
How do I set the initial state of a jquery hoverIntent

The code below works fine, in expanding and compressing the "accordian". I'm having trouble with setting the initial state, and starting off with the accordian compressed. I tried CSS of display:none on the embedded li's, but then it doesn't expand. $(document).ready(function(){ var hi_config = { sensitivity: 3, interval...

In jquery how do I refer to a div with a certain title attribute?

In jquery how do I refer to a div with a certain title attribute? $('#inner').attr("title:contains('" + position +"')").css('position', 'absolute'); this isnt working for me, If contains doesnt work in there how do I refer to a div with the title="div1" and change its css . Thanks again! EDIT: I have multiple #inner divs, how can I ...

jQuery UI sortable - Saving changes to server

I am using this and it's working perfectly on the browser http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Sortable Now I want to save it to the server, I know about serialize, but I don't want to update everything. On the server I only want to know what was moved to where. Is it possible to find that out on the stop event? And how? Thanks in advance. ...

how to remove the close button in dialog ?

I want to hide the close button in the title bar of the dialog box. I want the user strictly complete the steps in dialog, so restrict the ways of hiding the dialog. ...

Using jQuery how to get click coordinates on the target element

I have the following event handler for my html element jQuery("#seek-bar").click(function(e){ var x = e.pageX - e.target.offsetLeft; alert(x); }); I need to find the position of the mouse on the #seek-bar at the time of clicking. I would have thought the above code should work, but it gives incorrect result ...

Why parrents tabsshow-event triggerd by childtab?

I have a tab (called firsttab) with in his content another tab (called childtab). We bind the tabshow-event to the firsttab. if we click to one of the tabs in "firsttab" all work fine (Tab 1 - Tab 5) if we click to one of the "childtab" tabs (Tab 1.1 - Tab 1.3) the tabshow-event who are bind to the "firsttab" is triggerd. Testcase: ht...

Encoded polylines using JQuery

Hi, I've been given some encoded polylines to display on a google map. However I'm using JQuery for a lot of the front end functions and am now stuck trying to find the correct syntax for displaying encoded polylines using JQuery. The standard syntax for adding an encoded polyline is var polyline = new GPolyline.fromEncoded({ color: ...

jQuery UI DatePicker image not showing.

I have the following init code for the datepicker, but the default 'Choose Date' link is displayed, not the image. This is in an MVC project, but that shouldn't affect anything to the best of my knowledge. $(function () { $(".date-picker").datePicker({ showOn: 'both', dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy', ...

Better Way to Build jQuery Tabs

I am utilizing jQuery UI Tabs in an ASP.NET MVC 2 web application. One part of the application requires that I do error checking when I switch away from the tab. I am doing that via this script within the aspx file that contains the tabs. <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $("#tabs").tabs({ cache: t...

jQuery UI Dialog Box to show MySQL Results

This is what I have in short. I have a dynamic list. On-Click it will pop-up with a jQuery Dialog box, which all works great and dandy. BUT what I am trying to do is set it up, so when someone clicks and the dialog pop's up it will show a form so they can UPDATE the result, instead of loading an entirely new page. I have the dialog op...

my json for my Jquery UI datepicker is not being loaded on init

<script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ function getJsonDate(year, month) { $.getJSON('dates.php?year='+year+'&month='+month, function(data) { var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < data.data.length; i++) { $('.ui-da...

How do you export a div and its contents into an image in jquery?

If I have a drawing program with jquery, everything is done inside a #canvas div. How do I take whats in this div (including all the drawings a user makes) and save that to an image file? I know its much more complicated, but how should I approach this? ...

jQuery cookie not clearing upon UI close

As you can see, I'm using cookies to pop up modal confirmation boxes and alerts. While these have worked for a long time until very recently, I must have added something to this chunk of code and it all went haywire. The "close" function on the modal is supposed to clear the cookies so the pop up won't pop up anymore, now it is not clear...

How to have scrollbars show up in jquery u.i 1.8 dialog?

Hi I want to a vertical scroll bar show up if the height of the dialog goes over so many pixels. However I have Height set to auto and it seems to keep growing and never makes a scroll bar. If I set the Height to 400px then once it hits this a scroll bar is made. However I want to keep height as auto. I thought MaxHeight might do the...

Generating a jQuery UI progress bar

I'm using a 3rd party service to process images and they provide a handy jQuery plugin. The plugin can output feedback on the upload transfer, and I would like to display this as a nice jQuery progress bar from the jQuery UI. Here is the example they give, which currently just shows the transfer status as text: $('#MyForm').transloadit...

jquery listview?

I dont see any canned jquery ListView plugin. Does one just not exist? unless i get better advice here, gonna go down this route... http://www.west-wind.com/weblog/posts/300754.aspx to be clear, i basically want some funtionality that processes and ajax request, and for each item in the response outputs some html. The html would be ...

How do I detect height of an image in jQuery?

I tried the following code: var origh1 = $('img:first').height(); alert(origh1); But it alerted a value of '0'. My img tag does not have a height value set, so is that why it is returning 0? If so, how do I retrieve the value of the height of the image ? Also, I noticed that when I do an animate to increase the size of the...

How do I use a variable in the animate() function in jQuery?

I have been able to store the height for my image in a variable: var origh4 = $('img:eq(3)').height(); However, now I would like to use that variable in the animate function like so: $('img:first').fadeIn('normal').delay(500).animate({'height':'-=20%'}, 1500, 'easeOutQuad'); How do I do that? I would like to replace the '-=20%' w...

How do I use animate() in jQuery to increase the size of an image relative to the size of the page?

So this is increasing the size of the image, relative to the original size of the image: $('img:first').fadeIn('normal').delay(500).animate({'height':'+=20%'}, 1500, 'easeOutQuad'); How do I increase it, to say 80% of the user's window (this should work if the user has an 800px resolution monitor, or 1680px resolution monitor). Also...

How to Deactivate "Enter Key" when using jQueryUI Dialog Confirmation

Hi, I am having some issue with the enter key within IE6 together with the jQuery UI Dialog confirmation box that has just an "Ok" button on it. $("#myBox").dialog({ autoOpen: false, closeOnEscape: false, resizable: false, modal: true, draggable: false, position: ...