
jquery modalpopup

hi, is there an equivalent jquery ui for modalpopup like the one in asp.net? thx ...

jquery Ui Dialog can't fadeout twice

i have a strange problem with jquery i have this div that shows messages for ajaxified actions and i want the message to go away when after 5 seconds .. it works for the first time.. but when i trigger the action again in the same page the dialog appears but and never get fade out no matter what unless i close it by press the X button ....

How can I absolutely position jQuery draggables and still make them move correctly for droppable to work? (a problem just with IE)

Hello, I've read lots of articles and tried everything I can think of, but I can't manage all three: position a draggable object, make it move correctly and get the droppable object to recognize it. When I change the code, I manage every time to do one or two of them, but never all of them together, and I need them all. Here is some co...

Help with float and jQuery UI button

I used jQuery UI buttons in a project, and they have been working fine. But, in IE7, the icon doesn't float as it should. I realise IE doesn't have rounded corners support yet, but that is OK. Good browsers render it fine IE sucks I start with a button in the HTML <button type="submit"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-mail-closed"><...

How to bind the 'toggle' event to a element

Hi, Is there a way I can use the 'bind' syntax for the 'toggle' event handler ? From the docs I can understand that the correct way is $('.selector').toggle( function() {}, function() {} ); My problem is that I am removing that element for some reason, and then again add it to the DOM. On adding it again, the toggle does not work....

how to download the jquery-ui file of Uncompressed source , i download the file always jquery-ui-1.8.5.custom.min.js

how to download a jquery-ui file without **.min.js thanks ...

how to send the event to the clone without using jquery on iphone .

this is the code: $("#draggable").draggable({ helper: 'clone' }); use this code , if you drag the div , you will drag the clone , this is my code without using jquery and jquery-ui,i want to drag the clone-one when i drag the div: var $=function(str){ var div=document.createElement('div') div.innerHTML=str; return di...

jquery multiple dialogs to return value to function that called it

Hi, I have a application with many dialogs and created a function to open a dialog and also load data into it, so other functions could open a dialog and process the users option. The problem is when I call openDialog it stops the function that called it. I thought by adding a return value so when a button is clicked the calling funct...

jQuery UI dialog box using .load, how to close dialog box upon selection from a drop down list.

Hello, I am new to jQuery UI but could not find an answer. I have a webpage that has some textboxes on it. When a user clicks on one of the text boxes a jQuery UI dialog box opens using the .load to load a HTML page. The HTML page contains is a short script just basically containing something like the code below. I am succesfully ret...

Does exist prebuilt JQuery UI Themes other than what available with ThemeRoller?

I need a new very attractive Theme for JQuery UI but I don't like the default set present on JQueryUI gallery. I've found only Aristo, it's awesome but I would see other combinations I'm not a graphical designer so I'm unable to create a pretty style by myself. ...

Having trouble getting jQuery UI resizable working

I'm sure I'm missing something really obvious (it's late in the day). I've set up a test page with a really basic implementation of jQuery UI resizable. Why isn't it working and allowing the elements to be resizable? http://jsfiddle.net/UA3QS/ ...

jQuery ui ReSizable with scroll bars

Hello, I am trying to have a resizable on a div, but the resizer handle is always contained within the div can I have it where scrollbars end. /////////// Edit /////////// I have achieved it with jScrollPane but after using jScroll I am unable to resize horizontally. ...

Input text box not editable with jQuery Draggable?

I call a javascript function that dynamically builds <li>'s with a text input box and drop down inside. The drop down works fine with jQuery's Draggable but I cannot edit the input text box? function addField(type){ var html = ''; html += '<li class="ui-state-default">'; if(type == 'text'){ html += '<b>Text Field</b><br />'; ...

How to append additional html to a jQuery UI Tab Panel?

I want to implement a "show more" paginator inside of a jQuery tab panel. If the user clicks the "show more" link, I want to load more elements and append them to the existing contents of the tab panel. I'm hoping there is some way to access the "ui" element that is available in the standard event callbacks. Something like this... var...

How can I make a JQuery UI slider and a textbox coexist on a mobile browser?

I'm trying to have a jQuery UI Slider on a webpage to be displayed on an Android phone. The slider does not work by default, but when JS code that converts touch events to mouse events is dropped in (http://ross.posterous.com/2008/08/19/iphone-touch-events-in-javascript/), the slider works. Only problem being, with the new code, if ther...

jQueryUI .button() remains pressed after opening ui dialog with it in firefox

link for jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/6UWZQ/1 look on this live link, if you click on any row on delete or edit and after click cancel, the button will remain highlighted (only in Firefox) I make the buttons like this: $("input[type=submit]").addClass("abtn"); $("tbody a").addClass("abtn"); $(".abtn").button(); and I add a confirm...

where do the jqueryUI dialogs go after making them dialogs from divs

if you run this simple html, you'll notice that removing the html of the main div doesn't remove the child which was made dialog() <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/aj...

Telerik tabstrib doesn't work when jquery ui is used

Ive got the following code in my site.master page: <head runat="server"> <title><asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="TitleContent" runat="server" /></title> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="../../favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <%--<script src="../../Scripts/jquery-1.4.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="...

Access jQuery Datepicker array elements

Been having a poke around and I am trying to be able to get the individual sections of the date chosen by the date picker as vars, so they can be used outside the .datepicker function. Is there an array I can access to grab this data? You can format the date as one of the functions options using dateFormat: "dd mm yy" etc, so there m...

JQuery-ui Dialog: How can I prevent default action when the user clicks on close button?

i'm using JQuery-ui dialog; i'd like to perform my custom actions when user clicks on dialog's close button [X], but i'd like to prevent the closing event too! i tried this code without success: $( ".selector" ).dialog({ close: function(event, ui) { event.preventDefault(); //mycode } ...