
Reading proxy details in a vcl.net application using Rad Studio 2007

How to read the proxy details (address and port) from a vcl.net application (Rad Studio 2007) ?. Heard about InternetGetProxyInfo. But didnt find the details any where. Thank you. ...

Problem with Check for updates in RAD studio

Hi, I installed Embarcadero RAD Studio (Delphi 2009). When the IDE ran for the first time, it downloaded updates and ran the MSI automatically. Accidentally I pressed cancel, instead of ok. So I thought of reopening the studio so that it may check for updates. But this time it didnot happen !! So, I used "Check for updates" from m...

ASMX in Delphi Studio

Hi guys, I recently bought Bob's book Delphi XML, SOAP & Web Services in page 85 of this book the (Delphi 2006 8used) comes with several New Item Categories such as C# Projects C++ Builder projects Delphi for .NET Projects something that you don't have in a fresh installation I need this ASP.NET Web Service Application that is ins...

Installing Rad Studio 2007 and Rad Studio 2010 in same machine

Hi, I want to install Rad Studio 2010 on a machine that already has installed Rad Studio 2007, There is some compatibility problem? thanks in advance, Bye. ...

What do I need to know to upgrade a complex application from C++Builder 2007 to 2010?

My company's main application is mostly written in C++ (with some Delphi code and components). We are upgrading from RAD Studio 2007 to 2010 for the next release, starting in about a week. What do I need to know to ensure this upgrade goes smoothly? Points I have thought of so far are: Unicode. This one looks really complicated. O...

add a new Color scheme to the Rad Studio.

It's possible modify or change a color scheme (Color SpeedSetting) in the Rad-Studio? There is an entry in the Windows Registry? or must edit some file? Thanks in advance. ...

Object Inspector Rad Studio

is it possible to put methods in the properties of objects in the object inspector in rad studio 2010 (or an older version)? if so how? ...

Error yaml-cpp compile in RAD Studio 2010

I can't compile yaml-cpp in RAD Studio 2010. I have error in nodeutil.h template <typename T, typename U> struct is_same_type { enum { value = false }; }; template <typename T> struct is_same_type<T, T> { enum { value = true }; }; template <typename T, bool check> struct is_index_type_with_check { enum { value = false }; }; template ...

Tips to speed up debugging in Codegear

Are there any tips to speed up debugging in Codegear? For example, when I set breakpoints it can sometimes take a long time for the IDE to be active once the breakpoint is reached and likewise when I hit F8(stepover). ...

How do I backup my C++ Builder component installation?

Hi I finally have my C++ Builder 2010 installation the way I want it, with all my components upgraded and installed. (touch wood) I have been working with C++builder since version 1 and I know from countless previous traumatic experiences that this state of affairs could change in an instant. I would like to backup the installation and...

Multicolor text in TreeView (Embarcadero RAD studio)

Hello everyone, I am writing a piece of software in C++ RAD studio 2010 and got a question about TreeView. Is it possible to use multicolor text in a TTreeView component? I could not find a easy way but to implement custom drawing which seems to be weird nowadays. Are there any straight-forward ways or maybe additional components tha...

(RAD Studio) Virtual TreeView: how to initialize all nodes at once?

Hi, I just discovered this component and started working with it. I understand that the whole concept of it is to initialize nodes on the go as they are needed but I need all of them to initialize instantly. What is the smart way to do it? The only thing I came up with is to use GetLast() after adding nodes. I believe, there is a bett...

Project links in RAD Studio Welcome page do not work

Hi, As you know, welcome page in RAD Studio shows a list of recent projects, and you can open each project by clicking on its name. My problem is that if the project is located somewhere My Documents folder, then the link in welcome page does not work! It works fine for projects which are located outside My Documents, but no links to a...