
jQuery 1.4.2 resizable div stops working once it fits in browser window

Hi all, I have a 'toolbar' div that I made resizable via jQuery UI. The weird thing is, I cannot drag the div unless the div is so long it extends past the viewable page, making the scrollbars appear. I can then drag the div anywhere I like. However, if I drag the div so it fits in the page without scrollbars, and I drop, I cannot resi...

Having a problem with multiple jquery ui datepickers

i have one jquery ui datepicker working fine. I am now adding a second one (to have start date and end date) and when i click inside the second textbox the datepicker dropdown of the first textbox pops up (instead of the second). has anyone seen this or know of any other quirks when having multiple datepickers: here is my code: jav...

How do I read what is returned via $.ajax()?

I don't receive an alert even though this successfully returns the model I'm requesting? function editaddress(id) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/Address/Edit/" + id, success: function (msg) { alert(msg); } }); } What is msg? I thought it was maybe a J...

jQuery UI Tabs Minimal Styling

In my application, I have so far avoided needing to load any jQuery stylesheets at all, but the UI-tabs plugin seems to need some CSS to work at all. OK, fine, but the examples have you loading ALL the UI styles and, perhaps more important, the tab styling totally ruins my own look and feel. Is there any place to learn how I can provid...

jquery dialog become not appear

i have one jquery dialog which can show after click radiobutton. last time it can show but after i put some script for submit from dialog, the dialog become not show after click the radiobutton.this is my code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#dialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false ...

Jquery UI Layout - Resize while resizing?

Hi, in this example http://layout.jquery-dev.net/demos/toggle_alternate_layouts.html you can see that the resize is "on the fly". I think it is the option "resizeWhileDragging: true" but it dont work in my example -> http://jsfiddle.net/FrbW8/28/ My Problem is that i cant find any documentation about his (myabe i am too blind :) ) ->...

JQuery UI dialog - Outer window scrolls while scrolling inside the dialog

Hello I'm using JQuery UI dialog to show a popup containing a page. When i scroll inside the popup and if the scroll bars comes to the bottom, the parent page starts scrolling. How can i restrict the parent page from scrolling while scrolling inside the dialog. I've created a modal dialog using the following code. // Dialog ...

jQuery tabs, use like menu, load page when click on link

Hello, I have added jQuery tabs to my upcomming site. So far no problem. But I want - when clicking on a tab - that it should do and behave as a regular link. Exampel 1: Look at this link http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/default.html. When clicking on the options: Nunc tincidunt Proin dolor Aenean lacinia It loads the content from ...

keep accordion collapsed after droping its header

Hi, I am using jquery accordion ui with sortable facility now that problem i am facing is when i drag the header of accordion and place it to the specified position then if the header is collapsed then it expands and if it is already expanded then it collapsed. so i just want to keep the header closed whenever user drag it and then d...

jquery UI widgets without the CSS bloat

A question about jquery UI widgets. Is there a way to get them without all the bloat of CSS that they carry and render out ? I'm having a complete mess with tabs rendering all those jquery-ui-widget, jquery-ui-panel etc. etc. classes. This guy here does it somehow http://www.davereederdesign.com/post/2010/04/23/Tabs-with-Memory.aspx ? ...

How can I close one jQuery UI Dialog and focus on another?

After my call to $.ajax(), all UI Dialogs currently close and the page appears to do a full postback as per firebug--this is not what I want. I want the List ** UI Dialog** (read: partial view) visible, then the "Create" button is pressed to open another UI dialog for creating an address. I want to ajax post the data (preferably strongly...

JQueryUI- Can options take more than one parameter?

I'm trying to make my draggables snap to each other as well as their containing div. Is this possible? this works: $($element).draggable({ snap: true }) but this (and variations of it) will not: $($element).draggable({ snap: true, '#mainwindow' }) Anyone know how to give op...

jQuery UI position() not repositioning the element

I have a hyperlink which I am trying to reposition on the page using $('#myLink').position({ my: "center", at: "center", of: "#contentArea", offset: "30 130" }); However it's not being placed in the new position. My page is a complicated html so I can't post it. I tried different target elements but same results (both in IE8 & FF). I...

jQuery-ui autocomplete IE6 z-index problem

Hello all I am implementing jQuery-ui autocomplete function in my website. In IE6, the autocomplete box appears below other html elements select, input etc. These elements overlap the autocomplete suggestions box. In IE7, 8, it works fine. I tried changing the z-index of parent div. I changed the z-index of parent div of input, to whic...

jQuery Accordion definition list with multiple description items

I can't seem to use jQuery Accordions with definition lists that have multiple desciption items (dd). The author's examples have only single dd items. In the example below B2, B3 & C2 show onLoad, rather than hide like A1, B1 & C1 as I would prefer. How would I achieve this? jQuery('dl').accordion({ event: 'click', activ...

jqGrid: Disable form fields when editing

I'm currently developing a web application designed for the administration of vending machines and such. I decided to use jQuery, jQuery UI and jqGrid for this project, so I can easily provide a great and highly customizable user interface. Unfortunately, the jqGrid documentation is pretty outdated and doesn't cover all the features of t...

jquery ui tabs need to empty the prev tab when we move to next tab

hi , i jus made a script to empty the prev selected tab its working fine when we switch from 1 to 2 to 3. but bad luck its not working when we switch frm 3 to 2 to 1.here is the script var prevTab = 0; jQuery("#tabs").tabs({ fx: { opacity: "toggle" }, cache: false, show: function(event, ui) { alert(prevTab); var prevTab = ui....

How can I update a php variable with jQuery's UI Sortable receive event to save position?

I have a page with ten sortable lists that properly save the order of list items(divs) as they are moved inside their list. Each list itself is generated with a separate php file that basically iterates content based on its boxid #. So all content with a boxid of 5 gets output to list 5. All content with boxid of 3 gets output to list 3 ...

text box event on accordion

Hi , I have a textbox over accordion header , now if i type space into the textbox my accordion get collapsed if it is open. so prevent that i have written following code $(".edit").click(function(event) { // if default text is present then select the whole content if ($(this).attr('default') == $(this).val()) this.selec...

How to get datepicker in jqGrid search toolbar ?

I want to have datepicker in search text fields and eventually also in edit fields of jqgrid on a Ruby on Rails application. Is there any way ? Has any one used such combination ? Datepicker with jqGrid ? ...