
Drag only child nodes and check the dropped node Checkbox

I had done a page for dragging a tree node from ASP.net TreeView and drop it on any portion. AND I HAVE ENABLED THE CHECKBOX IN TreeView. But I dont want to drag the parent nodes. I want only the child nodes to be dragged. How is it possible ? the jquery which I had used for dragging and dropping the node is as shown. What should I apply...

jqueryui js components on google cdn?

Hi, Usually you don't want to include the whole of jquery ui as you are only using certain parts. Using google cdn, it is possible to include different parts of the CSS files, but I can't find the JS ones eg (jquery.ui.core.min.js). CSS: http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.2/themes/base/jquery.ui.core.css http://ajax.goo...

slidedown and slideup jquery

I'm implementing the slidedown and slideup using jquery on mouseover and mouseout of the div: $("#ReportViewerA").mouseover(function() { $("#ReportViewerA").css("background-color", "ANTIQUEWHITE"); $('#ReportViewerAtool').slideDown('slow'); }); $('#ReportViewerA').mouseout(function() { ...

Get Parent node name

How to get the parent node name of the checked child node of ASP.net TreeView Control using jquery/javascript ? $('#<%=treeMeasures.ClientID%>').find('input[type=checkbox]').each(function() { alert($(this).parent().text()); }); ...

Timed animation with jQuery

Is this possible via jQuery ? Basically as shown in above image , I have blue background , map image and text images. I want to achieve this kind of animation at the page load or whenver this image is loaded. ...

jQuery UI Datepicker - disable today's date if today is Monday?

jQuery UI Datepicker: Hi, I'm trying to have the pop-up calendar allow only the Monday dates in the future to be selected. I've tried this code: $(function() { $('#dateWeekly').datepicker({ showOn: 'both', // use to enable calendar button and focus buttonImage: 'childtime/images/calendar.gif', buttonImag...

How do i show Processing wheel in Jquery when we click on Search button

when i click on search button i need to show Processing Wheel in Jquery .Is there any method available to show that. ...

jQuery script to replace a span, insert a block of code, which contains the original text

For all jQuery experts, looking for a clean way to remove a span, and insert with anoth block of code, which includes the original content. more specifically, What I have: <span class="error">ORIGINAL TEXT</span> Needs to replace with (error icon and formatting with jQueryUI. Unfortunately, I can't change the original text, so nee...

Displaying tooltips on HTML <option> tags

Either using plain HTML or jQuery assisted JavaScript, how do you display tooltips on individual <option> elements to aid the decision process (there is not enough room for a different kind of control and some help will be needed). Can this be done though a plugin or similar? I have tried a few tooltip plugins for jQuery with no succes...

jQuery Best Practises for HTML Element creation in a specific example

Is there a better way to write the following so that: a) fewer variables are used that may causes name collisions? b) the code is smaller and more maintainable, especially on the line beginning "var $safesurf = $( ' ')" onwards? var $ratings = [ { group: 'SS~~001', name: 'Profanity', levels: { 'S...

Show "Please wait" modal while function runs

Hi. I'm trying to add a jQuery UI modal dialog to show when a function starts, which says "Please wait". Then have it close when the function is done. I've tried the following: function flashFallback(){ $('#dialog').dialog({ modal:true, autoOpen:false }); $("#dialog").dialog("open"); /* Other code goes here... */ ...

How do I handle modal dialog fadeout in jQuery UI?

At http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/#modal-form, there is a sample modal dialog; when you click on "Create new user", it displays a modal dialog and fades everything but the dialog. On my work based on that, I've specified "modal: true," and the modal dialog appears and disappears appropriately, but nothing else is greyed out; the rest ...

jQuery UI Datepicker Slow During Typing

I've heard all these great experiences of how great and elegant jQuery is, but I'm 0 for 2 trying to implement jQuery controls in real world projects due to poor performance. I am running into a similar problem as Richard this time. The jQuery UI DatePicker failed User Acceptance Testing in an ASP.NET application I'm working on because...

JQuery Datepicker needs to fire onclick

I need to fire the jquery datepicker from a link click. Right now if i click on the textbox the datepicker opens which is great but i have a button next to the textbox that someone can click and it needs to open the datepicker next to it. Also I would like a label instead of a textbox, is that possible. The code is below: $(document).re...

Why does jQuery datapicker not constrain input when setting a date format?

I have an input field that is being set as a date picker. When I initialize the dateFormat option it stops constraining the input and I can enter all sorts of rubbish dates in the text box. Why does this happen? I'd like to have constrained input still work when setting a custom date format. myTextInput.datepicker({ dateFormat: "dd-M-yy...

jQuery UI: Can an object be selectable and draggable simultaneously?

I have objects that I want to be both draggable and selectable. Is this possible? var course_li = $(sprintf('<li class="course%s">%s</li>', already_scheduled_class, course["fields"]["name"])); // ... course_li.draggable(DRAGGABLE_COURSE_SETTINGS); // ... if (in_course) { course_li.draggable('disable'); } // ... $(".course...

jQuery UI: Make only one item across many selectables be selectable at a time?

I'm trying to use the jQuery UI framework with selectables. First off, is it possible to disable allow selection with mouse drag/lasso? Secondly, I have several selectable elements, and I want only one of their children to be selected at a time: <ul class="ui-selectable"> <li>foo</li> <li>bar</li> </ul> <ul class="ui-selectabl...

Cluetip for every dynamically generated row in table

Hi all, I would like to display cluetip [jQuery] plugin for every row of dynamic grid in .aspx page. The content in cluetip should be fetched from database dynamically while loading the cluetip plugin. Can anyone suggest any way of doing this? ...

jQuery UI: Make an item selected?

If I have a list and a link, like this: <a href="">Select</a> <ul> <li>f</li> <li>fd</li> <li>fa</li> <li>fd</li> </ul> <script> $("ul").selectable(); </script> Is it possible to make an item be selected on any arbitrary event? Something like: $('a').bind('click', function() { $('.ul-selectable').children().fi...

Using current selector in JQuery autocomplete

Hi, I'm using JQuery UI's autocomplete widget and would like to have access to the current selector which I'm attaching the autocomplete to. I have found a way to access the selector, using a previous question here, but the source function is called with incorrectly. My current code looks like this $("input[id$=artist]").each(function(...