been looking through a lot of Javascript Optimizing and most of them talk about string concatenation and a few other big ones found here, but I figured there had to be more details that you can optimize for when speed is critical and the processing of those pieces of code is very high. Say you run this code for some reason: (u...

Client details in webservice

How can i access client details like IP,Browser etc in a web service in java? ...

What is a very practical C++ book?

While I agree reading books is always a learning experience, sometimes you'd like to skip the theory and just jump till you reach the practical aspects. For example, I'd like to see a book that tells me that by writing: char* a = "a string"; the value of a will (usually) get stored in the readonly portion of an executable, and explain...

Youtube Data API: Retrieving multiple Video entries by IDs in a single request

Hello everybody, I am wondering if there is a way to query YouTube for multiple random videos (video id's are known) in a single query? I am storing video id's in the local db and need to show multiple details(list with thumbs, rating, author name,etc.) in the web page. I am looking at the Youtube Data API and see that I can a single en...

Stop browser from filling textboxes with details

Hi, I've run into a really annoying problem, and I'm hoping it's just a setting I've missed. I've got an ASP.NET application which allows users to enter their username/password in various places (e.g. login, change password, change username etc..). When I logged in, the browser asked if I would like to store the user details. Usually, ...

Where can I find WebSphere configuration files?

Hello Stackoverflow'ers, I would like to know where are the WebSphere configuration details saved? Specifically, configuration details that are shown in the Administrative Console (from the web) or from the console using wsadmin. Some of the examples would be: Java and Process Management: Class loader, Process definition, Process ex...

LINQ to SQL context.SubmitChanges - How to get error details?

Hi! I'm working on an application where a lot of data is inserted into an SQL database at once. I use LINQ to SQL, and have something like this as my insert operation: foreach (var obj in objects) { context.InsertOnSubmit(obj); } context.SubmitChanges(); Here's the problem: If I get an exception (for instance, DuplicateKeyException),...

jqGrid master grid problem.

I have a master grid and want to display the results on row click from master grid in detail grid.. I am not able to fetch the data on my detail grid .... $(document).ready(function(){ { $("#navmenu-v li").hover( function() { $(this).addClass("iehover"); }, functi...

problem loading data in details jqGrid from master grid?

When I am making a call first time it shows data in my details grid from master grid but when selecting other row its not populating the new data in the details grid.. jQuery("#list10").jqGrid({ sortable: true, url: '/cpsb/', datatype: 'json', colNames: ['Order', 'Load...

finding the server spec. on which my website runs

hi, i need to find out what are the details of the processor the server has. i need to know which kind of processor, type of OS, RAM etc. i've got a reply from one webhosting company: "This is a shared hosting server, it is a dual processor (quad core xeon 2.8) 16Gb ram, mirrored 300GB SAS15k drives" how can i get those details on othe...

FileNotFoundException: path (reason) - where can I find all possible "reason" messages?

Starting from Android 2.2, the FileNotFoundException contains additional information about problem: /foo/bar (No such file or directory) The error message format is: path (reason) I have seen such reasons: Invalid argument No space left on device No such file or direct...