
jQuery UI Themeroller Question

I just created a custom theme at http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/ and downloaded the theme. Now how do I get started and implement the CSS? ...

jquery ui: google api : including sortables

Hello friends I have included jquery and jqueryui from google api as follows <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.5/jquery-ui.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.3/jquery.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; I want t...

Creating a Jquery Tooltip with position next to mouseover element & delay if mouse is on tooltip.

So far I have the following code, which I know code be better. I was trying to accomplish 2 things. When the mouse is over the "tooltip" delay the hide event (user initiates an action in the tooltip) position the tooltip relative to the mouseover event of #tt1 $(document).ready(function() { $('.tooltip1').hide(); $('#tt1').mouseo...

Bind asp.net Server Side Data to Html Combobox

hello i want to use Jquery UI AutoComplete Combobox in my asp.net application. Here Is My Sample Code : My Combobox is an html control. how can i bind server side data to it? Or Is It possible to Use Jquery AutoComplete box for asp.net combobox? Select one... asp c ...

jQuery UI - Droppable only accept one draggable

Hey there, I'm making an app, that is using one droppable div and a few draggable divs. How can I make the droppable to not accept more than one draggable div? I Googled, but didn't find any workaround. ...

jQuery bind() problem?

I have made a generic function to show jQuery dialogs in my app. this function simply Set the dialog title make an ajax call to a server side function and populate the dialog with the html returned open the dialog Here is the function: function loadDialog(action, id, title, onCloseHandler) { $("#__gsl_DialogPanel").dialog("optio...

What classes to use for a simple grid-like widget using jquery ui css framework?

I'm trying to render a table of items that will be themeable using jquery ui css framework. I don't need a powerful grid like the jquery grid plugin, just make it themeable with themeroller. Here's what I tried so far: <table class="ui-widget"> <thead class="ui-widget-header ui-widget-top"> <tr> <th>Col 1</td> ...

How to bind function to DOM events once and only once so that they will not execute for a second time in the triggering of event?

so I have anchor tags in the form of <a href='[link'] rel='Tab'> and I apply the following at page load:('document ready' I mean) jQuery("a[rel*=Tab]").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault();//then I do some stuff to open it in jq ui tab} now the problem is that when I do this and later through javascript new links a...

jQuery Slider, Combined Values - Having difficulty with Small Increments.

I have designed a jQuery Slider Control that takes a 'pool' of points, and allows them to be distributed between multiple sliders. It works pretty well, except that I am having some problems with very small overflow increments. Basically, it is possible to make adjustments in large quantities based on mouse movement, and so it lets som...

jQuery UI: dialog show/hide effects with options

Is it possible to specify options for the show and hide options of a Dialog box in jQuery UI. For example, instead of: $('#dialog').dialog({ show: 'fade' }); Something like: $('#dialog').dialog({ show: {effect: 'fade', speed: 1000} }); (The code above does not, of course, work.) What I'm really trying to use is the "complete"...

jquery-ui tabs - using more than once on same page

I am using jquery-ui to implement tabs. However, I need to use it more than one on the same page. but jquery uses the id "tabs" (as opposed to class or something), so it only works for the first instance. ...

jQuery dialog throws error

I've created two plugins (A and B), where plugin B is dependent on plugin A. In plugin A I use jQuery UI Dialog for user interaction and this works fine. Dependency: Plugin A is a filebrowser. Clicking a button opens a dialog window where user can select file to relate to wordpress post. Plugin A loads all JS necessary to use...

Using the 'Title' tag in an ActionLink in MVC2

In an article titled Inegrating jQueryUI with MVC is this code snippet: <li><%= Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home", new { title="Home Page" }, null)%></li> I think the article pre-dates MVC2 release and that might be why i get a syntax errors at the opening brace: Type or 'With' expected. thx ...

Calling jquery interactions after page load

The project that I am working on dynamically generates tables with jquery's apend(). the problem I am running into is applying interactions to it, they don't affect the generated tables. The javascript calling the jquery interactions: $(function() { $( '.window' ) .draggable({ containment: '#desktop', scroll: false, opacity...

jQuery .button() not working

I'm trying to use jQuery .button() on a checkbox, but i can't understand why this is'not working. this is the javascript code: $('#login_checkbox').button(); and this is the html code: <input id="login_checkbox" type="checkbox" value="login_remember"/><label>Remember me</label> I'm doing everything exacly as shown here: http://jqu...

How do I fix drag and drop for a Google map (v2) inside a JQuery Dialog (1.4.2, 1.8.5)?

Dragging and dropping a marker on a Google Map inside a modal JQuery dialog isn't working properly using JQuery 1.4.3 and JQuery-UI 1.8.5. The following snippet is reproducing the issue in Chrome 6.0 and Firefox 3.6.10 (but not Opera 10.63 which surprisingly doesn't have the problem), and this was working before upgrading JQuery (from...

beforeShow event not firing on jQueryUI Datepicker

No matter what I try, I'm not able to get the beforeShow event to fire on my datepicker. Here's my code: $('#calendar').datepicker({ inline: true, dateFormat: 'mm,dd,yy', beforeShow: function(input, inst) { alert('before'); } }); I've added beforeShowDay and onSelect events to my datepicker, and they do fire correctly. Has anyone el...

JqGrid: Trying to add a + button to the right of a "add" form field (using elmsuffix)

I can get the icon to show up, and it fires a simple alert if I place the javascript line in the href but I cannot attach a dialog object to the link id. I am using "elmsuffix" to get the html there: This works: {name:'name',index:'name',width:100, editable: true, formoptions:{elmsuffix: "<a id="companysearch" href="javascript:alert...

How do I fix a jQuery Dialog that is stretching vertically across my site?

I have a jQuery dialog defined as follows <div id="emaildialog" title="Contact Us"> <!-- Html.RenderPartial("ContactUs"); --> <div>This is a test</div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function ($) { // increase the default animation speed to exaggerate the effect $.fx.speeds._default = 1000; ...

Practice exercises for learning jQuery

I'm picking up jQuery and jQuery UI and I would like some suggestions on some practice exercises for learning the libraries. I'm particularly interested in Ajax and anything that might be a little bit .net centric. I acknowledge that the jQuery web site has lots of simple examples showing how to use all the individual function calls, b...