
jQueryUI Autocomplete "waiting" in IE but FireFox is fine.

I've got some jQuery code in my page for a City AutoComplete. The problem I'm running into is that it works fine in FireFox but I only get the "waiting icon" in IE8. I've been pounding away at this for about 3 hours without any luck. I've even tried swapping out the AutoComplete for a different library, but I just can't seem to get it...

jquery add item to UL then sort, then highlight item that was added

this is my current code $('ul#attachmentlist>li').last().after("<li>new item on list</li>"); $('ul#attachmentlist>li').last().effect("highlight", {}, 2000); what i want is to have the newly inserted li element get highlighted after it is sorted $('ul#attachmentlist>li').last().after("new item on list"); $("ul#attachmentlist>li")....

How to scroll jQuery ui tabs?

Hello. I have a div with 600px X 150px and i need to paste there a jQuery ui tabs. There will be only 2 tabs, but each tab will contain a lot of text and images, but i don't want to resize div. If i insert overflow option in css to div or .ui-tabs there appear 2 scrolls - 1 from div and another in tab and it scrolls all tab panel. Questi...

JQuery UI control defined via HTML attributes instead of JavaScript

This question comes out making use of the HTML helpers in ASP.NET MVC and jQuery. For example, if I define an extension method like the following: <:% Html.DatePickerFor(x => x.StartDate) %> I would want it to make use of the jQuery DatePicker. However, this either means I need to manually add to the header the invocation of the DateP...

jQuery UI without HTML

Is there a project (open source) that takes the widgets and plugins for jQuery UI but allows us to use them without setting up any HTML? Kinda like Ext-js and Sproutcore, but without the acidental complexity and lack of fluidity, and more like Cappuccino, but without requiring a Mac and the horrible load times from Objective-j (which al...

Jquery ui tab-wise validation

I am using UI tabs and i want to validate each tab. When I click the second tab i must validate the first tab.If tab is valid go to second tab, if tab is not valid stay to the current tab and fill in missing form elements.And so on for all my tabs. Can anyone help me with this. ...

Javascript only working in Firebug

I am using jQuery UI to build tabs on my page. That works well until I add this following piece of code. $(function () { $('#tabs').children("div").each(function (index) { $('#tabs').tabs('load', index); }); }); I'm trying to preload the tabs. What is interesting, is that if i run this through Firebug and put a breakpo...

How does one have multiple modal forms on a page using jQuery UI?

I need to have multiple buttons each popping up a different modal form using jQuery UI. Is this possible? How? ...

jQuery UI Datepicker altField .change function not working?

Can anyone tell me why the console.log line isn't getting run when I select a date with the jQuery UI Datepicker? Thanks for reading. <script type="text/javascript"> $(window).ready(function() { $(function() { $("#datepicker").datepicker({ altField: '#dateIntermediate'}); }); $('#dateIntermediate'...

How to get the jquery slider to slide automatically to the element the user clicked?

I have a slider made with jquery ui and it works perfectly when dragged by the user or if the user click on it, it slides perfectly and slides the content in the div with it. What I want now and haven't been able to make is to allow the user to click any element inside the div that scrolls and have the slider scroll there automatically. ...

Move image inside a div?

I have a div with a specific width and height. And a smaller image with the same width but much less height. How could I Position the small image to the inside top of the big div (but still all the small image to be visible in it) Animate the small image from the inside top of the big div to the inside bottom (and again, still k...

jQueryUI: selectable - cancel option when dragging the lasso over an element.

Hello, the cancel option on selectable does the following: Prevents selecting if you start on elements matching the selector. Is there a build-in way to make it ignore elements even if you drag over them? Cause with cancel it only works if you start from the element but if you start from a selectable element and drag the lasso ov...

What's new in jQuery 1.4?

What's new in jQuery(including UI) and will I have problems(using UI dialog and datepicker) when switch to 1.4(and 1.8.2) ? ...

How do I connect jQuery Datepicker to my Ruby on Rails form?

I'm trying to use the jQuery Datepicker to set a date field in my Ruby on Rails form, but I can't work out how to do it. Can someone point me in the right direction? ...

jquery sortable plugin with "sliding effect" ?

Hello! jQueryUI has got a nice plugin, Sortable: http://jqueryui.com/demos/sortable/ I'm very pleased with that plugin but I'm only missing one thing. And that is instead of let the elements that changes position pop/jump to its new position, I'd like them to "slide" to that new position instead. By other words, make it a bit more smoot...

Creating a Vertical menu using jquery

How can i create a page like this? http://i30.tinypic.com/20seslv.gif When i click a link in the left side menu a page must be loaded in the content area, but the whole page must not load. How to do this using jquery is there any plugin to do that? ...

Function for F11 fullscreen using jQuery

Howdy, Is it possible to dispaly a web page fullscreen as if you had pressed f11? In chrome this gets rid of tool bars and everything. I'm using jQuery but I haven't been able to find info iff this is even possible. Thanks for any help. ...

Menu show/hide using jquery

Hello, This is a css of a menu <span id="menu2">Menu 2</span> CSS for the above div #menu2_submenu{ position:absolute; left:375px; top:35px; background-color:#111; height:50px; width:160px; color:#424242; } sub menu <div id="submenu"> <div id="submenu1">submenu1</div> <div id=...

.focus not working with dialog boxes in jquery UI

Hi, I'm trying to set focus for a text box, after validating it. The form is loaded within a Jquery UI dialog. I found that the .focus is not working in it. Any ideas how to fix this ? I have been tried this : $("#txt_usernameReg").blur(function(){ setTimeout(function() { $("#txt_usernameReg").focus(); alert('settimeout'); }, 50); ...

Help with jQuery UI Autocomplete with ability to TAB away

I've got some jQuery code written to enable autocomplete on an input field. I'm having two issues with it that I can't seem to fix. Tabbing away from the field will not populate the input. What I need is for either the FIRST suggestion to populate the field if nothing is selected(clicked or selected via up/down) OR for the highlighte...