
Getting images to position/layer properly with CSS.

Hey Stack Overflow community! Our Group is trying to create a slide-out option panel for products to be sold on our site. For some reason, CSS is acting up on us and it's a pain to get our images to layer properly. In the past, z-index did the trick, but now we have to test random stylings and workarounds just to get remotely what we'r...

JQuery asp.net validator callout plugin stops Update panel from working

i am using the JQuery asp.net validator callout plugin to resolve the validator callout position issue in safari, it is working fine but the problem is update panel is not at all working. if i comment the validator callout plugin code, update panel works fine, can any one help for this issue, please do neeful ...

How do you use previous sibling on dynamically added content?

I'm trying to dynamically add elements to an accordion. Each added element contains a form with radio buttons styled with Custom Form Elements. Here is the code I'm using to add the element to the accordion. $("#addpage").click(function(){ $.get("addpage.php", function(data){ $(data).insertAfter(".accordion div#[id^=element]:last...

jquery post form from dialog

Hello, i have a js function which gets html to create new employee from controller, inserts it inside a form tag (for later .serialize()), and then inserts this html to createDialog div and shows this div as dialog. <div id="createDialog" style="display:none;"> </div> $.get('/Employee/Create', function (html) { html = "<f...

Element rotation and resizing in IE (jQuery UI + CSS)

Hi, I've got a script that performs rotation in all modern browsers using jQuery UI and CSS transform property. But I doesn't work in IE. I've managed to make it rotates as expected (around it's center) but I fails when I resize it again. You can find an example in here http://vremenno.net/examples/jquery-ui-rotation/ If someone could...

jQuery UI AutoComplete ui.item is undefined

A jsfiddle of this code can be found here. Pretty basic code. I just want an autocomplete list for the list of sites in the Stack Exchange network with their favicon. The source function works fine. I can type in sta and see the matches. If I hover over them or select one, but the focus and select functions report that ui.item is un...

Jquery.UI.Sortable this.placeholder[0].parentNode is null

I have connected two lists with Sortable. I have one list that contains available items to move to the real list that contains a list of ordered items. My goal is to take an item from one list and move it to the second. When dropped into position in the new list the update event will fire off a json update to the database. The issue ari...

jquery ui sortables connect lists: copy items

I have two lists, I want both of them to be sortable and want to be able to copy (drag) items from list1 to list2 and vice versa. http://jqueryui.com/demos/sortable/#connect-lists Is what I want, but the items are moved, not copied. I did a few experiments with draggables and droppables, but I can't get to to work keeping them sortable...

jQuery UI Dialog reloading window in firefox

I have a web app I am developing an running with firefox. I am using jQuery for several things, with several modal windows being part of that. With one of those modal dialogs, when a function is run, it changes the title, adds a button, then opens. When this function is run in firefox the window/tab will go blank for a brief moment, then...

problem using jquery ui accordion in drupal

Hello, I am trying to use the jquery-ui accordion functionality on a drupal page. I have teams with multiple people in each team that I want to display. I have a view set up that groups by team, and has contact info for each team member. My accordion doesn't seem to be working. I used <?php jquery_ui_add('ui.accordion'); ?> to import...

jQuery UI Dialog (as a bookmarklet) unable to open in webpages with frameset

I'm working on a bookmarklet which uses jQuery UI Dialog. I understand that frameset doesn't allow div to be inserted, thus the dialog won't show. Need some ideas to overcome this issue. ...

How do I use these JSON results to build a dynamic html table in jQuery?

I have a textfield where the user enters some number and clicks the "search" button. On clicking the "Search" buttton it displays all the associated JSON records with that number. How do I construct the dynamic HTML table by looping through each record? Here is my JSON structure returned from PHP: [{"number":"ABC123-product1","value":"...

Stacked jQuery UI Dialogs

Hello, I have one modal dialog in my application that works very nice. I do setup and open of the dialog with the following functions $(document).ready(function () { $("#__gsl_DialogPanel").dialog({ autoOpen: false, resizable: false, position: 'center', stack: true, height: 'auto', wi...

Sorting problem with Wicket AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and JQuery tablesorter

I am creating table with Wicket's AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and using JQuery tablesorter plugin(http://tablesorter.com) for sorting columns. Sorting works fine for first time when I load page, but when I click on any pagination link on the table, sorting is not working. Basically wicket is replacing entire table when I do pagination a...

ZendX Jquery Decorator

How use partial decorator in Jquery Element I use this code for Form Element: $title = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('title'); $title->setRequired(true) ->setAttrib('class', 'inputbox') ->setLabel('Title'); $title->viewScript = 'RegElement.phtml'; $title->setDecorators( array( ...

Link inside span with display: none; style is visible

So I am using jquery ui dialog like this: $(document).ready(function() { // vytvorenie kurzu $('a.openModalBox').click(function(e) { var href = $(this).attr('href'); if ('#/' == href) { e.preventDefault(); $('span.modalBoxContent').dialog({ modal: true, res...

jquery ui dialog messed up if HTML is inside

So here is my HTML: <a href="#/" class="next openModalBox lessOpacity">Posunúť sa dopredu</a> <div id="modalBoxContent"> <p style="font-size: .8em; text-align: center;"> Úspešne ste absolvovali študijnú časť školenia. Pre ukončenie školenia je potrebné úspešne absolvovať <a href="/index/index" class="accessible-link">záv...

Problems with jQuery UI sortable and tables

Im using jQuery UI sortable on a table. My javascript: $("#linksSortable tbody").sortable({ handle : '.handle', //helper : fixHelper, update : function () { var order = $('#linksSortable').sortable('serialize'); //$("#info").load("ajaxtest.php?"+order); alert(order); } }); My table: <ta...

jQuery UI datepicker - clearing the altField when the primary field is cleared

I have a form with a datepicker. The datepicker has a user-facing d/m/Y formatted datepicker input and a hidden altField to go with it for use with the DB. If the user clears the text in the input field it doesn't clear the altField as well. I'm using the below JS to get around this problem. Is there a more correct way to do this or is...

jQuery 1.4.2 / jQuery UI droppable - remove(); issue with Internet Explorer or something wrong?

Hi, I'm using jQuery 1.4.2 (j is the .noConflict() ) / jQuery UI 1.8.5 and I'm experiencing a problem with the following code. This runs well in Chrome, FireFox and Safari, but none in Internet Explorer. The alert(); fires but the following line (the remove(); ) no. XHTML markup: <div class="mainarea"> <div class="dnd"> <d...