
Jgrid Save cell on button click

HI, I am using afterSaveCell that fires if we modifies the cell then it get fires. My scenario is that i m doing batch update to the database on save change button. But when user edit the cell and got to the other cell then i log the modification in a array. But if user edit the cell and click on the Save Change button the cell focus n...

How to validate the Jquery UI- Calendar plugin ?

I have used JqueryUI plugin- date picker to display my date. The format is such that it has Fromdate & Todate. If I select fromDate: for example 09/28/2010 and If I select toDate: for example 09/30/2010. It should be like this such that todate is always the one which comes after the fromdate. But i want to validate such that if I cli...

Jquery UI datepicker default date

Hi, I have a problem with the Jquery UI datepicker, I have searched and searcher and i didn't find the answer.I have the following code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#birthdate" ).datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, yearRange: '1920:2010', dateFormat :...

extend jqueryui autocomplete

Hi there, How can I take use of the autocomplete functions to match the following requirements? If suggestion matches more than 10 items, it should instead of showing the suggestions, show the number of entries next to the input If suggestion matches less than 10 items, it should suggest the autocompletion I'm new to jquery and jque...

jQuery UI resizable cloned element(.clone(true)) doesn't resize

Hi, I'm having this strange problem with cloned elements(using .clone(true)) with draggable and resizable functionalities from jQuery UI. After cloning, the cloned elements don't have these functionalities, they just don't work. I have been looking for various solutions, like assigning the functionalities after cloning and still having...

jquery ui datepicker back button jumps to 1899

I must be missing some setting or something, but when I use the back button the datepicker jumps to 1899 from the current year. Has anyone else seen this and fixed it? (You can see the different combos I've commented out.) $('.dialog-search,#from') .datepicker({ defaultDate: 'c-1m', dateFormat: 'yymmdd', //changeM...

Opening jQuery UI dialog with a keyboard shortcut puts the key pressed into the dialog's form

I have a form inside a jQuery UI dialog. The dialog is set to open whenever the "t" key is pressed. The problem is, when this happens, the letter "t" gets inserted into the first input of that dialog's form, which I don't want to happen. Here's the code I have: $('#addtime-form').dialog({ minWidth: 351, modal: true, autoOpen: fal...

$('#id1').html(" ") removes all children of #id1 from DOM, or they are still there ?

I do something like this: $("#id1").html(data); I refill a div with html but when I try to get the html of a child of this refilled div I get an empty string although it has, it's like the old child is still there but without html. Edit: I tried to reproduce my problem, here is the html: (click 2x times on refill and after click open...

Benefits vs. Pitfalls of hosting jQuery locally

We're currently pulling jQuery and jQueryUI (and jQueryUI CSS) libraries from the google CDN. I like this because I can call google.load("jquery", "1"); and the latest jQuery 1.x.x will be used. Now I am to pull the libraries locally because of security. I'm happy to pull them locally but I'm wondering what are some of the other benef...

Drag and drop and the scrollbar

I have a problem with jQuery UI drag and drop if the person drags so that the scrollbar activates. The element being drug around is not longer at the cursor position. What solution should I use? Is there a way to cancel the dragging if the window scrolls? Is there a way to never show the scroll bar? Perhaps I should simply limit how ma...

Can the jQuery UI Datepicker take the good day in input altfield

I use datepicker and I disable Satudray,Sunday and Holidays but the input alfield take this days and I want to exclude Saturday, Sunday and Holydays , I need to take the next selectable days. For the code :link text ...

Can someone explain how to get an object position from the RIGHT?

Hello all, I'm doing a drag and drop module now, and I need to get the position of the element on screen (don't really care if it is page, screen or offset or any thing else), but it has to be from the right as my project is in a RTL language....everything is RTL, so the data has to be saved like that to the DB because resolution and re...

jQuary Datepicker is clering the field

Hello All, I am getting this strange bug. I'm using a jquery ui date picker in my Spring MVC application. The controller is populating the form which are populating on the jsp. <form:form modelAttribute="form8DContainment" method="post"> <form:input path="finalDate"/> <form:input path="finalDate"/> </form:form> I have app...

JQuery UI Droppable being destroyed when new droppable is created.

Okay, I have a simple droppable on the page. When the user performs an action, a function is run and it creates a new droppable. Now the original droppable doesn't work anymore. The only way it will work is if the droppables all have the same class name, but then if I drop something in the original, it thinks I dropped it in the new one ...

Sliding options menu in tables

I'm having a hard time thinking how to word this one, so if it makes no sense, let me know. I have a table that looks something like this Name | Email | Phone John Doe | [email protected] | 555-5555 Jane Doe | [email protected] | 555-5555 Now lets say that every listed name is a link. When you click that link, an area appears ...

jquery ui dialog, having multiple dialogs affects position

Hello, As I am making multiple dialogs, I am faced with difficulties. Here is my code: var dialog_count = 3; $(function() { var left_value = 0; var top_value = 0; for(var i = 1; i < dialog_count+1; i++) { $('.dialog_' + i).dialog({ width: 263, position: [800 - left_value, 800 - top_value] }); left_value = ...

jquery ui button custom icons

It is easy to add one of the icons available as part of the UI Icon Set: $("#myButton").button({icons: {primary: "ui-icon-locked"}}); But what if I want to add one of my own icons that is not part of the framework icon set? I thought it would be as easy as giving it your own CSS class with a background image, but that doesn't work. An...

jQuery UI toggle button events

How do I bind events to a jQuery UI Toggle button? More specifically, how can I bind events that are going to fire? The checkboxes are rendering to toggle buttons correctly, but any event handlers attached to them are not triggered when the state of the button changes. Is there something I'm missing? CSS: <input type='checkbox' id='...

Add padding to jQuery UI Slider

Is there an easy way to add padding to the slider-bar of a jQuery UI Slider? I'ld like to be able to have the slider-handle not reach the ends of the bar. So if this is the regular left end: no padding \/ []------------------ I would like it to have padding on the left (and right) end: padding of 10px for instance \/ --[]------------...

jquery - referencing a jquery object

So I'm using the ui library, and I have something like: $('#trash-bin').droppable({ tolerance: 'touch', drop: function(event, ui) { alert(ui.draggable.id + " was dropped"); } }); $('#images').draggable({}); Which I know is wrong (the alert says "undefined dropped") How can I reference the i...