
jQuery: Easiest way to animate background image sliding left?

What's the best way to animate a background image sliding to the left, and looping it? Say I've got a progress bar with a background I want to animate when it's active (like in Gnome or OS X). I've been playing with the $(...).animate() function and trying to to modify the relevant CSS property, but I keep hitting a brick wall when tryi...

Animating Background Image

I Like using Jquery and its companion Jquery Ui but can not find a way to animate background image over a certain period of time like 5 seconds. I can not do something like: $('sampleelement').animate({'background-image':'url(hello.jpg)'},5000); Any ideas?? ...

jquery highlight fading - timeout problem

I have two sets of boxex on a page. 10 boxes belonging to class 'boxOne' and another 10 belonging to class 'boxTwo' There is a button. On click of button I am using jquery effect to highlight and then fade the background color of all the element belonging to class 'Boxone' and 'Boxtwo'. Below is the code. var colorOfBox1 = "'" + $(.box...

JQuery synchronous animation

In many cases I wish animation to be executed synchronously. Especially when I wish to make a a series of sequential animations. Is there an easy way to make a jQuery animate function call synchronous? The only way I thought about is to set a flag true when the animation has finished and to wait for this flag. ...

Call Scroll only when user scrolls, not when animate()

I have a few links across the page with the purpose of "going to the top", accomplished by scrolling the page to the top with a nice animation. I've noticed that sometimes while the page is scrolling the user will want to scroll back down, for example, but this is not possible. The screen will only stutter but will continue animating unt...

Have scroll catch work, only moves one pixel

I have a block of code that scrolls the page up via a animate jQuery thing, but to increase usability, if the user disturbs the scrolling motion in any way (e.g. scrolling wheel, grabbing the scrollbar, etc.) then it will immediately stop the motion. I asked a question on this a week ago here but after some testers kindly tried out the ...

Trouble with jQuery's .animate()

I am using .animate() to smoothly reposition a few divs after they've been made visible via .show("slow"). Since the divs may or may not still be doing the animation, I'm also using .queue() to make sure the move takes place after the animation's done. Problem: .animate() doesn't work. It gets to the right line of code, but doesn't do a...

jQuery reversing animation on second click

I have a div element that on the click of a link slide in from the right and slides to the left, the works great, I am now trying to get so that if the link is clicked again it runs the animation in reverse, I have tried add a class to the link when the animation runs and then doing the same animation but backwards, but that does not wor...

Getting a CSS value from $(this) in jQuery

So I have working code that animates a BG image via a plugin. This is a general solution though where each element in the class has the same BG image; I'm using a sprite with a unique image for each column of my navigation bar. THe code is thusly: $('#nav a') .mouseover(function(){ $(this).stop().animate( {backgroundPosition...

fadeIn not working with .append()

I put together a fading menu of sorts if you want to call it that. The problem that I am having is everything fades fine except the image I am appending to the end of the links. It fades out great, but I cannot get fadeIn to work at all. Preview: http://cu3ed.com/jqfade/ $(document).ready(function() { $(".fade").hover( function ()...

jQuery Animate Effect not doing what its supposed to...

The JS: var dialog = jQuery('#dialog'); dialog.animate({ 'top':'-4px', 'display':'toggle' }, 300); The CSS: #dialog { display: none; position: relative; width: 180px; height: auto; margin-left: -20px; top: -15px; } The Problem: The animate executes and the div appears into view but after the animate is done executi...

Why is the jQuery backgroundPosition animate function jumping instead of animating?

I'm trying to create 3 buttons (image is a background image) that animate smoothly when doing a mouseover. When I'm using the following html, css and js, the result is a jquery animation where the animation just jumps to the result in stead of creating a smooth animation towards the result. See the result at: http://infinitize.com, cur...

jQuery animate mouseover/mouseout keep drop menu visible

I'm trying to make a basic drop down menu with animate and am running into the issue where I can't seem to figure out how to keep the dropdown part open until the mouse leaves. Is there an easy way to tell this to stay open? I know what I have is completely wrong regarding the .clickme mouseout function since it will unload the menu acco...

jQuery Animate Inconsistencies between Browsers

I'm trying to figure out why this works in FireFox, Chrome but not in IE and not properly in Safari and Opera (you can view it working at http://41six.com/about/) HTML: <div id="menu"> <ul> <li> <a href="/" class="home" title="Home" alt="fortyonesix">&nbsp;</a> <div id='home-hover'>Home Page</...

jQuery - Animation Causes Div Overlap IE7

I have a hidden div (#contactArea) above another div. When I click the link, the #contactArea opens up. When I click it again, it closes back up. It all works nicely, except in IE7. The two divs are transparent, so they overlap. I have no idea why this happens, or why doesn't it happen on other browsers. It just about feels like IE7 is ...

jQuery animation callback not working

Hey, if anyone could please help me then it would be much appreciated. Basically, I want to navigate to a new page once this animation has complete. Using the code below, the animation works fine but hen the navigation doesn't happen. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? Many thanks, Tim $("a").click(function(event){ event.pr...

jQuery fadeIn() not working in IE

$(document).ready(function() { //Default Action $(".tab_content").hide(); //Hide all content $("ul.tabs li:first").addClass("active").show(); //Activate first tab $(".tab_content:first").show(); //Show first tab content //On Click Event $("ul.tabs li").click(function() { $("ul.tabs li").removeClass("active"); //Remove any "acti...

jQuery animate() - multiple selectors and variables, a unique animate() call

Hi guys, I am resizing several divs in a loop with animate() in jQuery. At the same time I am moving (left property, no resizing at all) the div where they are contained. Problem is, despite they have same duration the resize animate calls finish before the move call. They are out of sync. Is there any way of creating a list of selecto...

JQuery Animate.

Hi Really easy, I'm sure... I have a div which is the full screen and I want it to slide down from the top to the bottom. I have this: $('#full-screen').animate({ "bottom":0, height: 'toggle' }, 1000, function() { // Animation complete. }); But this is the wrong way round as the bottom moves up; how do I get the bottom...

jquery animating different img widths

Hi there, I've been searching for an answer for a long time with no avail, so it's time to ask. I'm trying to use .animate() to change the size of an image once clicked. The first state of the image would be a thumbnail size, which would animate to the image's original size, then to a thumbnail again. edit: images load with 150px width...