
IE7+ Rounded Corners w/ jQueryUI

I'm not really sure how to accomplish this with this theme. The Filament Group has shown some promise in this demo. But not all that glimmers is gold, since the accordion and other plugins won't work correctly (it's a work in progress). Related questions include: Round Corners in IE using ui-corner-all ...

How do I prevent jQuery UI Dialog from modifying the background layout?

I am using jQuery UI to provide a modal window when a page loads. This works fine, however, the background layout is messed up compared to the way it should be. Here is the dialog code: <div id="dialog" title="Dialog Title"> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolor...

jQuery UI Sortable error (cannot call methods on sortable prior to initialization)

Hi, Sorry to bother anyone with this but about to go mad. Using jQuery UI Sortable with a nested list. Loading the nodes of the "tree" dynamically, so have a button which 'loads node' (similar to ASP.NET TreeView) - when this button is pressed and the node is loaded, I want to either "refresh" or "destroy" then re-initialize the sortabl...

jQuery UI Tabs: Several sets of tabs...

I'm using the jQuery UI Tabs for individual real estate listings... the listing are generated on the fly from the DB. I'm curious if there's a better way of associating tabs and their respective DIV fragments (containers) than individual IDs per tab group: #tabContent1_1 #tabContent2_1 #tabContent3_1 ... #tabContent1_2 #tabContent2_2 ...

jquery widget, _create or _init

Some jquery plugin extend widget use _create method, while others use _init method, can someone explain the differences between the two? Also any guidance on when it is better to extend widget or directly extend jquery.fn? ...

jquery ui: how to open a dialog

I jsut checked the sample of jQuery UI that opens a dialog, it's strange that the message needs to be written in HTML and read it by jQuery selector: http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/ <script> $(function() { $( "#dialog" ).dialog(); }); </script> <div class="demo"> <div id="dialog" title="Basic dialog"> <p>This is the defaul...

jQuery buttons in Internet Explorer

I'm using jQuery buttons on my page. Whenever I click one of them the Internet Explorer adds an ugly black border because the button is active. When I brows the jQuery button sample page with IE this border is not visible when I click one of the example buttons. Why not?? How do they avoid this border? I checked their CSS files but coul...

how to use autocomplete in jquery

how i can use jquery autocomplete ...

jquery autocomplete enter key

Hi, Currently the autocomplete action when pressing the enter key on a selected element is to put that elements value into the input box. How can I modify the behavior so that pressing the enter key on an element triggers that elements embedded url. To simplify I'd like to make the enter key have the same behavior as a mouse click on a...

Is there a jquery plugin that you can use to gray out an image and add another image partially over the grayed out one?

I'm working on a page where I need a way for when the user mouses over an image, it grays out and a shows a gear icon over that image. If there's no way for the image to gray out, then is there a way just to overlay the gear icon on the top-right corner of the image? ...

Use JQuery UI styles on other HTML elements

We use a JQuery UI theme and also have a <fieldset> with this CSS: fieldset {border:1px grey solid}. Instead of specifying grey for the border, how can we use a color/style that is provided with theme? ...

Need to explicitly call .button() to apply JQuery UI style?

We have a couple <button> elements which we style with JQuery UI like this: $("#my-button" ).button();. Is there a way to have JQuery UI automatically style the buttons without explicity writing that code? ...

jquery animate function - make it toggle

I have the following snippet of code (see below) and want to make the function toggle - what is the best way to go about this?? Thank-you. <html> <head> <title></title> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#left_pane").css("left","-300px"); $("#middle_pane").c...

jQuery resizing contained considering container's margin

I don't understand why a resizable containment to the container does not factor in padding and margins. See my jsfiddle Is there anything I'm missing? I think something is off for the maxHeight. If it's retrieving outerHeight(true) then I shouldn't also need to include css('margin-(top|bottom)'), but it looks funky without. Also, fo...

jQuery Ajax Success Call jQuery UI

When I call the below in my code, after the element is loaded, the callback is being called but I get "Object does not support..." Any ideas why it can't find the tabs plugin even though I have jQuery and jQuery UI referenced. Another thing to note, is the filename for jQuery UI has two dots jquery-ui-1.8.5*..*min.js and unfortunately ...

Get the URI of a jQuery UI tab

I tried to reload a particular jQuery UI tab with this code var currentTab = $("div#tabs").tabs('option', 'selected'); $('div#tabs').tabs('load', currentTab); and it didn't work, but it works when I change the URI $('div#tabs').tabs('url', currentTab, 'example_page.html').tabs('load', currentTab); But the URI of the tabs keep chang...

unable to open a widget in jquery ui dialog.

function openUi(){ $("#dialog-message").dialog({ bgiframe: true, resizable: false, width: 400, modal: true, position: 'center', overlay: { backgroundColor: '#000', opacity: 0.5 }, }); $("#dialog-message").dialog('open'); } ...

Datepicker jquery UI clashing code

Hi All I'm working with jquery UI Datepicker. I have some code which is sending data to an ecommerece patform (Foxycart) I've added some code to highlight only certain (delivery days) and its clashing with the original datpicker code. can anyone see wuat the problem is? link: Example Original code: $(function() { $(".datepicker")...

Ajax script stop itself

Hi! I'm working on script taken here to load a page in div but the script starts to run and in middle al funtions stop itself. If I move the lines of code up it run the first new lines and then it stops. My code is: function loadDemo(path) { $.get(path, function(data) { alert("Chiamata la funzione get per " + path + "!"); data = d...

Making a jQuery droppable accept items from a sortable which is using connectWith

I've got a sortable list which is using connectWith to ensure it can only be sorted within its own types of list. Now I'm trying to make a droppable trash can element that appears at the bottom on the viewport when an item is being sorted. This element is outside the context of the lists and simply deletes any element that is dropped o...