
JQuery UI button submitting entire content problem in IE 6.0

Hi, I have the same problem as posted here I have a <button> element that triggers "A potentially dangerous request.form value..." error in asp.net MVC. For instance: <button type="submit" name="logon" value="ok">Confirm</button> <button type="submit" name="cancel" value="ok">Cancel</button> And this javascript (with jquery UI 1.8.5)...

jQuery UI inline datepicker changeMonth/Year unexpected behavior

I have an inline datepicker with changeMonth: true, changeYear: true. Because of the way I'm using the datepicker I have an 'Apply' button that calls datepicker('getDate'). If, for example, the user selects Jan 15 2010 and then changes the month from Jan to Feb, the control appears to have have Feb 15 2010 selected but datepicker('getDat...

jqueryUI Sortable: handling .disableSelection() on form inputs

example: i have an un-ordered list containing a bunch of form inputs. after making the ul .sortable(), I call .disableSelection() on the sortable (ul) to prevent text-selection when dragging an li item. ..all fine but I need to re/enable text-selection on the form inputs.. or the form is basically un-editable .. i found a partial so...

Help me understand scrolling in javascript(jquery) terms.

When you scroll, are you changing the position of something? How can I change the position of the scroll? Specifically to match the cursors movement. What I want to do is scroll the window when I click and drag with the cursor inside the window. For example: I have a 400px by 400px div with a 900px by 900px div inside of it. I want to...

How to make jQuery UI tabs appear at the bottom of a page

Hi All: Is there some way to make the jQuery UI tab widget tabs appear at the bottom of a page? Using the example from the jQuery site: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>jQuery UI Tabs - Default functionality</title> <link type="text/css" href="../../themes/base/jquery.ui.all.css" rel="...

Extract day and week number of a specific month given a specific date or time stamp

Preferred in jQuery, if possible, otherwise any Javascript will work. I'd like to get the day and week number of month given a specific date or timestamp. For example 2010-10-26 would return Tuesday and 4 as the week number 2010-11-11 would return Thursday and 2 as the week number ...

jQuery dialog IE7 issues

I am having trouble with the width of the titlebar in IE7 only. The first dialog function when opened using the width: 'auto' the titlebar does not extend across the entire dialog window. The second function using minWidth works but is acting more like the width property and not growing in size with the content. Any ideas? Not Workin...

jQuery Datepicker attached to two inputs, changes both when one is modified

I have two inputs, and I have attached jQuery UI Datepickers to both of them. Problem is that when I change the date on the first one, it changes on the second one and vise-versa. Suggestions? <label for="datestart">Start Date:</label> <input id="datestart" name="datestart" type="text"> <label for="dateend">End Date:</label> <input id=...

Change drag options in the middle of a drag

I would like to be able to add an option to my currently dragged element mid-drag. My initial options are: curDomObj.draggable({ axis: "x", drag: curDomObj.trigger("drag") }); And then I'd like to be able to add another option that will automatically update that dragged object without "dropping" it. Specifically, I'd like to a...

Can jqueryui tabs load new complete html page?

Hi, I created an index.html page that have 3 different tab. With the function tabs() of jqueryui I want load with ajax an html page. Every html page use jquery library, so every page have this code: <link type="text/css" href="css/redmond/jquery-ui-1.8.5.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.4.3...

Add button to jquery ui dialog

Hi. I can not add button to this jquery ui dialog. if possible please give me an example . thanks. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { //setup new person dialog $('#dialog2').dialog({ autoResize: true, show: "clip", hide: "clip", height: 'aut...

Adjust height on jQueryUI dialog to be as tall as content up to a max

Using jQueryUI's dialog boxes, I want to popup information. My problem is I want to set the height of the dialog to however high the content is. If I don't specify a height, this works perfect. The height is automatically calculated based on the height of the content. Problem then is if the content is very tall, the dialog gets very ...

jquery: autocomplete with remote xml source

Hi, I am trying to implement an autocomplete textbox whose values are generated by a remote script returning XML contents. I'm using JQuery-1.4.3 and the autocomplete widget from JQuery-UI-1.8.5. I've studied the autocomplete demo page for the XML data parsed once example, and am trying to implement the comments: This should also s...

JQuery UI Datepicker Adding Code Before </body> - Messing Up Layout.

Hello, I'm using JQuery UI for various things, one being the datepicker. I've notice it's adding this div at the end of my page: <div class="ui-datepicker ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all ui-helper-hidden-accessible" id="ui-datepicker-div"></div> just before the </body> tag. Which leaves a 40px-ish gap at ...

Tabs losing focus in IE jquery ui tabs

I have a page with a 3 tab layout and each tab contains small forms. For accessibility reasons I am paying close attention to tabbing through the page. When I tab through and hit enter in FF & Chrome the focus stays on the tab. In IE 6,7,8 it jumps to the top of the page which causes a big problem for non or low vision users. This same ...

jQuery timepicker won't work

I can't seem to get my jQuery time picker to work at all. Nothing happens when I click the input box. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-...

jQuery UI Dialog on jQuery Validation Plugin in ASP.net: Can this work?

I'm currently trying to run jQuery Validation plugin inside a jQuery dialog. The code is as such in the document.ready: $("#Dialog").dialog({ bgiframe: true, autoOpen: false, height: 600, width: 590, modal: true, resizable: false, open: function (type, ...

jQuery collapsing list?

Check out http://jqueryui.com/demos/draggable/ At the bottom there's a tabbed section... the seconds tabs "Details" gives the example of exactly what I want to accomplish. You can show/hide each row, and you can show/hide the details within that list row. Is this part of the jQuery UI? If so, does anyone happen to know what it's called...

Recreate "Styles" drop down area of Office Ribbon?

I am trying to recreate the "Styles" section of the Office ribbon: http://www.winsupersite.com/images/reviews/office2007_b2_06.jpg I like how it starts out as only one row, then you can scroll through the rows, then click the arrow to expand all into a table like above. Does anyone have any ideas on how to recreate this whole interactiv...

javascript memory problem

Hi, i have some problems with my site. it eats ram like a monster. javascript causes that but i don't know what to do. i use jquery framework and jwplayer(+some listeners) how can I detect which code causes that? ...