
jquery animate question

I am attempting to animate fireflies to fade in, pulsate and then fade out. I am using the code below, but the final animate seems to fire before the pulsate effect. if I remove the pulsate it works as well. Ideas? $('#fireflies').animate({'opacity':1}, 20000) .effect('pulsate', { times:6 }, 3500) .animate({'opacity':0}, 20000); ...

Creating jquery plugins...

Hi there I am trying to create a jquery plugin to do ajax table pagination (i.e get the data and recreate the tbody when it is called. Can anyone suggest a tutorial that will show me how to do all these things? I am looking to adhere to the following points: 1) The plugin is to use the jquery ui syntax 2) The plugin needs to be usea...

Loading Google Visualizations via AJAX in jQueryUI tabs

I'm trying to use jQueryUI tabs, loading the Tabs via AJAX. The problem I'm having is with Google Visualizations placed on those tabs -- they don't appear when retrieved via AJAX. I've setup a simple demonstration: http://htmlto.com/ui/index.php is the tab page. Tab 1 should load the page seen here: http://htmlto.com/ui/tab1.php But...

jquery-ui buttons sometimes slow to render, css alternative?

Hi, I'm using jquery-ui. The button support looks good, the stylized buttons are nice. The only downside is that it looks like the rendering of the button is done in javascript, so sometimes there is a pause when the page loads and you see all the buttons change form from native buttons to the jquery-ui style buttons. Are there any 'bu...

jQuery UI Tabs - Rounded Tab Corners in IE

I'm trying to switch from AjaxControlToolkit to jQuery UI tabs for a fairly simple tab element. I'm 99% there with CSS and theming, but I'm running into a wall attempting to get rounded corners on the tabs in IE. jQuery UI provides the styles needed for rounded tabs in better browsers, but it might be a deal-breaker if we can't get the...

tabbing not working properly in jquery dialog

i have a jquery dialog with this configuration: $("#someForm").dialog({ modal: true, title: 'Registration', resizable: false, draggable: false }); $("#someForm").dialog( "option", "buttons", { "Sign Up": function() { doSomething(); $(this).dialog("close"); }, "Cancel": function() { ...

How can I correctly register event handlers for jQuery UI Autocomplete (Combobox) for Ajax submission?

I am trying to get an autocomplete working and making an Ajax form submission on change, and so far the first is working but not the second. I am using jQuery UI Autocomplete with Combobox, http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/#combobox. From my Django template, I define a handler, presently beginning with an alert that seems never to ...

Getting jQuery Cycle plugin issue transparant image black border and white background in IE

Demo link Hi, I am getting black border and white background issue inside IE for transparent images when I user jQuery Cycle plugin. So I know this is known issue but I am not able to figure this out. this is what i tried so far : unitpngfix.js did not do the trick cleartype: false (did make paragraph transparent but made the image...

Javascript implementation of advanced datagrid?

I am looking for a datagrid which can show hierarchical information. I don't need it to be ajax driven ... can simply even be from static data embedded in HTML. ...

jQuery UI Resizable alsoResize reverse

How to make the jQuery UI Resizable alsoResize reverse direction. suppose in the html there is two div tag is there, if i resize in upward means the other thing has to resize downward <script> $(function() { $("#resizable").resizable({alsoResize: ".myiframe"}); }); </script> <div id = "resizable"> This is t...

jQueryUI Dialog doesn't apply button classes

Hi there, I'm using jQueryUI to build some modal boxes. I've created and implemented a default theme. My problem is that there are no classes applied to the buttons which I create through the dialog prefences var userSettingsDialog = jQuery('#userSettingsDialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false, buttons: { "Save": function() {...

jQuery tabs: Set css of tab navigation button by index.

Hi, I want to set the css of one tab navigation button programmaticaly. The index of the tab should be a variable. Use case: Setting a button to color red when it content has changed ascync. Thanks!! ...

Whats's wrong with this jquery slider function on ie8?

I really don't get it... what I'm doing wrong here? jQuery(function(){ //vars var conveyor = jQuery(".content-conveyor", jQuery("#slideWrapper")), item = jQuery(".item", jQuery("#slideWrapper")); conveyor.css("width", item.length * parseInt(item.css("width"))); var sliderOpts = { max: (item.length * parseInt(item.c...

jQuery Interrupt ASP.net server placed <submit />

Hey all, I've got some really odd behavior i basically want a pretty styling to my buttons and i want a modal confirmation form on saving and discarding changes to a web form. the events that do the saving and desicarding are asp.net events tied to server controls, by decorating the buttons with a class i can get jQuery to make them loo...

How to display number of posts for a given time frame in wordpress

Hello guys, I was hoping to get some ideas as how I can get a number of posts that have been posted on our blog BUT within a certain date range. I know how to get total number but need this extra functionality. This is what I have for getting total number of posts: $numposts = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE po...

not understanding event-delegation with jquery ui tabs

I'm just not getting event delegation with jquery ui tabs, or at all! I got the code for jquery ui tabs and loading the pages with ajax working perfectly. However I'm having trouble understanding event-delegation. I load 4 tabs with external content, depending on the tab which is opened. Inside those tabs I would like to attach the s...

jQuery add/remove css class on selected radio

I've read a few solutions on here, but my problem differs enough where those will not work. Basically if the radio button is checked, add a css class to the parent div. If the radio is not checked, remove the css class. Sounds simple? I have more than one radio button group, so in other words, there will be multiple radio buttons select...

Changing background color of jquery-ui button?

Hi, I'm using jquery-ui for buttons. The default theme looks great, but I'd like to apply a different background color to a few specific buttons. Is there a way I can easily add another css class to my buttons to just change the bg color of them, without changing any other properties of the button? Thanks ...

jQuery UI list view control

Is there some kind of jQuery UI list view control? If not what are my alternatives other than creating my own table/divs? ...

jQuery UI Autocomplete code doesn't work w/ valid XML, any ideas why?

Using jQuery UI's "XML data parsed once" autocomplete. I've checked the feed and it comes out as valid and I even logged it with error() and I get OK 200 for the status and 4 for the readystate (the XML file can be seen below). http://www.finalfantasyunion.com/includes/xml/games.xml My jQuery code is: <script> $(document).ready(funct...