
disable a treeview node

I have listed data for ASP.net control TreeView. I wanted to disable a particular node/parentnode in the listed TreeView. I wanted to do this using jQuery. ...

jQuery UI dialog display inside frame, from bookmarklet?

I'm writing a bookmarklet which needs to work in the context of pages whose design I don't control. Some of the pages I need the bookmarklet to function in use frames (in framesets). Is it possible for a jQuery-UI dialog to work inside a frame? Currently, when I encounter a page with a frameset, I creating my dialog like this: var fr...

How do I trigger the Drop event with jQuery UI Droppable without actually dragging and dropping?

I have a droppable with a drop event handler: $(this).droppable({ drop:function(){ console.log('OMG You Dropped It!'); } }); I have a draggable: $(this).draggable(); What I want to do is trigger the drop event handler on the droppable without actually dragging and dropping the draggable. I want to simulate the actual behavi...

How to set-up jquery-ui autocomplete in Rails

Hi all. I need some help on how to implement a jquery-ui autocomplete in my Rails app. I want to add autocompletion to a text field where the user can enter in a customer name. As there can be hundreds of customers, I will need to pull the suggested auto-completion values 'remotely', as in, from a table (at least this is what I understa...

jQuery RTE Recommendations

There are some decent JavaScript-based RTEs out there, but when it comes to jQuery plugins, the selection seems to be quite sparse. What are the most recommended/promising projects (either finished, or in progress) that provide a simple-to-implement RTE using jQuery? Here's what I've found from my research so far: jQuery UI Rich Text ...

In jQuery, how can I make it so a click function can activate a resizable property.

Let's say I have a div that when it's clicked on it adds the .resizable() function to the div, thus being able to be resized. Would anyone have a code example of this? Thanks!! ...

In jQuery, how do you use 'this' properly in this situation?

I am confused on why this code is written like this, but I am sure it is important to understand: $.fn.mapImage = function(options){ //Set user input options and defaults var optionConfig = $.extend({}, $.fn.mapImage.defaults, options); image=this; this.image = this; // Assign defaults this.getUrl = optionConfi...

Drag and drop a child node

I had populated data in TreeView control. How will I drag a particular child node from a parent node and drop the dragged one to a DIV or any portion, using JQUERY ? I know in jquery, there are methods "draggable" and "droppable" to make this possible. But I want to drag a particular child node and drop it. Or atleast How to fetch the ...

How to make HTML file upload control to select dialog only image file types like jpg,png etc

i want to select only image files only ...

tiny mce toolbar icons conflict with jquery UI icons

I have a div with another div holding three icons from Jquery UI. Inside parent div, there is a tiny mce instance. When I click on any button of tiny mce, it is moved down and it its place, Jquery UI's icon is displayed. Can anybody help me, to sort this out ? Thanks in advance. ...

how do i show a jqueryUI at a dynamic location

I want to show a jquery dialog next to a button when its clicked. i have: <input type="button" name="test" value="i" onclick="$('<div></div>').html('test message').dialog( {title: 'Test Dialog',modal: false, width: 200, height:140, resizable:false});" /> i dont think I can make a function call within a json definition? I can get t...

serialize() sortable accordion

I asked this question on the jQueryUI forums, but got no response. I've created a sortable accordion but I can't seem to figure out how to serialize the indexes like you can on a non-accordion sortable. on my H3 elements I have the id="agendas_1234" and then the following code. But the line where I define the params variable doesn'...

How can I use the jQuery UI color animation to fade an element to a color then back to its original color?

I'm using the following right now: $('input[value=NEW]:hidden').parent().parent().animate({ backgroundColor: "#FF9933", duration: 500 }).animate({ duration: 500, backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF" ...

create an unordered list dynamically and turn it into tabs

I'm trying to create an unordered list dynamically and then turn it into jQuery UI tabs... I think I'm having problem with syntax here, I managed to create the list and turn it into the widget, but those tabs don't look right, they have the outline of the widget but the content doesn't have actual tabs, so my guess is it only 'kind of w...

Can you !important a whole css file?

I'm using Jquery ui on my university's website but they are using Serena Collage with prebuilt templates with their own styles. The widget im using works in firefox but not ie7, which is kind of buggy. The mater template's css is obviously the culprit. How do I !important the Jquery UI css file or easily !important a whole style. ...

Submit a form in a jQuery Dialog box and close upon successful POST to MVC Action

I am using the method from this question to create a pop-up to show a form where the user must "sign" it and then click submit. I have the pop-up working and displaying data. Now I want to submit the form to a POST action and close the pop-up if the POST was successful. I have been scouring the internet looking for something close to w...

How do I use the jQuery UI color animation to change from an elements color and then back to it?

I'm using the following snippet: $('input[value=NEW]:hidden').attr('value', '').parent().parent().animate({ backgroundColor: "#FF9933", duration: 800 }).delay(500).animate({ duration: 800, backgroundColor: '#ffffff' }); Howe...

How do I use Google Closure compiler to remove used JavaScript code?

How do I use Google Closure compiler to remove unused code? I am using the JQuery Slider control but am not using anything else within JQuery. So I read that Google Closure compiler in Advanced mode can remove unused code, but I don't know how. I have frontpage.html that links to an external JQuery, JQuery UI and JQuery Slider control ...

How to call a function after a div is resized with the resizable() function?

Hi, I was wondering after I resize a div that has the .resizable() feature on it, how do I make it call a function as soon as the user resizes the box and lets go of the mouse? Thanks! ...

jquery-ui tabs with fadeIn?

I have a small JQuery Tabs widget in a sidebar that fades in when the page loads, discreetly calling attention to itself and the interesting content behind the tabs. To build on this effect it might be nice if the individual tabs could fade in one after the other. Can this be done, and if so, how? ...