
jQuery UI checkbox button select all problem.

I am using this to check all checkboxes. <input type="checkbox" id="all" onclick="$('input[name*=\'selected\']').attr('checked', checked);" /> as long as I use the normal checkboxes everything works fine. When I convert all to jQuery UI checkboxes: http://jqueryui.com/demos/button/#checkbox They get checked -- but not in a visually -...

jQuery Draggable Input Elements

I am trying to make form elements draggable using jQuery UI. For example, buttons, checkboxes, textfields, etc. So far I have had no luck. Do you have any ideas how to accomplish this? ...

How do I go about making an inline Jquery Autocomplete that is triggered by a certain character entry & searches for a modified ui.term

Hi, I have a textarea in which I write notes. When I enter a certain character, for example "@" I want to create an inline Jquery autocomplete which searches for a term matching the characters after the "@". An example of the textarea input might be: Please call @John Citizen regarding his order. Any ideas? ...

jQuery Tabs : Adding DIV to panel

I'm having a hard time trying to figure this out. I have the following addTab function, which takes a set number of arguments to build the new tab to be added: tab_counter = 4; window.addTab = function addTab(title, url, extra) { // Add a new tab var tabId = title.toLowerCase(); tabId = tabId.replace(" ", "_"); var $tabs = $('#...

is there a way to show the percentage number inside the jquery ui progressbar

does jquery support showing the number inside the progressbar, like this: ...

How to switch between jquery themes?

We are using the redmond theme from jQuery UI and we have almost ready another theme completely customized for our customer. I would like to let the userto choose its theme between the two. How can I do it? ...

Javascript not executing when placed in external script file

I'm building an ASP.NET MVC site where I need a tag editor, similar to the one used on Stack Overflow. I've already looked up how to accomplish the necessary autocompletion with jQuery UI, but I've run into a problem: when I place the script in an external .js file, it doesn't execute. Here is my test.html: <html> <head> <meta ch...

jQuery UI Autocomplete with Categories

I'm using jQuery UI's Auto Complete to provide suggestions from a remote source for a search input box. I've got the "remote datasource" example working. For example, this works: $("#search").autocomplete({ source: "search_basic.php", minLength: 2 }); However, I'd like to use the "Categories" example to sort ...

JQuery UI Datepicker: Making a clickble link

Hello, sorry for the bad English It is necessary for me, that at click under the link (sample: 28 April 2010), under it the jquery.datapicker opened To use <a></a> instead of <input type="text" /> ...

Google Maps API v3 and jQuery-UI Tabs

I am using the new v3 of the Google Maps API. Basically the issue I have is that I have a Google Map within jQuery UI Tabs. The map is not in the first tab, so you have to click the tab to view the map, but it does not always render correctly. I.e. sometimes the map images are not correctly placed. I had this problem when I was using v2...

Jquery sliders behaves differently than example from documentation.

I copy pasted the code from http://jqueryui.com/demos/slider/range.html for local testing. And what I see is different from what the url shows. When I click the slider "big dots" (used to change the value) the dot image gets a dotted border around it and it doesn't go away after I release the click until I focus another element on the pa...

this._mouseInit() is not a function

I just updated my code to jqueryui 1.8 and it gave me this error: this._mouseInit is not a function. How would I go about fixing this? I have a widget that does mouse start drag and stop. here is my code: $.widget("ui.boxTool", $.extend({}, $.ui.mouse, { _create: function() { this.element.addClass("ui-box...

jQuery function calling self?

I have the following function defined: function _getUserMatches(url, mDist, ui) { var dataString = 'dist=' + mDist; var optionsHTML = 'Current Option: ' + mDist + '<br />'; optionsHTML += 'Other Options:'; optionsHTML += ' 2 <input type="radio" name="dist" id="dist" value="2" /> |'; optionsHTML += ' 5 <input type=...

Button click in jQueryUI tab problem

I used jQueryUI tabs widget as fallow: <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="<%:Url.Action("List", new { statusId = 0, typeId = Model.TypeId }) %>"> <span>X</span></a> </li> <li><a href="<%:Url.Action("List", new { statusId = 1, typeId = Model.TypeId }) %>"> <span>Y</span></a> </li> </ul> </di...

How to install the autocomplete plugin when using gm

Hello all, I'm trying to autocomplete some text-fields with $('#username').replaceWith('<input id=\"username\" type=\"text\" name=\"user_name\">'); $("input#username").autocomplete({ source: ["c++", "java", "php", "coldfusion", "javascript", "asp", "ruby"] }); I know there's a jQuery autocomplete plugin. How do I include the pl...

jQuery doesn't display chosen date but sends it

Hey All, I've stumbled upon an interesting bug, and I'm sure something is wrong with my code. I have a semi-dynamic page of jQuery tabs. Each tab has a number of buttons, which generate certain content by onClick event. <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="/load/entity/1">Entity-1</a></li> <li><a href="/load/entity/2">En...

Updating data from jqueryui dialog - size limit problem

I am using jquery datatables to display data from a mysql database. When you click on a row, a jquery ui dialog box opens with a form for the data, and buttons to update or delete the entry. The code for the update button uses serialize to send the data to a PHP script, like this: buttons:{ "Update": function() { $("#result p")...

Has anyone else had trouble with IE9 and jQueryUI?

I work with a lot of jQuery UI code and IE9 seems to slow down to a crawl everytime I browse a page with jQueryUI on it. You could try it out on the jQueryUI demo pages @ http://jqueryui.com/demos/ ...

jQuery UI Accordion Disobeys Height

This should be any easy one for you. I have an accordion that I'd like to be a fixed height. Each pane should be the same size, if there is any overflow on a pane a scroll bar should appear. In the code below the scroll bars appear on load for the first pane, but after the first pane change, the accordion expands it's height, so scrol...

Working with multi-column sortable Items in jQuery

Here's my dilemma - I have a two-column list of elements (styled <div>s) that I need to make sortable. With elements that live in one or the other column, this is easy - I just set up two columns, place my elements where they need to be initially, mark them as "sortable," and let jQuery do its magic. However, I have two elements in the...