
How to close a jquery UI dialog with iframe

Here is how I initialize the dialog: $('a.dialog').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); $('<iframe id="externalSite" class="externalSite" src="/controller/action" frameBorder="0"></iframe>').dialog({ modal: true, resizable: false, title: 'Title', zIndex: 1, show...

JQuery UI dragable (can't correctly stop it)

Hello. i have some problems with dragable UI. In some conditions i need to stop dragging. It is very dynamic. I try to give it more simple. What i do: drag : (function(e,ui){ if (ui.position.left > 400){// in my example 400 is variable whitch calculates every drag event return false; } ...

JQuery UI Dialog don't reload after first open

I've this script inside my classic asp. <script type="text/javascript"> var $dialog = $('<div></div>'); $dialog.load('cad_usr_pto_padrao_livres.asp?cd_usuario=' + <%= "'" & v_cd_usuario_cl & "'" %>); $dialog.dialog({ title: 'Cadastro de Ponto Padrão', height: 300, width: 400, closeOnEscape: true, hide: 'slide', position...

jQuery UI draggable + sortable + droppable all together?

Hi Guys, I will try to make it short: I am trying to figure out how to integrate these 3 functionalities into my application. I have a list of items (1), which I want to make it sortable. I would also like to make each one of the items draggable, in order to drop them on a droppable area outside of (1). Now, the hard part: On top of th...

Autocomplete hitting enter vs clicking different behaviour on IE7 (jQuery 1.4.3 + jQuery UI 1.8.5)

here is my code: $(document).ready(function() { $("#OperatorID").focus(); $("#PartNumberID").autocomplete({ source: "ajax/getData.php", minLength: 6, delay: 100, select: function(event, ui) { $("#PartNumberID").val(ui.item.value); $("#boxID").val(ui.item.box); $("#PackageID"...

How can I allow a user to answer dates before 1970 into a JQuery UI DatePicker widget?

I'm working on a site that uses a Jquery UI datepicker to allow users to enter their date of birth. However, since the calender (intialized as follows), doesn't go before December 31st 1969, this will prevent users born before then from registering. How can I make it so that the date goes back all the way to 1910 like intended? picker....

Mark selected days in jQuery UI datepicker

I'm using jQuery UI's datepicker (http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Datepicker). It sounds like it should be possible to mark certain days by providing a beforeShowDay function (http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Datepicker#event-beforeShowDay). But I can't get the CSS right for this. I'd like to make the background green for some days. This is the Jav...

how to do partial page update with jquery

I have navigation menu when clicked only a content div in the page should be updated from html contect files that in the server withouod doing a full page refresh, how can i achieve this using jquery? ...

drop a draggable using jquery

Is there any way of dropping a draggable into the droppable by hardcoding and not by actually going into the browser and doing drag-drop?? Thanks in advance.:D ...

jquery-ui vertical tab bottom border problem

hey there everyone i am trying to implement jquery UI tabs, but i want to do it vertically, i found this tutorial here on how to built a vertical tab, modified css a bit and i got what i want, there's only one thing i cant figure out, that is how to make a border-bottom on the selected tab "ui-state-default ui-tabs-selected ui-state-act...

jQuery button primary & secondary

I am using jQuery button in my project, I need to display primary button in orange color and secondary button in grey color; but for me both buttons are in the same color grey. I am using following code: $(function() { $( "button, input:submit").button({ icons: {primary:'ui-icon-gear',secondary:'ui-icon-triangle-1-s'} }); ...

How do i append or prepend this dynamic rows in to the table using jquery

$j=1; ?> var t =''; var options = ""; </script> <?php foreach ($this->data['DEFAULTS'] as $rec){ foreach ($rec as $key=>$val){ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var cntr = "<?php echo $j;?>"; var reference_v...

jQuery autocomplete won't show more than 10 results

I'm using the jQuery autocomplete, and no matter what settings I change, I can't get it to show more than 10 results in the dropdown. I can see in the results coming back that I'm getting all of them from the server, but the front end won't show more than 10. $("#add_cpt_code_text").autocomplete('<%: Url.Action("SearchCPT", "ChargeCapt...

How do I block the UI using JQuery UI?

I've been using this plugin to block the UI: http://jquery.malsup.com/block/ The plugin works excellently, it's just that I'd be enormously surprised if jQuery UI didn't do such a thing already, given that it must do effectively the same thing for it's Dialog feature. How does one block the UI using JQuery UI? ...

How to add 15 minutes to custom timer - Javascript

Hello, I've got this js: <script> $('#appt_start').val(parent.location.hash); $('#appt_end').val(parent.location.hash); </script> which gets the hash value from the url something.com/diary.php#0800 for example. The value is then used to autofill the start and end times in an appointment form. I need the second time (#appt_end) to b...

jQuery datepicker, disable dates from MYSQL

I have a list of dates stored in a MYSQL table, the idea is if the following field has valued 'completed' the row's date is unselectable in the jQueryUI datepicker. The dates are stored in the format YYYY-MM-DD.. how would I go about loading these 'completed' dates into a PHP array in a format for the datepicker to understand and disable...

JQuery UI Sortable - limit drop to certain elements

Hi, I have a number of ul's which the user is able to sort li's into. I have 2 different types of li and need to restrict which list they can be dropped into. Here is a small example: <ul class="top"> <li class=typeA">Item</li> <li class=typeA">Item</li> <li class=typeB">Item</li> <ul class="sub"> <li ...

Jquery fails when i use button tag in HTML to call Javascript function which in turn uses Jquery.

I have button on my HTML page. Initially i was using <input name="op" id="changepass_submit" value="Change Password" disabled="disabled" class="form-submit" type="button" onClick="change_passwd();" />. Using this i am able to call the javascript function change_passwd() which has it's definition as, function change_passwd() { v...

jquery - Draggable image when image is larger than the container

Making an image draggable does some pretty wacky things when the image is larger than the container... Does anyone know a way around this? Here's my code... <script type='text/javascript' src="scripts/jquery-1.4.2.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery-ui.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(d...

jQuery modal dialog button text

Based on the code below to show a JQuery dialog, the button text shows up as the literal "b" as opposed to the value of the variable b. Ie: showWarningDialog('myBody', 'myTitle', 'go') shows a dialog with a button labelled b instead of go. How can you get go to appear? function showWarningDialog(theBody, theTitle, buttonText) { ...