
JQuery transition issue

I've got the following problem: I have a set of LI elements that have to go from one state to another (two separate css classes) with a smooth transition. To do this, I'm using JQueryUI's Effect API (switchClass) for every LI element, I've hooked two JQuery listeners: mouseover and mouseout, which change the state correspondingly. Clea...

calling javascripts within a jQuery dialog

I'm having trouble accessing javascripts within a jQuery dialog. For example, page A calls a page B which is displayed within a jQuery Dialog. On page B, I'm trying to implement a jQuery Datepicker. However, it doesn't seem to work no matter where I put the Datepicker code (in page A or in page B). Any one know how to get call javas...

Jquery UI Drag and drop - How to get parent and child elements

Hi Guys, I have two divs source and target. Both have "ul" and "li". I have set the ul to be draggable. What I want to do is to drop all the "li" (child) pertaining to ul being dragged to the target. Given below is my code: $(".source .primary").draggable({ revert: "invalid", containment: "#documentPartsMaintena...

JQuery UI buttonset - onmouseleave remove ui-active-state

I am trying to use a very simple buttonlist. When the page loads everything is fine, the selected value is selected and it looks right. the problem starts when i move the mouse over the button, as soon as i leave the button, the ui-active-state class gets removed - the aria-pressed attribute is still set to true, but the styling is gone...

Unbind widget events.

Hello, I'm writing my own widget and all works fine except the destroy method. It seems that all events aren't unbind properly... (function($) { var _super = $.Widget.prototype; // $.widget("my.cool", { _create: function() { var $self = this, $element = this.widget(); $element.mousedown($sel...

jQuery UI tabs javascript click function not working.

I am using jQuery UI tabs, but I am having an issue. My javascript code: $(function() { $("#tabs").tabs(); }); My HTML: <div class="demo"> <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="#tabs-1">Eat</a></li> </ul> <div id="tabs-1"> tab 1 </div> <div id="tabs-2"> tab 2 </div> <div id="tabs-3"> ...

jquery ui slider, stop sliding if certain conditions are met

Using the jQuery UI Slider, I'm trying to figure out how to make it so that the slider stops working once certain conditions are met. Any ideas? I thought stopping event propogation in the "start" part would work, but ...it doesn't. So I'm still clueless and lost. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { ...

How to Auto slide with jQuery...

how can i auto slide this slider link text i have little knowledge on jQuery and less on how to do this. the thing is that this slider slides when i click on an image but i also want this to start sliding automatic and when i hover on it it stops / pause sliding and then when i point my mouse out it continues sliding... here is wat im...

jQuery Position() not run on $(document).ready() ?

i am using the jQueryUI Position Utilities, but i don't know why it not run on $(document).ready(), if i use firebug and execute the position(); again manually, it work fine. Update: I try that code only not work on IE8, it work on firefox and chrome. The code on : http://jsbin.com/owoya3/edit <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script...

extend optimized minitabs (Jquery)

I'm using wordpress as cms and mystique theme for my site and use it's tab feature in my code but this tab code is not able to get active tab by url (ex: http://www.animcentral.com/anime/death-note#section-forums it should activate first tab from left but it doesn't) I wanna Extend this javascript to be able to active selected tab by url...

Problem customizing jqgrid, navGrid button won't show , row fonts way too big in the grid

Hello! I've manage to get jqGrid 3.8 working in my project(Zend Framework) using json.While basic fetching of data works i failed to see why i can't see the buttons showed on the navigation panel. here is what i've done on client side: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $("#roomgrid").jqGrid({ url:'/admin/admin-ro...

jQuery datepicker setting date not working in IE8

The developer tools show no error message. Works fine on Chrome, Firefox and Safari. $("#datepicker").datepicker(); console.log($("#datepicker").datepicker("isDisabled")); // prints false $("#datepicker").datepicker("setDate", new Date()); console.log("here"); // doesn't print at all Thank you for any ideas. ...

jquery tabs - php function

hello, I have a website in development. After login the user is taken to a page w jq tabs. The member page has pagination - there can be more than one page for the member to look at. To deal w the brain-ache of pagination I dumped some of the code for the member page into a function w the tabs jQuery. In Firefox, this all works. In C...

Multiple instances of same jQuery plugin

Hi, In an aspx page I am calling a jquery plugin for two listboxes as below. $(document).ready(function() { $("select.select_AdditionalLanguages").custSelectBox(); $("select.select_Organisations").custSelectBox(); }); Problem is, in the plugin jQuery(this) holds the listbox which was loaded last. Please suggest how t...

Add Loading Graphic To JQuery UI Ajax Tabs?

Hello, How can I add a loading graphic to the JQuery UI ajax tabs? So it pauses for half a second, displays the graphic then loads the content? Here's the code I have: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#tabs").tabs({ ajaxOptions: { error: function(xhr, status, index, anchor) { $(...

How to make jQuery dialog modal?

I am using jQuery dialog in asp.net. It is working fine for me. The problem is when I open the dialog box, I can still work parent page functionality. I don't want that. Just dialog to modal and should not allow focus on parent page. window.onload = function onloadFunction() { //setup edit person dialog $('#uploadPic').dia...

Jquery dialog stop closing when error occured?

I am using the jQuery Dialog in ASP.NET. I have it working fine with the exception of when I click the OK button in the dialog and if an error occurred I want to show the error in the label. By the time the dialog closing event is fired it is too late. How do I still show the dialog if an error has occurred. I don't want to close the dia...

jQuery UI Selectable - unselect selected item on click

Hi, Does anyone know if there's a way to configure a jquery ui selectable element to unselect the selected element when you click it? Sort of like a toggle. If it's already selected, unselect it, otherwise do the default behavior. Thanks. ...

A jQuery plugin to do auto-completion of filenames similar to filebrowser widgets?

I need a better solution for auto-completion when the values being auto-completed are file names. I have an application that requires the user to input the name of a file (to be fed to a static analysis engine based on Perl::Critic, in case anyone is curious). File-upload isn't an option for a couple of reasons, the main one being that I...

jQuery UI AutoComplete - Not aligning properly on the page

Hello, I installed jQuery UI AutoComplete and have it functioning correctly. Problem is the alignment is not right, it's off by a pixel The dynamically generated AutoComplete DIV has the property top: 169px;, when top: 170px aligns the borders correctly. Anyone know any common causes for this? I'd like to clean this up in a non-hacke...