
jQuery library location wants to be referenced differently on server

I've got an ASP.NET MVC application that uses jQuery. To load the js libraries, I reference them like this: <script type="text/javascript" src="../../Scripts/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> This works fine locally, but when I publish it to the server, it can't find the library. To get it to work, I have to change it to this: <script t...

Anyone have ideas for solving the "n items remaining" problem on Internet Explorer?

In my ASP.Net app, which is javascript and jQuery heavy, but also uses master pages and .Net Ajax pieces, I am consistently seeing on the status bar of IE 6 (and occasionally IE 7) the message "2 items remaining" or "15 items remaining" followed by "loading somegraphicsfile.png|gif ." This message never goes away and may or may not preve...

jQuery UI sortable, each sortable div contains an iFrame gets refreshed in FF3 but not in IE7

I'm using the jQuery UI Sortable on DIV which contains DIV tags. Inside of each of the sortable DIV's is an iFrame with a src= to a different site. In IE7, sorting works as expected. If you've navigated within the iFrame, the iFrame retains the current state. However, in FF3, when sorting stops and the iFrame is reloaded with the ori...

jQuery-UI Datepicker: Draggable?

(Hopefully) Simple question: Is it possible to make the jQuery UI Datepicker draggable? If so, can someone give me some sample code? ...

[jQuery UI Tabs] Callback after ajax loading a tab

How can I apply some code to the content of an ajax loaded tab? I tried using $(document).ready inside the loaded content, but that prevented css styles from loading (don't know why). Is there a callback function? Should I use $(document).ready and styles inside the loaded document in some other way? If using $(document).ready inside t...

How pass data to a form inside jquery UI dialog modal windows?

Hi all, I'm trying to use the jquery UI dialog component to display a form; which I successfully did. However I'm at lost on how to retrieve data to this form inside the dialog window. Is it possible? The example shown on jquery website only shows static messages. ...

Google geomap with jquery fails in IE

Hi all. I faced with problem that geomap by google fails with JQuery together in Internet explorer. Otherwise in Firefox it looks like this: Here comes js references <script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&amp;amp;v=2&amp;amp;key=ABCDEFG"&gt; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ww...

jQuery UI dialog positioning

I am trying to use the jQuery dialog UI library in order to position a dialog next to some text when it is hovered over. The jQuery dialog takes a position parameter which is measured from the top left corner of the current viewport (in other words, [0, 0] will always put it in the upper left hand corner of your browser window, regardle...

Update div on event

I am using the jquery slider and using append() to update the value, but it will keep adding it unless I empty it on the start event. Is there a way where I can just updated the value instead of printing it out every time the action takes place. i tried replaceWith but no luck there. start: function(event, ui){ $('#current_value'...

Using offset and jQuery slider

I am using offset() with the jquery slider and I am so close to achieving my goal, but it is off slighty. I have it animating using animate to the top CSS coordinates but if you check out: http://www.ryancoughlin.com/demos/interactive-slider/index.html - you will see what it is doing. My goal is to have it fadeIn() and display the value ...

jQuery UI, sortables and Cookie plugin with multiple lists.

I'm using jQuery UI sortable plugin with the cookie plugin to set and get the list of two sortable lists. I found this piece of code to set and get a cookie: http://www.shopdev.co.uk/blog/sortable-lists-using-jquery-ui/#comment-6441 It works as I want to for one list, but not two (I've made the changes listed in the comments but fail s...

Update options to jQuery slider via form

I have a jQuery Slider, and I am trying to make it more dynamic by adding three input fields: min max step I want to take those fields and then onblur update my slider options. I read that you can set options like this: $('.selector').slider('option', 'max', 7); And do the same for min,step, etc along with the other op...

Howto access data held in widget options when inside a widget event handler

I have data held in the options variable, but in an event (OnChange) of a select list this refers to the DOMElement and therefore this.options refers to the list of objects. everywhere else I can have var o = this.options; but this is no use in this context. How to get/set the widget information ? ...

Draggable to drop once only on greedy droppable

I have two droppable divs that are very close to each other on the screen (note: they are not nested). A large draggable div is dragged on top of the two divs; when the mouse is released, the draggable happens to fall on both droppable divs (i.e. two droppable events are fired). What I would like to happen, is that in this scenario, the...

Fade in overlay in modal dialog

I have a JQuery UI dialog which is modal and has a black background with 50% opacity. Is it possible to make the background opacity fade from 0% to 50%? If so, how? Because currently it feels kind of like getting a punch straight to the face when a dialog is shown. FWIW, this is the CSS I'm using at the moment: .ui-widget-overlay { ...

tinymce and Jquery UI dialog working nicely

I'm having some problems with Jquery UI Dialog and TinyMCE. Passing data to a text area works well with UI Dialog and Jquery. So setting data in text area like this works fine: $("#MessageDialog #messageDto_Body").val(messagedata.Body); $("#MessageDialog").dialog("open"); When I attach a tinyMCE editor to the text area...

Prepending and animating text loaded via AJAX with jQuery.

Old hand with Prototype, new to jQuery, and writing a simple app to get a feel for the framework (and because I want to use it). I've got an HTML fragment that I load via AJAX, and I want to stick this at the top of a div, with a slide-in transition animation. This bit works, and does the prepending bit: // Get the HTML fragment and s...

How can I make a JQuery UI Dialog automatically grow or shrink to fit its contents?

I have a JQuery UI dialog popup that displays a form. By selecting certain options on the form new options will appear in the form causing it to grow taller. This can lead to a scenario where the main page has a scrollbar and the JQuery UI dialog has a scrollbar. This two scrollbar scenario is unsightly and confusing for the user. Ho...

JQuery UI Dialog with Asp .NET button postback..

Hello ... I have a JQuery UI Dialog working great on my Asp .NET page: jQuery(function() { jQuery("#dialog").dialog({ draggable: true, resizable: true, show: 'Transfer', hide: 'Transfer', width: 320, autoOpen: false, minHeight: 10, minwidth: 10 }); }); jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("#button_id").click(function(...

Load another page in the dialog

I was able to display a dialog when clicking on a link. How do I the pull another page's contents while in the dialog? ...