
jquery dialog: drag dialog at any point.

Is there an trick to make a jquery dialog be draggable at any point? (i mean not only in the title bar) ...

How to make matched text bold with jquery ui autocomplete?

Dear All, I am wondering how to make the matched part of the autocomplete suggestions bold when using jquery ui autocomplete? So for example if you type in "ja" and the suggestions are javascript and java (like in the example on the jquery ui demo page) then I would like to make "ja" bold in both suggestions. Anyone knows how to do ...

Javascript Helper Library

Hello all, I've been assigned a project to create a js library that serves as a starting template for all of my company's websites. The idea is to include some standard things that we do so that we aren't reinventing the wheel every time. I've made a good bit of headway thus far, but I cant help but feel like I could be organizing thi...

why jGrowl popup doesnt look as expected?

hi, i got this jGrowl notification on my site, when the notifications box its poped jGrowl popup doesnt looks well styled. this is how i call jgrowl files <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./include/jgrowl/jquery.jgrowl.css" /> this is the notification box ...

Adding jQuery modal dialog in an accordion

Hi folks, I have just started using jQuery in the past couple of weeks and am really enjoying it - damn fantastic thing! I have one problem at the moment though. Here's the basic structure of my page: <body> <div id="accordionContainer"> <div class="accordionSectionHeader"> Some header label... </div> <div class="ac...

Any way to override .blur() if .submit() is called upon in jQuery?

I'm writing up custom code for a CMS for a website. When a user clicks on the submit button (created with jQuery UI), it calls the click event on the button, which in turn calls a submit event, which submits the form. Said form also checks specific fields to see if they have text, and will show error messages and deactivate the submit b...

JS restrict mouse movement with axis when shift pressed (for draggable element)

When shift button pressed I want user to be able to only move mouse strictly up/down or left/right. My current rough idea is to intercept all movements when shift is pressed and use events simulation to pass needed event (which will contain only needed axis movement) further. I use jQuery Draggable so other idea is to determine when shi...

jQuery Dialog, closing when click outside

I know I can use the following to close the dialog box by clicking outside: $('.ui-widget-overlay').click(function() { $("#dialog").dialog("close"); }); But how do I change this so it works for every dialog box, ie I want to say close any dialog box as we have multiple on a page and would be easier to have one line of code? ...

Applying custom color to jquery ui-icons

Hello, I am new to jQuery. I want to use the "ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-e" with a color that matches my application ,also I dont want use a differnt .png file with the color I want. Please help me get this done. ...

Create a deadzone within a jQuery clickable area

With jQuery, jQuery-ui and one of the ui themes (I quite like lightness) included (bear with me, there is a question at the bottom which you can skip to if you like, just wanted to show how I got to where I am) (sorry if there are any mistakes or bits I have missed out in the code, it does work, but was cutting up the code for ease of ...

How to re-assign jQueryUI Dialog close button event

Basically I am showing and hiding the Dialog manually via positioning so something like 'swfupload' works (dont ask hehe, the multi-upload flash control i use cannot be hidden or Flash does something funky... so I am using positioning to show/hide the Dialog). So i set autoOpen: to true so when the page loads its not prehidden... and I ...

jquery ui - referencing dropped element

So I know that if an element is droppable, then you can set an option like: drop: function(){ alert('something was dropped'); } but how can I set it so I can reference the element dropped onto it, so I could do something like this: drop: function(){ alert(elementId + ' was dropped'); } Thanks. ...

JQueryUI Dialog display issue

I have the following code which builds a JQueryUI Dialog popup. $j('<div></div>') .html(message) .dialog({ autoOpen: true, bgiframe: true, buttons: { 'Dismiss': function() { $j(this).dialog('close') } }, closeOnEscape: true, height: 'auto', modal: true, ...

Using JQgrid and sortableRows. Update table row order

Using: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2382879/using-sortablerows-and-know-when-rows-have-been-moved I have been able to call an alert after the modification of my row order. How would I send this data to PHP/ call the editurl passing this data, similar to when adding or editing rows the editurl receives a $_POST['oper'] variable? ...

jQuery UI Dialog - change the content of an open dialog (ajax)

I've got some links I want to have dynamically open in a jQuery UI Dialog using jQuery.load(). Once the dialog is open I want the links load inside the already open dialog. So, the site loads, you click a link, and it opens in a dialog. That's fine. You can close and open it as many times as you want. While it's open, if you click...

jquery-ui autocomplete does not select on enter

Hello, I have used the jquery-ui to autocomplete an input box and set a hidden value from the selected item. This I did using the select: function(event, ui) { ...$("#myDiv").val(ui.item.value)... } option (might be wrong now, don't have the code at hand, but it works up until my question...) It works when select an item from t...

ASP.NET MVC & JQuery UI Drag Drop - Does anyone know how to store/retrive the panel state?

I have used the Telerik RadDock in the past, and although it's pretty good, it is a little bit clunky and bloated. One nice feature is the ability to save the state of a page (all dock locations, etc) in the database and recover them at a later date. I'm wondering if there is a way in MVC and jQuery to save the state of the jQuery UI D...

jQuery modal dialog using loading a form page that already contain jQuery code (Autocomplete) content?

I have a form in a web page dynamically generated and I would like to display it using a the jQuery UI modal dialog. The solution I was proposed in a previous post works when my form does not embedded jQuery UI itself : jQuery UI modal dialog form using remote content. The way the remote form already contains jQuery functions : Autoco...

jQuery UI Autocomplete - How to handle AJAX errors?

I'm using the jQuery Autocomplete control to autocomplete from the server via an AJAX call. I implemented the search event to show a "Loading..." animation while results are being fetched from the server. I want to disable that animation and show a message if fetching the autocomplete results from the server failed (timeout or whatever) ...

jQuery resizable does not work properly with image in DIV

I am using jQuery to allow me to resize a div. This works fine until an image is loaded into the div. When the image is there, if the div is resized smaller than the image, the ability to resize is lost. The ultimate goal of this is to resize a div with a Google Streetview container in it but this is reproducable with a basic image also,...